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Idaho Legislature '15

“I’ve imported hundreds of sheep and I never heard the term ‘meningeal worm’ until this elk issue came up,” said House Agricultural Affairs Chairman Ken Andrus, R-Soda Springs. “In my opinion, the people who oppose this rule change are singling out elk farmers unfairly. Fish and Game and the sportsmen don’t like domestic elk farmers, so they look for any evidence to oppose importation.”

Regrettably Ken Andrus is one of my reps. The above quote is typical for him; out of sight, out of mind. If he ain't never heard or seen it afore it couldn't possibly exist.

Recently he helped to scuttled a bill to make the Idaho Giant Salamander our state amphibian. How's this for a pearl of wisdom:
“When I grew up, when I was a young boy, in our swimming hole, there were salamanders, and we called them water dogs,” Andrus said, referring to experiences that he said occurred in Utah. “And I learned to despise them. To me, and to my fellow youth, they were ugly, they were slimy, and they were creepy. And I’ve not gotten over that. And, so, to elevate them to a state symbol and status of being the state amphibian, I’m not there yet.