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I remember when:

i remember riding with my parents in the ‘60’s, driving up to the Canadian Customs booth and the Officer in the booth would just wave you through. if we brought fireworks back, American Customs would tell us to keep them under the seat.
You okay, Ben?
I too remember when it was easy to cross the border. Took a 16yo girlfriend to Niagara once about turn of the century. All we needed was her driving learner’s permit and a note from her parents that it was alright with them if I took their daughter out of country.
You mentioned the border NE states and they’re fine, though I don’t see it as a fair trade to visit. Just that province alone has Windsor, the better falls, Spanish R. provincial park, hot babes of Sudbury, Georgian Bay. You see? I’d much rather drop $ on that vacation than some shitty lobster roll in the snooty Downeast.
When our 2nd grade school musical performance included a bunch of 7/8 year olds singing "Mack the Knife" and no one batted an eye

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