There currently are not roads in this area that are open to the public, and if there are two-tracks or ranch roads, they would be closed. The public has no access now, and the landowner is being generous in his donation. The Landowner is the one stipulating the condition of wilderness, not the gov't.
In Wlderness, there are no roads. There are buildings, etc in current wilderness areas as well as provisions within the wilderness act that give local forest rangers the ability to use motorized vehicles, chainsaws, etc if necessary. Several wilderness areas have guzzlers, stock tanks and other infrastructure installed and the act allows for the maintenence thereof.
Most rangers will not allow that use as it will reduce the wilderness values. Most folks I know who do trail work in the wilderness laugh when you ask if they bring in a chainsaw. The basic take is that it's too heavy to pack in over a cross cut or handsaw.
Zinke is ignoring the will of the landowner, who is asking that this be protected as wilderness. How would you feel if you were making a donation, but I told you only foot traffic would be allowed, even though you want ATV's to use it? Zinke is ingoring the will of the people who have worked to put this deal together. He is sitting on his perch in D.C. trying to play king, while ignoring the locals who put this together. I'm not being partisan, I'm favoring local control over DC heavy-handedness and willful ignorance.
How would you feel if the Wilkes were making the same demands for lands they donate which don't meet the usual standard for wilderness areas?
A wild guess is you'd be up in arms even more so than in this situation.
Has the land owner in this situation explained the reasons for requiring it be wilderness or nothing? Perhaps trcp and bha could purchase the property outright and donate it?
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