Caribou Gear

Hunting And Fishing Groups Are Starting To Turn On Trump’s Interior Secretary

I voted/supported the DOI position for Zinke as I believe he is the best of those the prevailing party (R's) could have chosen. I think the pressure by the major outdoor affiliates is possibly the collective - lone hope to actually nudge his Roosevelt garb.

If it was the vast majority of others the R's could have chosen - this forum would be gasping for air, like a goldfish that flopped outta it's bowl. With the 'extreme' partisan wankering of 'extreme' anti Zinke commentary, they are creating a division between the people that get sick of hearing it... Certainly respectable discussion generates reasonable respect from the central group however if the extremes could grasp this - your screams may generate rounds of beers and cheers with applause and backslapping however it is vastly the choir you are preaching your spew towards while increasing the division between....
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I voted/supported the DOI position for Zinke as I believe he is the best of those the prevailing party (R's) could have chosen. I think the pressure by the major outdoor affiliates is possibly the collective - lone hope to actually nudge his Roosevelt garb.

If it was the vast majority of others the R's could have chosen - this forum would be gasping for air, like a goldfish that flopped outta it's bowl. With the 'extreme' partisan wankering of 'extreme' anti Zinke commentary, they are creating a division between the people that get sick of hearing it... Certainly respectable discussion generates reasonable respect from the central group however if the extremes could grasp this - your screams may generate rounds of beers and cheers with applause and backslapping however it is vastly the choir you are preaching your spew towards while increasing the division between....

I voted/supported the DOI position for Zinke as I believe he is the best of those the prevailing party (R's) could have chosen. I think the pressure by the major outdoor affiliates is possibly the collective - lone hope to actually nudge his Roosevelt garb.

If it was the vast majority of others the R's could have chosen - this forum would be gasping for air, like a goldfish that flopped outta it's bowl. With the 'extreme' partisan wankering of 'extreme' anti Zinke commentary, they are creating a division between the people that get sick of hearing it... Certainly respectable discussion generates reasonable respect from the central group however if the extremes could grasp this - your screams may generate rounds of beers and cheers with applause and backslapping however it is vastly the choir you are preaching your spew towards while increasing the division between....

I'll rise to this fly.

Charles, I'm all for respectful dialog, but anytime someone says something truthful, if negative, about Zinke, you seem to think that it's partisan. For me, it isn't. Zinke is someone I worked with in the Montana legislature and had high hopes for despite his ridiculous run to the right. He used to say Climate Change was a major military threat. He used to get support from groups like the Montana Conservation Voters and he used to be much more thoughtful than he has been during his tenure in congress and now as Secretary of the Interior. I'm simply judging the man by his actions against the expressed sentiment he put forward. Theodore Roosevelt would have rejected Zinke's style of leadership and his type of conservation as he really and truly is representing industry first, UT second and we get the shaft.

I am not alone, and I'm certainly among many rock-ribbed conservatives who are privately expressing their disdain for him both within the state party and at the national level.

I do agree that Zinke, out of all the other turds in the punchbowl, rose to the top. That in part was largely due to his wooing of sportsmen's organizations and his promises about public lands and management. None of that has even been mentioned since the original signing photo-op. The best of the worst still means we're stuck with the worst.
I care little for the concerns of these divisions between online faceless names that claim to be sportsmen. I would tend to think the divisions already exist, and aren't going away any time soon. If calling a spade a spade is being divisive then so be it. I care for sage grouse, and mule deer, and pronghorn and uncontaminated landscapes, and wild places. All of which are shat on by the current DOI.

Also, our screams generate more than rounds of beers and cheers, they cleaned up our waters and air, and they keep wild places wild, and they wild animals on the land, and they try to hold people accountable. If you don't want to reap the benefits of the screamers screams, then buy your plot in Texas and leave the public land and all it's benefit to the screamers.

You are correct, there were many much worse options than Zinke. How much worse are they now? In my opinion, not much. So if there is a Roosevelt garb in there I hope like hell it comes out soon because he sure hasn't shown me much to this point.

