Caribou Gear

Time to play politics. Help me move these rule changes through the process at IDFG.

Nope and Nope

I have recommended F & G should include rifle antelope to the choice of applying only for one draw. Also antelope hunts have gotten more difficult to draw with the ability for juniors the get parents/grandparents tags.

Hunting Idaho since 1980
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Currently, in some CH units, you have a better chance of drawing moose tag than a rifle Antelope tag.
By allowing People to put in for non OIL CH tags and OIL tags; your 3-7% draw odds for moose will drop to 1-3%, if not lower.
I am 100% against point systems, however, I would be ok with OIL point systems. Now that I'm going to be 43, I finaly drew my Idaho Moose tag, after many many years of trying. It will be practically impossible, without a little luck, to draw all Idaho OIL tags in my lifetime.
Perhaps, allowing people to apply for all 3 OIL tags in the same year would be something to look at. Or can we already?? Haha, that's something I've never even looked into.
Currently, in some CH units, you have a better chance of drawing moose tag than a rifle Antelope tag.
By allowing People to put in for non OIL CH tags and OIL tags; your 3-7% draw odds for moose will drop to 1-3%, if not lower.
I am 100% against point systems, however, I would be ok with OIL point systems. Now that I'm going to be 43, I finaly drew my Idaho Moose tag, after many many years of trying. It will be practically impossible, without a little luck, to draw all Idaho OIL tags in my lifetime.
Perhaps, allowing people to apply for all 3 OIL tags in the same year would be something to look at. Or can we already?? Haha, that's something I've never even looked into.
Please don't suggest this, it will not improve anyone's odds of drawing anything, ever. You can pick one OIL, and that's it, or pick D/E/A. Have a nice day!
Caribou Gear

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