I remember when:

No ride for us. My brothers and I would ride our bikes to the nearest public ground, about 4 miles from town, with a .22, a fishing pole, a can of Dinty Moore stew and a Coghlan’s mess kit. If we weren’t home for supper ma would drive to the entrance and honk for us to come out of the woods to check on us. Now my wife cringes when I eat this stuff!

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Good stuff! The mainstay meal of many an elk camp.
1st car was $125, 1963 Falcon wagon.
1st truck was $250, 1954 Chevy with a 1953 GMC flatbed/corner window model thrown in.
1st home was $12k for 10 ac with small house and a well. Place sold for $12mil 2 years ago.
My first car was a '56 Customline Ford with a freshly rebuilt engine for $400. Bought it while home in NC on leave. Had to report to an airbase in the Mojave as my permanent posting but was going to spend a few days in Denver on the way 'cause I was in love or lust, one or the other. Started having driveline issues in Tennessee, ignition problems in Illinois and the five fresh 20 dollar bills my Father had handed me at departure time were dwindling. I got to Denver with less than two dollars in my pocket, and California was looking further and further away; thank goodness my honey had been saving money. While in Denver I busted a cog off my planetary gear and had to replace the transmission with a rebuild; $35.00 was the price and a friend helped me replace it in the alley behind 1415 Court Place in Big Mile Hi.

Finally made it to Victorville and that old Ford served me well for four years once I got all the kinks ironed out.
1975 I bought a '63 Dodge 1/2 T PU from a MT rancher for $300. The sides were all smashed in and it ran. Drove that thing back to CA and used it until 1980 and sold it for $400.
Next truck was a Navy surplus '65 F-250 4x4 for $500 bid. 125k on it. Never off Port Hueneme. Sold that truck in 1990 with 565k on it for a thousand.
Wish I still had my 65 Fords.
I remember when I could cross the US border with nothing but my driver's license,
The world’s longest land border has changed. When I was 16 years old working at a resort on the U.S. side of a border lake all I needed to fish in Canada was an Ontario fishing license which I would go buy on the other side of the lake. Now, to fish on the Canadian side of border lakes I need a remote border crossing permit. A program that Canada suspended in September and no word on when or if it will resume. I might not even be able to fish some of my favorite spots this summer. Additionally, I can’t import any organic bait into Canada. When I return from fishing in Canada I have to report my arrival back to the U.S. with an app on my phone. I understand the reasons behind all the changes but it certainly has gotten more complicated.
I remember when the news reported real facts and never interject options except in a segment clearly labeled opinion. I remember when government actually served the people.(that was a really long time ago) I remember when we used to take our guns on the school bus to go hunting with friends after school. I remember when schools actually had rifle teams as a sport.
I remembered tonight one day when I was 19 standing in the sporting section of a Walmart in Tucson arguing with the employee. He told me I should really buy the lifetime resident license. I said that was stupid I won’t be here that long it won’t matter. I think about that yearly now as I send them money for nr draw odds. What a moron
Please add to it.
I remember when I had to travel to the nearest "phone Booth" to order materials for my jobsite.
I remember when I charged $35.00 per hour for my first bulldozer. (and I was happy with that) Now roughly $185 for the same.
I remember when I paid $74000 for my house W/3 acres. Now probably $500000+
I remember when what you saw on the news was actually news.
Styrofoam McDonald’s containers for the quarter pounder, Big Mac, fish sandwiches….
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