How do you define an assault weapon

To put my post into perspective, I want to iclude some background.

My mother is a public school teacher, and my father is pushing his 30 year mark as a police officer. When I was in JH we had would be bank robber with "assault" weapons decide that he wanted to go shooting across town. Hearing that any membe of your family is a part of that type of chase is not fun. Especially in JH. My Dad was fine, and miraculously no one was hit.

However, I am firmly a believer that MANY of our elected officials, especially on the federal level have lost respect for us as a people. As diverse and beautiful as the Melting Pot is. Many of our opinions and thoughts don't matter to them, rather their personal agendas of ideologues.

Guns function more as a deterrent to people in power. When people have weapons available to them for whatever use, they then will be able to do their best to protect themselves from oprression. This is not a new thing, dust off the Bible and read the book of judges. Back then it was taking away swords in order to keep the Israelites under oppressing. They still rose up and fashioned Garden tools into weapons on par to challenge their oppressors.

Last year I had the opportunity to go to Rwanda spend a week in several orphanages there with Children of the genocide.. A whole class of people there was nearly exterminated with the primary weapon being blunt instruments which had been stockpiled by a group of people on par with the Hitler youth. Close to 600k machetes were acquired for the sole purpose of destroying the Tutsi. Father after father was killed unable to protect his family because there was no method or means of protection. Mothers were killed while their children helplessy watched in the bushes trying not to make any noise for fear they might themselves be next.

There were factions within the government as well a civil war peace treaty, and very rough elections. There was a Tutsi Army, but it took a LOT of time for them to gain control and oust the PLANNED genocide ordered by the Hutu govt. The French were stationed there under UN leadership and were DENIED 4000!!!!!!! troops to break up the road blocks and end the genocide. 100 days of Genocide produced somewhere between 500K and 1 million deaths or close to 20% of the population. As it currently stands EVERY single person there lost someone they knew.

I know, some will say "Well, we aren't third world, we are above that as a society." The part that made me the most sick while in country was that it was Belgium who colonized the country. They set up the class warfare by calling everyone with more than 10 cows Tutsis, and everyone with fewer Hutu. Yup, you got it, the whole thing was over social standing set up by a Western power during Europe's colonization of Africa based on cows. Go look up the propaganda used for yourself, Hitler would have been proud.

My plan is not to own what someone would deem as an Assault Weapon for the purpose of mounting an insurrection against my government, or to mow down a police officer. I want it as a deterrent, so they know that their constituents have the ability(not the want JOSE).

Would it have been less bloody in Rwanda if the Tutsi had been armed? I don't know honestly. My guess would be yes, many deaths could have been averted in self defense.

We must be cautious as we enter this debate on the level of contention we allow ourselves to reach. We must be careful overall how we label each other, and not create classes of the armed and unarmed. Weapons in the hands of civilians will be misused, even if its a club or a sharp object. I have been to a place where Children were clubbed, maimed or strategically raped to stop them from producing children.

Let us not in our stupidity divide ourselves to the point where we hate each other or hand over freedoms in such a way that our government no longer respects us as a people.
Seriously Jose...what are you smoking. Why do you disagree with 90% of everyone with your condescending babble. You are a gad fly twisting everyone's words. The right to arms was to protect us frm the tyranny of government. But it sounds like you are all for the use of chemical weapons on their own people in Syria.

And how are you goin to fight this imaginary tyranny? By shooting US soldiers and cops with your assault rifle?

Yeah, brilliant on your part. I feel safer already.
I think sreekers has some very good insight. Unfortunately, Jose didn't catch a single word of it. Quit trolling Jose! You sound like you are paid off by the government, probably in the form of food stamps and obama-phones.
Excellent post by sreekers and then JC comes back with more of his friggin BS. I'm telling you the dude is a friggin troll and he's real good at it!!!
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Originally Posted by JoseCuervo View Post
You think you need weapons to shoot US soldiers and police?

Not Us soldiers and police, since I seriously doubt they would go along with a government mandate to kick in doors and confiscate weapons. Instead, I believe we will be defending our homes and property against UN troops that Obama would be more than willing to unleash on American citizens in order to accomplish anything he wants. With that said, IF Us troops and police DID happen to participate, then the answer is a resounding ABSOFUGGINLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think sreekers has some very good insight. Unfortunately, Jose didn't catch a single word of it. Quit trolling Jose! You sound like you are paid off by the government, probably in the form of food stamps and obama-phones.

So, who is this tyranny you are gonna shoot with your ASsault Weapon?
Originally Posted by JoseCuervo View Post
You think you need weapons to shoot US soldiers and police?

Not Us soldiers and police, since I seriously doubt they would go along with a government mandate to kick in doors and confiscate weapons. Instead, I believe we will be defending our homes and property against UN troops that Obama would be more than willing to unleash on American citizens in order to accomplish anything he wants. With that said, IF Us troops and police DID happen to participate, then the answer is a resounding ABSOFUGGINLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You think Obama is going to have UN troops seize the country?

For what purpose ?
So, who is this tyranny you are gonna shoot with your ASsault Weapon?

Tyranny may not exist for decades maybe a hundred years from now or never due to our right to bear arms and form a militia. Do you ink the USA would still be in existence if we all turned in our guns a hundred years ago? Doubtful. You do not know what lies ahead. From all of your garbage, you seem to be Antigun nut and do not believe in the 2nd amendment and you care not to protect it. You continue to bash anyone else's ideas of compromise and only praise your own stupidity. Why are you even on this site??? Just to keep stirring the pot with your one-sided nonsense.

jose Cuervo is a TROLL
Tyranny may not exist for decades maybe a hundred years from now or never due to our right to bear arms and form a militia. Do you ink the USA would still be in existence if we all turned in our guns a hundred years ago? Doubtful. You do not know what lies ahead. From all of your garbage, you seem to be Antigun nut and do not believe in the 2nd amendment and you care not to protect it. You continue to bash anyone else's ideas of compromise and only praise your own stupidity. Why are you even on this site??? Just to keep stirring the pot with your one-sided nonsense.

jose Cuervo is a TROLL

Who is going to be delivering this tyranny you are so scared of?

You thinking it is gonna be UN and FEMA camps like rhomas?
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