Caribou Gear

Assault weapons ban advocated by a conservative

So what I take from all of JC's rambling a is that he really has no idea what he is talking about thus changes the subject to mocking those he disagrees with. This is the reason we can't have a REAL conversation with democrats. I'm sure he would be on one of those death panels if he had the chance. He gets backed into a corner once again! "Umm, umm, errr..., death panel...Sarah Palin...old people." The fact remains that there is no easy solution to this mess. When the government threatens our freedoms in the slightest, we should ask the hard questions and not just roll over and give up our freedoms on a whim. Jose, if you honestly think you know what is best for all of us, then you would make the perfect democratic politician, you are definitely in the minority when it comes to many of these topics which leads me to believe that you are an Antigun nut or just like to press people's buttons due to your lack of maturity which should disqualify you from most grown up conversations. Go sit back down at the kids table and go back to school to get educated.
Democrats are good people. Jose is a left wing nut job and definitely ANTI-GUN and against anything sportsmen love. His comments are laughable and dam annoying. Go back to the MSNBC forum!

Its assault weapons now. Soon it will be sniper rifles with high power scopes, aka the Remington 700 and Nightforce scopes. The 700 is already a villain on MSNBC. You've all seen the lies from that waste of time.

The congresswomen in CA are already thinking, not out loud, but they are thinking it! Why do people need sniper rifles with scopes that can kill at 300 yards? Assault weapons now! Sniper rifles later! One by one until there are none! Right, nut job?
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So, if I understand many of your arguments. We should go along with the current hysteria and sit idly back and let the liberals take our AR's and our high capacity magazines, so that they won't want to take away our semi-automatic handguns, pump shotguns, and semi-auto shotguns? Is that honestly what you folks are proposing as an alternative to total gun control? If so, you definitely need to get your heads out of your collective asses and wake up! That's the same line of bullsh*t that the English, Australians, and even the Germans of the Third Reich and the Cubans after Castro took over, also believed. On Greg Ritz's site, a gentleman from South Florida stated that Fidel made a speech that he heard as a young man, about why the government wanted to "protect" society by gun confiscation. He then proceeded to take away right of speech, right to assemble, and the right of citizens to own property and private businesses. In other words the totalitarian regime was born with the single event of gun control. Do not for one second believe that this isn't the beginning of the same movement here in this country. And that my foolish compatriots is exactly why the Second Amendment is in place and was put in place by the founders of this nation! If we quietly succumb to this current attack on our freedoms, we are allowing the death knell to begin for the rest of our Constitutional freedoms. Those FEMA camps we've heard about will be packed with those of us who dare stand opposed to Obama, Holder, and the UN. I guess I'll see some of you there, and then when we commiserate our losses, remember that some of us tried to tell you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FEMA camps and the UN? And you think the other side takes you seriously?
Been 10 1/2 years since this thread was touched. Partisan political division has increased along with the batshit conspiracies. Any meaningful regulation has come from state actions, not Federal. The Bruen case opened a door to all sorts of lawsuits that would not have been tangible prior to that decision. The linked article is findings (printed 2022 off earlier data) of 167 mass shootings over 50 years. 20% OF THAT TOTAL happened in the last five years of the study period. The gorilla (really handguns and assault rifles) in the room has intensified.

This is what I found most important in the article because nobody wants another school shooting:

“In cases involving K-12 school shootings, over 80% of individuals who engaged in shootings stole guns from family members.”

So it is our responsibility to police our own stuff. Lock and key, gun safe, trigger/action cables all work better than not even trying to secure the gun. Of what use is the firearm meant for “protection of my home and family” if someone uses it to kill children?
There are several rules of judicial conduct judges have to follow, many of which severely restrict their 1st amendment rights to free speech.

As a general rule, judges are not supposed to publically endorse views on anything relating to cases they may decide.
That is hilarious! So apparently these "rules" didn't apply to those conservative supreme court judges and their views on Roe vs Wade?
Democrats are good people. Jose is a left wing nut job and definitely ANTI-GUN and against anything sportsmen love. His comments are laughable and dam annoying. Go back to the MSNBC forum!

Its assault weapons now. Soon it will be sniper rifles with high power scopes, aka the Remington 700 and Nightforce scopes. The 700 is already a villain on MSNBC. You've all seen the lies from that waste of time.

The congresswomen in CA are already thinking, not out loud, but they are thinking it! Why do people need sniper rifles with scopes that can kill at 300 yards? Assault weapons now! Sniper rifles later! One by one until there are none! Right, nut job?
Hopefully it will be another 11 years before we have to hear from you again. :mad:
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