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I remember when:

Skate boarding Rabbit Ears Pass under the full moon once or twice a month in the summer, I’m fortunate that I only broke my collar bone once. Our hydration beverage was beer and our protective gear was a jean jacket.
Shooting arrows straight up in the air and trying to decide whether to stand there or run like hell…..put an arrow right through a buddies camp roof once😳😂
Dangerous archer!
My "foofoo" arrows have big feathers and blunt tips, fly more slowly. So I would shoot them up above the trees and then the grandkids would run around and try to find them.
Nobody got hit or hurt. But LAWN DARTS are a game of perilous risk ... especially with wild grandkids flinging them around!
Dangerous archer!
My "foofoo" arrows have big feathers and blunt tips, fly more slowly. So I would shoot them up above the trees and then the grandkids would run around and try to find them.
Nobody got hit or hurt. But LAWN DARTS are a game of perilous risk ... especially with wild grandkids flinging them around!
Ahh, yes….Lawn Darts! How did/do we survive with those things flying around.
Oh lighten up. This is the extent of my complaining on HT regarding this subject.

I grew up in a border town. I do miss the days when we could travel and visit family back and forth, freely. Crossing the border for cheap milk, beer or gas. Simpler times going camping in Vermont, Maine and NH.
Those places are ok, but Ontario is truly a North American treasure to the USA.
Probably been mentioned, but remember when the TV finished for the night? They played the National Anthem and the signal just ended for the night.
School pledge of allegiance - forward facing our great American flag, hand over our heart. Every morning, first class.
Referenced in my signature line - Theodore Roosevelt sure held a value for America.
I was an Air Force brat, growing up. The Cuban missile crisis was a searing memory from my childhood. I was very accustomed to to the base being on alert. That did not come close to the tension felt for those few days. Everyone was quite certain that the end was eminent. The relief when the crisis passed, was equally palpable.
When it was perfectly normal to drink water out of someone's garden hose because you were thirsty, not because you had to stay "hydrated" all while riding our bikes everywhere with no helmets. I don't think bike helmets had even been invented.
Running like hell the first time we were standing near the civil defense siren on Saturday at noon when it went off. I had never heard anything so loud.
Playing with mercury was fun.