Caribou Gear Tarp

Influencers Ruining Stuff

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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You rang?;)

Come on over boys, we got enough forkies for everyone and won’t charge an arm and a leg for em💪
Sounds good - send me a pm and some pins! What unit? What area? Am I doing this NR thing right? 🤣

For once, I actually WASNT trolling you this time - just saying that I don't understand the allure of a grown man posting a picture with an infant buck... especially when you could have probably hunted a better looking/tasting deer a lot cheaper.
I get it. Pulled my post because it came across snarky when I did not actually mean it to.

I think you guys are unfortunately going through the painful realization that much of the rest of the country has already gone through years/decades ago.

That type a buck is pretty much what you’re going to see on public land moving forward, with the rare mature buck popping up every once in while. I just don’t see any way Montana avoids that fate the way things are going.
I get it. Pulled my post because it came across snarky when I did not actually mean it to.

I think you guys are unfortunately going through the painful realization that much of the rest of the country has already gone through years/decades ago.

That type a buck is pretty much what you’re going to see on public land moving forward, with the rare mature buck popping up every once in while. I just don’t see any way Montana avoids that fate the way things are going.

yup, we fixed it in 1999 and have enjoyed plenty of mature public bucks ever since.

the CWD wars and some recently poorly timed seasons have definitely dulled the smile though.
I get it. Pulled my post because it came across snarky when I did not actually mean it to.

I think you guys are unfortunately going through the painful realization that much of the rest of the country has already gone through years/decades ago.

That type a buck is pretty much what you’re going to see on public land moving forward, with the rare mature buck popping up every once in while. I just don’t see any way Montana avoids that fate the way things are going.
Na - it doesn't have to be this way and the trend is reversible. It will never be like it was in the 90s, sure. Most other western states are better for mule deer than Montana - so im certain its not as grim as you think.

If you do ever get a deer tag here though - since I've been such a prick - I would try to help you out with some private I have access on.

Anyway - back to regularly scheduled programming about "influencers ruining stuff" was Wisconsin ruined by that? Or what made it so bad?
back to regularly scheduled programming about "influencers ruining stuff" was Wisconsin ruined by that? Or what made it so bad?

I don’t think anything in WI is ruined- I love hunting public land here, but on average you’re going to see a bunch of little bucks to every big buck. Just how it is on public land in a state in which almost 1 million people buy deer tags.
Is the problem that they're posting on social media? Because almost everyone that's criticized the dbag above has said, at one time or another, "if someone is happy with their deer, good for them." I shot a tiny ass 2-pt last year and was happy as a clam. I think I even created an IG post. Every 2 pt shot is a 4 pt left for you real hunters, you boot lacer-tighters, generational badasses. If you're killing too many is that really this guy's fault?

For me, it is all about monetizing a public resource. If you're in that camp I'm going to be pretty critical of your actions.
it's not the tiny deer, it's the tired tropes that really get to me. the 3 or 4 short paragraphs justifying his kill.

it's clear that deep inside he's embarrassed but knows if he says the right things the honor and glory are there and his post will receive praise.

and, of course, the fact that he's a wildlife whore - what is he without content and praise?
Is the problem that they're posting on social media? Because almost everyone that's criticized the dbag above has said, at one time or another, "if someone is happy with their deer, good for them." I shot a tiny ass 2-pt last year and was happy as a clam. I think I even created an IG post. Every 2 pt shot is a 4 pt left for you real hunters, you boot lacer-tighters, generational badasses. If you're killing too many is that really this guy's fault?

For me, it is all about monetizing a public resource. If you're in that camp I'm going to be pretty critical of your actions.
It's very expensive sub par table fair and I'd take about 5 other species over a rutted up forky when it comes to "putting meat in the freezer". My buddies from Washington come out every couple years and they're shameless meat hunters. They buy 2-3 whitetail doe tags and a cow B tag. Fill the freezer and head home. I'm happy to help them all day long and honestly wish I was more like that. They are very practical with the money spent vs. experience had IMO.

The 6 hero shots, sob story justification #meat hunter, #feeding the family BS plus the 65 product hashtags at the end is where the guy looses me.

I would of liked his post if he said something like:

"Shot this forky so my wife doesn't kick may @ss for coming home with nothing to show for my $1700's in tags and fuel. Montana needs to figure their chit out."

Throw in a couple good hastags like:

#saveMontanaMuledeer, #Shedgod_for_Commissioner, #FWP_ProjectEradicateMD
Is the problem that they're posting on social media? Because almost everyone that's criticized the dbag above has said, at one time or another, "if someone is happy with their deer, good for them." I shot a tiny ass 2-pt last year and was happy as a clam. I think I even created an IG post. Every 2 pt shot is a 4 pt left for you real hunters, you boot lacer-tighters, generational badasses. If you're killing too many is that really this guy's fault?

