Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Is the Coronavirus a Joke to some People?

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We will lift your family up in our prayers, @NoWiser. You have our deepest sympathies.

Glad you're on the mend, Randy.

We're driving across the plains & midwest starting Saturday morning to spend a month with family in Northern Michigan. Can't say I'm excited about traveling, but that's mostly because of the two moron labs who will be bat-chit crazy being kenneled for 2 days as we go across ND, MN, WI & the UP to get to our destination. Masks are all laundered, food is getting sorted & packed to avoid restaraunts, and we're staying at a campground in our tent rather than a hotel. Hoping we only have to get out for dog breaks & gas in the 1600 mile trek.
My grandpa passed away from Covid this morning. It was amazing how quickly and efficiently it took him down. I like to think he's already sitting on a dock somewhere in heaven, catching bluegills with Grandma.

I do not plan on changing any of my hunting plans this fall. I will make small changes to limit the possibility of catching or spreading it. Instead of grabbing snacks at gas stations, I'll pack a cooler with all food and drinks I need for the drive. I will pay at the pump for gas and pull off on side roads when I need to take a leak. Assuming no unexpected events like truck problems, I can easily do a 10 day trip without entering a building or coming within 6' of another person. In fact, that's the way I prefer it.
So sorry to hear that. Prayers sent your way.
Besides the very real financial impacts, it seems like the virus is actually beginning to reach into all of our circles. I am glad Randy's diagnosis was on the good side, and I am very sorry for NoWiser and way too many other families. Be smart everyone. Do what you can. Do what's right. The protective, scientific recommendations are really nothing more than mild inconveniences.
We will lift your family up in our prayers, @NoWiser. You have our deepest sympathies.

Glad you're on the mend, Randy.

We're driving across the plains & midwest starting Saturday morning to spend a month with family in Northern Michigan. Can't say I'm excited about traveling, but that's mostly because of the two moron labs who will be bat-chit crazy being kenneled for 2 days as we go across ND, MN, WI & the UP to get to our destination. Masks are all laundered, food is getting sorted & packed to avoid restaraunts, and we're staying at a campground in our tent rather than a hotel. Hoping we only have to get out for dog breaks & gas in the 1600 mile trek.

Ouch....Audible's yer friend Ben.
Had to shuffle the dates to "allow" myself time to get into Alaska before the MANDATORY negative test mandate begins. If the test results were faster it wouldn't be a problem but 72 hours is really not enough for most people. Yet you hear on the news about sports teams getting tested DAILY! WHAT?????????
In all fairness if you can pay to keep a doctor on staff 24/7 them you can get all the tests you want haha
@Big Fin - Im glad to hear your results were negative and your conditions improving

@NoWiser - My condolences to you and the family

@Ben Lamb - An early “Welcome to the U.P.”. Weathers been great. I just traveled out west and back for vacation....long drive for sure
Just wondering. Montana's spike is due to all of the out of state recreators swarming the state I bet. We'll see if there's another rise when all the hunters get here. mtmuley
Yep; still can't go to church, but Bullock certainly wasn't serious enough to turn down tourist money. Missouri River is packed and I'll bet other rivers are too. Lots of Californians here to recreate, so little wonder our case rates are going up. Agree with others it is very difficult to know exactly what is going on with fudging of numbers, e.g. GSW to head counted as Covid death. Probably never know.
Yep; still can't go to church, but Bullock certainly wasn't serious enough to turn down tourist money. Missouri River is packed and I'll bet other rivers are too. Lots of Californians here to recreate, so little wonder our case rates are going up. Agree with others it is very difficult to know exactly what is going on with fudging of numbers, e.g. GSW to head counted as Covid death. Probably never know.

Montana's hot spots are centered around populated areas. No surprise there. 100 plus workers at a construction site in Big Sky got it. Yellowstone county is taking off like wildfire (not a lot of tourism in Billings). Big Horn county as well (Crow & Cheyenne tribes getting hammered). There are a variety of reasons why it spreads but the underlying issue is large grups of people not distancing or wearing masks.

Churches are open and adjusting (at least in Helena). Wear a mask, be thoughtful of others and let's get through it.
I work in hazardous waste management, and as such, I'm in most of the hospitals here in the treasure valley, at least weekly. The mask mandate is an adjustment for sure, but I've come to look at it like safety glasses and steel toed boots. Some sites require ppe of various sorts, masks are just required at most of them, even outside. The thing that seems backward to me, is the number of people wearing masks incorrectly, especially in a medical setting. Under the nose, over the chin, pulling on them constantly, on top of the head, around the neck, then pulling up to cover face. As the virus is real, and they're worried about the spread, it seems that professionals would be more, well, professional. I keep hearing that the case counts going up is bad, and it is, especially on a personal level, but I'm afraid that eventually, we will all have to be infected, and those that are more at risk are going to pay the price.
I work in hazardous waste management, and as such, I'm in most of the hospitals here in the treasure valley, at least weekly. The mask mandate is an adjustment for sure, but I've come to look at it like safety glasses and steel toed boots. Some sites require ppe of various sorts, masks are just required at most of them, even outside. The thing that seems backward to me, is the number of people wearing masks incorrectly, especially in a medical setting. Under the nose, over the chin, pulling on them constantly, on top of the head, around the neck, then pulling up to cover face. As the virus is real, and they're worried about the spread, it seems that professionals would be more, well, professional. I keep hearing that the case counts going up is bad, and it is, especially on a personal level, but I'm afraid that eventually, we will all have to be infected, and those that are more at risk are going to pay the price.

Man, reading posts like this, and also getting preachy PMS from @seeth07 about how dangerous masks are, sure is making it easy for me to get out of bed in the morning.
Got back from a backpacking trip to learn that one of our office employees tested positive while I was gone and now we have to get tested (with negative results) prior to coming back. Did that this morning. 10 seconds of cruel and unusual punishment. But so far about half the office has gotten negative results back, so it looks like wearing a mask in common areas and washing your hands does really reduce the exposure risk (not that they haven't been saying it, but it's nice to see personal experience back it up).
Man, reading posts like this, and also getting preachy PMS from @seeth07 about how dangerous masks are, sure is making it easy for me to get out of bed in the morning.
I keep hearing how dangerous and unconstitutional masks are. There must be a secret amendment hiding somewhere in the Bill of Rights that deals with masks. Were you enlightened on how they can be dangerous?
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