Caribou Gear Tarp

I remember when:

My elementary school had a couple inner tube runs that produced at least 1 casualty a week!
We had a huge hill in our elementary schoolyard. There was a "hiking back up the hill" section to reduce collisions of sledders going down and those going back up. Right before the end of recess we always tried to sled down the up-hill against the grain of traffic, but you had to make it look like you didn't try to. We called it bowling. Induced some major casualties and got ourselves in trouble a few times.
Full service gas stations, checked oil, washed windshields. Never had tires checked though.

Steak knives, dish sets, glasses for fill ups.

Green stamps, first Coleman stove and lantern set came from stamps at gas stations.

23¢/gallon lowest I recalled I paid for reg at Shell.

First rifle $129 .270 Win Savage 110C new in 1968. Still have it. Broke stock stepping in hole in Adirondacks. Brought back to dealer broken hearted. Savage restocked with nice walnut stock and said "go hunting" no charge.

Bought 1964 Sports Fury convertible in 1968. Unbadged 361 Commando and damn! Wished I had it today!

Learned to drive on 1937 Dodge Military powerwagon. Flathead 4. No synchros. Top speed maybe 50.
Bought a 79 Camaro new for $5800
Our first house was $25,000
Bought our first 100 acre farm for $750 per acre, loan was 9.9% interest rate.
As kids we didn't get soda pop very often and cans required a "church key" to open.
If you got pulled over drunk and weren't out of line, they'd make you park the car and give you a ride home.
A couple cocktails at lunch was commonplace with business people, as was smoking everywhere.
Returnable soda and beer bottles.
A milk box of the front porch and weekly delivery.
Floor dimmer switches and ash trays in cars.
Do remember ER visit for sliced foot to get stitches from pop top on beach playing tackle football.

Jarts! Whoever wasn't injured won!
Bought this place for $750 an acre. Fenced, a gate and road down to the windmill well. 7% interest.
Signed papers on 9/9/09. They asked if I wanted to change the signing date...the omens. LOL
Nah, I'll be there.
Paid $12k for the well to be drilled and $12k for the power to be brought in.

Can't get one drilled for that now nor power without a wait list.
Fold together and break it, they said.

No feeling in my pinkie finger for over a year.
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That was one of my useless talents. I could pull them apart pretty easy peasy.

Hula hoops
Polio scare
I like Ike ads
Davy Davy Crockett was a hit on the radio
How much is that doggie in the window was another hit song
Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes and You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Howdy Doodie
Roy Rogers
Gene Autry
Learned to drive on 1937 Dodge Military powerwagon. Flathead 4. No synchros. Top speed maybe 50.
My old man had to survey one of those on an island in the St Lawrence river. He said it hadn’t been off the island since new. He knew some Army helicopter pilots who offered to sling it off the island for him but in the end he did the right thing. He said it ran for 10 minutes with no oil.
I remember my mother packing a couple lunches for me and my friend, driving us to the hardware store for a couple boxes of 22 shells, and then driving us about ten miles out of town and dropping us off. we wouldn't get back until sundown, out of shells every time.
No ride for us. My brothers and I would ride our bikes to the nearest public ground, about 4 miles from town, with a .22, a fishing pole, a can of Dinty Moore stew and a Coghlan’s mess kit. If we weren’t home for supper ma would drive to the entrance and honk for us to come out of the woods to check on us. Now my wife cringes when I eat this stuff!

PEAX Trekking Poles

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