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Assault weapons ban advocated by a conservative

Where can one find the stats on gun crimes at the national level? I'm curious what the stats were like under the previous ban and how they compare to now.
Taking the "mass" out of "mass killings" isn't a worthy goal ?
So tell me, what is the magic number of dead for you that would make a "mass" shooting into a "shooting" Then maybe I can think about if an "assualt weapon" and less than n 11 round mag would be a REALISTIC goal
So what's to prevent a guy from welding two small capacity clips back to back and just quickly reversing them when one runs out. All it would take is a guy having a few of those that would still be legal and the outcome would be the same and only take a second or more than using a big clip they want to outlaw. The problem as I see it was allowing the friggin things in the first place. Now there are so many out there and available to ANYONE who wants them that outlaying them will do no good. The stats in the post by bmack show exactly what we're saying and that these so-called assualt rifles are'nt used in the majority of these mass shooting. This lastest guy had four handguns all legally purchased by his Mom and that were found in the school with him. The rifle the coroner claims to have been used appears to have been found in the locked trunk of his car in the parking lot. This whole thing is just another tragedy the politicians are going to use to further their agenda.
Yea, right! There are more nut jobs running around this country than could ever be treated by every therapist there is, but if we just start banning what one or two use every few years everything will be cured if we listen to all these way out activists. Look up the stats for the time ARs were banned and when the ban lapsed until now and there is no way anyone can truthfully say that another ban will help.
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Therapy, meds, or a cell

Can't wait to see the reaction of those who believed Sarah Palins Death Panels would now be in charge of deciding which citizens should be locked up, drugged up, or institutionalized.

I am guessing NRA membership cards would be a free ticket to funny farm.
Any idiot that thinks that giving away the ARs and high-cap mags is going to help needs to hold hands with Lautenburg and sing cumbaya. It is total BS and that judge is just another turncoat "conservative".

Ask Australians or Brits about gun control. People that are for gun control start with the ARs and big mags because they are easy pickins'. They WILL NOT STOP there. Anybody that believes that they will is gullible fool.

I have no particular use for an AR or a high-cap mag. I will kill you just as dead with my 1911 or bolt rifle, but the principle is what is at stake here. If these are conceded, where does it stop-with pump shotguns like in Australia?

If you own a gun and are too lame to support the NRA and voted Democrat, then you deserve just what you get.

It amazes me that America can vote on the "X-factor" and "The Voice" and get it right and then vote people into public office that are bent on destroying this country-disgusting!
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Can't wait to see the reaction of those who believed Sarah Palins Death Panels would now be in charge of deciding which citizens should be locked up, drugged up, or institutionalized.

I am guessing NRA membership cards would be a free ticket to funny farm.

So I am are willing to do whatever it takes if it would MAYBE save one life but if someone offers another possible solution regarding mental health which will MAYBE save one life and you are against it. Again, there you go spewing nonsense,I wonder what kind of world you live in.
"So I am are willing to do whatever it takes if it would MAYBE save one life but if someone offers another possible solution regarding mental health which will MAYBE save one life and you are against it. Again, there you go spewing nonsense,I wonder what kind of world you live in."

Haven't you figured out yet that JC is a troll and just keeps asking stupid questions and making stupid remarks about most rational posts? I think it's just so he can keep putting his pimp picture up on the Forums! He fits right in with all the Libs who are ruining this country by wanting to run everyone's lives with stupid laws like they're passing every day up there!
Seems like it would be worth trying if you think it would "maybe" work.

So if someone believes that deporting ALL the illegal aliens would MAYBE decrease crime, drugs, and the stress on our welfare system.... then the USA should do it? If taking all the guns away from owners MAYBE would decrease murders then we should do it, that taking away cars from people, MAYBE would decrease traffic deaths then we should, that outlawing football because MAYBE to many injuries.....

Your logic is nowhere to be found (at least until your rights are infringed upon).

good luck to all
the dog
So I am are willing to do whatever it takes if it would MAYBE save one life but if someone offers another possible solution regarding mental health which will MAYBE save one life and you are against it. Again, there you go spewing nonsense,I wonder what kind of world you live in.

Nah, I am good with Sarah Palins Death Panels. Shouldn't waste our economy on old people end of life. I just wanted to know if Schmaltz was good with the Feds knowing about his mental condition, since many states have refused to share information with the Feds.

You good with the Feds knowing about your mental condition?
Mikey, It seem ironic that those who own black weapons and take a strong stance on the second amendment want to talk about fixing the problem with security and help for those with mental problems. Then there are those with mental problems who are thinking that this should be fixed with taking away guns and attacking the second ammendment...
So, if I understand many of your arguments. We should go along with the current hysteria and sit idly back and let the liberals take our AR's and our high capacity magazines, so that they won't want to take away our semi-automatic handguns, pump shotguns, and semi-auto shotguns? Is that honestly what you folks are proposing as an alternative to total gun control? If so, you definitely need to get your heads out of your collective asses and wake up! That's the same line of bullsh*t that the English, Australians, and even the Germans of the Third Reich and the Cubans after Castro took over, also believed. On Greg Ritz's site, a gentleman from South Florida stated that Fidel made a speech that he heard as a young man, about why the government wanted to "protect" society by gun confiscation. He then proceeded to take away right of speech, right to assemble, and the right of citizens to own property and private businesses. In other words the totalitarian regime was born with the single event of gun control. Do not for one second believe that this isn't the beginning of the same movement here in this country. And that my foolish compatriots is exactly why the Second Amendment is in place and was put in place by the founders of this nation! If we quietly succumb to this current attack on our freedoms, we are allowing the death knell to begin for the rest of our Constitutional freedoms. Those FEMA camps we've heard about will be packed with those of us who dare stand opposed to Obama, Holder, and the UN. I guess I'll see some of you there, and then when we commiserate our losses, remember that some of us tried to tell you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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