As to creating division? C'mon man. Really, grown adults can't express an opinion based upon someone's actions and performance? Sorry, if that causes another sportsman to get butt hurt I'm not sure I really care. I fully understand two people can look at the exact same issue and come away with strikingly different opinions. That's fine, that's part of being an American. Hopefully it's rooted in objectivity and rational logic. Even if it's not, everyone is still entitled to an opinion.

But jeez man, creating division because someone expresses unhappiness with Zinke's performance? Holy cow, who are the snowflakes here?
Whoa! Y'er sights are a bit off... less I've razzed an element of the 'extreme partisan' side w/in.
With the 'extreme' partisan wankering of 'extreme' anti Zinke commentary, they are creating a division between the people that get sick of hearing it... Certainly respectable discussion generates reasonable respect from the central group however if the extremes could grasp this...
Hope this better identifies the lure used vs one of my fantastic flies w/ Zinke poised presentation. ;)

I am in support of pressure placed on Zinke within the central crowd. When it gets squeezed to a certain point, it leaves one to become more dependent on the side those squeezing do not want. Support from the other extreme tickles the ego of politicians... such as one who flares a horse ride in Washington DC.
Once in their hands you've lost - plain & simple. Thus, that is where the extreme part is... having their fun, back slapping each other and toasting there beers to the best ridicule one can offer when really they're simply screwing themselves.
I will add right now I believe the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Etc are placing moderate pressure - enough to still give Zinke the opportunity to absolve himself, to a degree. The extremes on the other hand are working against their own interest aside from the back slaps of laughter within their little click of crap...
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For a state that says they value local control, UT is dead set on trying to take control of the entire west, and now, they've got a puppet in Zinke. It's time to fight back.

Dang it Ben has unmasked the master plan to restore State of Deseret. Gonna be bigger than Texas. Notice we don't want MT.
State of Deseret.png

Seriously your paranoia over Utah is not healthy. I get some of organizations many of us in Utah are not proud of; SFW and American Lands Council are active around the west. Recognize if those organizations and ideas get traction in Montana or other western states it is because your fellow citizens support.

Back to Zinke. Time will tell, but I still feel he is a balanced selection and he'll remain true to what many on this forum have mentioned was a pretty reasonable record.
I am in support of pressure placed on Zinke within the central crowd. When it gets squeezed to a certain point, it leaves one to become more dependent on the side those squeezing do not want. Support from the other extreme tickles the ego of politicians... such as one who flares a horse ride in Washington DC.
Once in their hands you've lost - plain & simple. Thus, that is where the extreme part is... having their fun, back slapping each other and toasting there beers to the best ridicule one can offer when really they're simply screwing themselves.
I will add right now I believe the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Etc are placing moderate pressure - enough to still give Zinke the opportunity to absolve himself, to a degree. The extremes on the other hand are working against their own interest aside from the back slaps of laughter within their little click of crap...

Largely agree with this Sytes. I think the question it brings me to though, is at what point is it ok to condemn Zinke, or any politician for that matter? I'd agree that a lot of what we are seeing is partisan full-stop, but a fair amount of it is also people who had hopes for Zinke, and who have reached their threshold of accepting piss as rain. Do we perpetually tiptoe, never burning the bridge to Absolve Island, until someone is out of office? I could see that argument, since as you pointed out, once the bridge is burned you've lost. The counter to that, I suppose, is that holding back condemnation in the hopes that someone will bring it around makes you a sucker who lost long ago.

My personal take is closer to yours, but it sure feels like hunters and fishermen are getting worked. Next week Zinke is going to go give a talk to ALEC. Whether that's piss or rain running down our backs, let's not drink it.
Zinke is a delicate matter for our future public land, IMO. One that proclaims he wants to do "right" by the T.R. culture meanwhile, he has been tasked by POTUS to work within the assigned budget and review of Nat'l Monuments while keeping the drooling, "privatize everything" partisan R's dark side from enveloping him. Quite the dance! Thus again, why I am hapier to have him than other R's that have already grabbed the privatize lolly-pop. But hey, partisan Democrats, have at it... lost battle anyways, piss on him. -Schmucks!