For me, it is all about monetizing a public resource. If you're in that camp I'm going to be pretty critical of your actions.

The little buck thing isn’t the problem imo. It’s the advertising/whoring part that I find off-putting.
it's not the tiny deer, it's the tired tropes that really get to me. the 3 or 4 short paragraphs justifying his kill.

it's clear that deep inside he's embarrassed but knows if he says the right things the honor and glory are there and his post will receive praise.

and, of course, the fact that he's a wildlife whore - what is he without content and praise?
It's very expensive sub par table fair and I'd take about 5 other species over a rutted up forky when it comes to "putting meat in the freezer". My buddies from Washington come out every couple years and they're shameless meat hunters. They buy 2-3 whitetail doe tags and a cow B tag. Fill the freezer and head home. I'm happy to help them all day long and honestly wish I was more like that. They are very practical with the money spent vs. experience had IMO.

The 6 hero shots, sob story justification #meat hunter, #feeding the family BS plus the 65 product hashtags at the end is where the guy looses me.

I would of liked his post if he said something like:

"Shot this forky so my wife doesn't kick may @ss for coming home with nothing to show for my $1700's in tags and fuel. Montana needs to figure their chit out."

Throw in a couple good hastags like:

#saveMontanaMuledeer, #Shedgod_for_Commissioner, #FWP_ProjectEradicateMD
All the above. You guys hit the nail on the head with it all.
Na - it doesn't have to be this way and the trend is reversible. It will never be like it was in the 90s, sure. Most other western states are better for mule deer than Montana - so im certain its not as grim as you think.
Definitely. Not even just the 90’s. As recently as 15 years ago, twelve 160” class deer were seen in one day in one area and a buddy missed a 185” 4 times.

I saw 1 true 160” this year in all my hunting, and he’s probably getting whacked this week. Sad state of affairs out there. A lot of it can be contributed to hunting influencers and social media warriors, and the glamorization of the western hunter. The other half poor management by FWP.
I couldn't imagine justifying shooting a deer for meat at $50/lb. he could have bought an entire grass fed "organic" angus for that price and had something. Most people just want to shoot something and be successful in their endevor at what ever difficultly level they've set their goal. We all justifing killing something for some personal or perceieved reason.

The reality is, every justification can have an opostition.
I get a kick out of this post for sure. Some are complaining about the influencers ruining spots and posting it on social media but are visiting the same social media and posting it on here for more people to see. At the end of the day does it really make that much of a difference? If it does rally the troops and get things changed with the game and fish. Don't be mad at somebody legally hunting and having a good time. They might be a goofball in your eyes just like you might be in somebody else's eyes. I'm not on a bunch of social media so maybe that's why I'm not all worked up. Who knows.
I get a kick out of this post for sure. Some are complaining about the influencers ruining spots and posting it on social media but are visiting the same social media and posting it on here for more people to see. At the end of the day does it really make that much of a difference? If it does rally the troops and get things changed with the game and fish. Don't be mad at somebody legally hunting and having a good time. They might be a goofball in your eyes just like you might be in somebody else's eyes. I'm not on a bunch of social media so maybe that's why I'm not all worked up. Who knows.
I’m glad he’s legally hunting and having a good time. However, his motivation to be out there is just to sell products and get sponsors and free gear. His page is literally a gear page. He was unsuccessful hunting all season until he came to Montana to kill some juvenile animals for his page. People were starting to question if he’s even a hunter. Then he justifys it with a long sappy post.

Instagram doesn’t allow for these folks to get called out. At least we can complain about them here and they might come read all the negative things said about them and change their ways. Or maybe they’ll just keep on keeping on. Either way, at least it gets them out of their own little echo chamber.
I’m glad he’s legally hunting and having a good time. However, his motivation to be out there is just to sell products and get sponsors and free gear. His page is literally a gear page. He was unsuccessful hunting all season until he came to Montana to kill some juvenile animals for his page. People were starting to question if he’s even a hunter. Then he justifys it with a long sappy post.

Instagram doesn’t allow for these folks to get called out. At least we can complain about them here and they might come read all the negative things said about them and change their ways. Or maybe they’ll just keep on keeping on. Either way, at least it gets them out of their own little echo chamber.
Fair enough
Definitely. Not even just the 90’s. As recently as 15 years ago, twelve 160” class deer were seen in one day in one area and a buddy missed a 185” 4 times.

I saw 1 true 160” this year in all my hunting, and he’s probably getting whacked this week. Sad state of affairs out there. A lot of it can be contributed to hunting influencers and social media warriors, and the glamorization of the western hunter. The other half poor management by FWP.
People can shot what they want and I will not judge, but longarming a forky, that is just lame.
At least have a clever hashtag like #TwigTime or something