Is the Coronavirus a Joke to some People?

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I keep hearing how dangerous and unconstitutional masks are. There must be a secret amendment hiding somewhere in the Bill of Rights that deals with masks. Were you enlightened on how they can be dangerous?
Unconstitutional is ridiculous. As for effectiveness, a number of studies done regarding influenza viruses seriously questioned their usefulness for the wearer, but did show some minor help in reducing “viral shed” by the wearer to others. Dangerous is an over extension of the observation in some of those studies that wearers who take them off without gloves and proper procedures are exposed to a higher concentration of the “filtered” viruses.
All in all I believe masks are only a minor help, but neither unconstitutional nor dangerous.
Not a huge fan of having my face covered, but for the benefit to others, and perhaps me, even if only minor I wear a face mask. I’ve actually been using my Sitka mask because it’s more breathable than a lot of the neck gaiters I have used.
Unconstitutional is ridiculous. As for effectiveness, a number of studies done regarding influenza viruses seriously questioned their usefulness for the wearer, but did show some minor help in reducing “viral shed” by the wearer to others. Dangerous is an over extension of the observation in some of those studies that wearers who take them off without gloves and proper procedures are exposed to a higher concentration of the “filtered” viruses.
All in all I believe masks are only a minor help, but neither unconstitutional nor dangerous.
The wire in the masks acts as an antenna to conduct the 5G mind control waves. Stay woke fellas.
Not a huge fan of having my face covered, but for the benefit to others, and perhaps me, even if only minor I wear a face mask. I’ve actually been using my Sitka mask because it’s more breathable than a lot of the neck gaiters I have used.

The only time it gets me is during long runs, 45 min in that neck gaiter is just drenched in sweat and I feel like I'm being water boarded. (or... imagine what it feels like to be)

Thinking of putting a second mask in a zip lock in my pocket and trading them out halfway or something.
The only time it gets me is during long runs, 45 min in that neck gaiter is just drenched in sweat and I feel like I'm being water boarded. (or... imagine what it feels like to be)

Thinking of putting a second mask in a zip lock in my pocket and trading them out halfway or something.

Who the hell is chasing you for 45 minutes.....
The only time it gets me is during long runs, 45 min in that neck gaiter is just drenched in sweat and I feel like I'm being water boarded. (or... imagine what it feels like to be)

Thinking of putting a second mask in a zip lock in my pocket and trading them out halfway or something.

Yeah, using them at the gym is definitely the hardest.
In all seriousness I get very tired of both groups. I just like poking fun at the crowd that thinks they’re dangerous and unconstitutional.

I pretty impressed with how many unessential poli-sci phd's, constitutional experts, and epidemiologists man the keyboards....& don't get me started on philosophy scholars.
What I'm tired of is no Federal level response, no clear, unified way to react to all this, etc. etc....oh and OSHA being told to stand down during an occupational safety issue the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.

Pretty funny that OSHA gives me plenty of regulations on which kind of extension cord I have to use, where and how I'm to store paint/flammables, and a Mr. Coffee at the desk is completely out of bounds...on covid? Check some "guidelines"...rules/regulations on covid...they don't exist.

Leaves me shaking my head on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
What I'm tired of is no Federal level response, no clear, unified way to react to all this, etc. etc....oh and OSHA being told to stand down during an occupational safety issue the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.

Pretty funny that OSHA gives me plenty of regulations on which kind of extension cord I have to use, where and how I'm to store paint/flammables, and a Mr. Coffee at the desk is completely out of bounds...on covid? Check some "guidelines"...rules/regulations on covid...they don't exist.

Leaves me shaking my head on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
Yes sir, it's frustrating. However, technically states don't have the adopt federal oversight though. Like with building codes which I deal with all day long. In the end, the state building officials decide which parts and pieces they want to enact and enforce. I'm guessing the state health officials are the same way. Its the beauty and downfall of the state system
The only time it gets me is during long runs, 45 min in that neck gaiter is just drenched in sweat and I feel like I'm being water boarded. (or... imagine what it feels like to be)

Thinking of putting a second mask in a zip lock in my pocket and trading them out halfway or something.
THIS. Not comfortable at all, but it's the rule at my gym, so I deal with it.

Unconstitutional is ridiculous. As for effectiveness, a number of studies done regarding influenza viruses seriously questioned their usefulness for the wearer, but did show some minor help in reducing “viral shed” by the wearer to others. Dangerous is an over extension of the observation in some of those studies that wearers who take them off without gloves and proper procedures are exposed to a higher concentration of the “filtered” viruses.
All in all I believe masks are only a minor help, but neither unconstitutional nor dangerous.

Initially, most of the studies we had around the use of cloth masks was in the third world with influenza, but more and more studies are being done now, and they support the use of "face-coverings" for protection of the wearer.

If you're extremely serious about protecting yourself, or feel like you're entering a particularly risky environment, eye protection is something to consider as well.
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The only time it gets me is during long runs, 45 min in that neck gaiter is just drenched in sweat and I feel like I'm being water boarded. (or... imagine what it feels like to be)

Thinking of putting a second mask in a zip lock in my pocket and trading them out halfway or something.
Your joking right, please tell me your not running outside with a mask on all by yourself.
Initially, most of the studies we had around the use of cloth masks was in the third world with influenza, but more and more studies are being done now, and they support the use of "face-coverings" for protection of the wearer.

The two I read were done in Boston area -- I will leave to @wllm1313 whether that qualifies as third world ;)
N95 stops 95% of particles 300 nanometers or larger
Average coronavirus size is 120 nanometers
It may stop the droplets, and prevent a widespread cloud of "goo", but it ain't gonna stop it from getting through. My guess is that it will follow physics like any other particle and be "wicked" to the outside of the mask the longer someone wears it and it gets more saturated with the moisture of respiration. Much like dipping the the of a paper towel in water and it soaking the whole towel. Small particles don't always obey newtonian physics though so who knows. Not trying to start arguments, just stating some facts. That being said, I still wear one but I've used them for years out in industry.
Your joking right, please tell me your not running outside with a mask on all by yourself.

Depends on the route. In town on the sidewalks definitely, it's just around my neck once I get into the woods.

There is a mask law in effect here, and I'm not going to let some Karen ruin my endorphin high.
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