As most of us know, he is not an elected official... any more. He is an appointed figure by and within a dominated Republican Legislative, Executive and mostly Judicial world.
If the extreme partisan Democrats don't get this through their thick skulls that their partisan wankering behavior may kick their own ass, indirectly. Well, what a shovel of dis-service they are perpetuating for their base, and for all that value our public lands, myself included. Thus my beef with these Woo-hoo'ing ranting Dems that places them right up there with the privatize everything - Repub snobs.
Whoa! Y'er sights are a bit off... less I've razzed an element of the 'extreme partisan' side w/in.

Hope this better identifies the lure used vs one of my fantastic flies w/ Zinke poised presentation. ;)

I am in support of pressure placed on Zinke within the central crowd. When it gets squeezed to a certain point, it leaves one to become more dependent on the side those squeezing do not want. Support from the other extreme tickles the ego of politicians... such as one who flares a horse ride in Washington DC.
Once in their hands you've lost - plain & simple. Thus, that is where the extreme part is... having their fun, back slapping each other and toasting there beers to the best ridicule one can offer when really they're simply screwing themselves.
I will add right now I believe the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Etc are placing moderate pressure - enough to still give Zinke the opportunity to absolve himself, to a degree. The extremes on the other hand are working against their own interest aside from the back slaps of laughter within their little click of crap...


Thanks for the gentle release, and apologies if I misconstrued what you had meant.

Dukes - UT tax dollars are being spent by groups actively looking to steal our public lands, and now w/BGF at the helm w/ Zinke, our wildlife legacy and Rob Bishop working non-stop to do the same. If UT wants to secede, I'll sign the petition - quit exporting your corrupt politics to other states though. ;)
It is actions like what is shown in this video that are so hard to reconcile with a Secretary of Interior whose claim is the next Theodore Roosevelt. If you want more access, like access to 20,000 acres of wild public lands currently without any access and you have a landowner willing to donate 3,000 acres if you will buy 700 of his acres and 700 more acres of inholdings held by neighbors (at appraised value), then you don't sit in front of Senate Committees mumbling and bumbling like this five minute clip from a couple weeks ago.

The deal is packaged and ready to go. Naturally hunters want it, and even the local County Commission wants it done. It was approved last year, but somehow the breaks have been put on because the donor wants to make his donated property an extension of the existing Wilderness Area.

Let me get this straight - You (not we) would rather have no access than upset the Utah delegation that is pushing the doctrine that we need a motorized route to every piece of public land.
C'mon Secretary, testimony like this is embarrassing us 'Tana folks.

Watch this video showing how Secretary Zinke is taking his orders from the Utah delegation and it will likely clarify why hunters are questioning their support to get former Congressman Zinke appointed as Secretary of Interior.


Since this thread started here on Hunt Talk I approved a new member with an IP address connected to United States Department of Interior, Secretary Office. If they are lurking and watching, maybe pass this video on to the boss and the comments about such.
I ...don't really have much to add besides unbelievable...that was served up perfect by my Senator & BF.
Wow. Pretty hard to proclaim yourself a Roosevelt protégé and then take the smug and arrogant approach Zinke did in determining "what was public access". News flash for Zinke, you don't negotiate when you have NO LEVERAGE! If my car is on the side of the road with a flat, and the tire shop tells me that'll be $500, I can bitch and moan all I want that it "isn't really negotiation". The reality is they can tell me to get lost and I'll be standing outside their shop without a tire. Or, in this case, sportsmen will be standing outside a wilderness with no access.
Childish and illogical. I can walk my three year old through an analogous scenario, when I offer him apple juice and he says he wants grape juice and I tell him he gets apple or nothing he takes the apple.
This is a great deal for the public.

Zinke doesn't have the public's interest in mind. What a shame.
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What a disaster that looks like for Zinke. Glad its on video and hope its widely viewed. If he's really struggling that hard with wilderness he would do well to listen to the most recent meateater podcast.
How was someone with communication skills so lacking ever elected to hold public office? He doesn't deserve to say Roosevelt's name, never mind his claims to be the modern day version.

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