How do you define an assault weapon


Active member
Sep 9, 2012
Spring Creek, NV
Everyone should be careful of any possible regulations containing the words "Assault Weapon" There is not a weapon "action" type in existance from the earliest match locks, flint locks, bolt actions, etc.that at one time in their existance were not used as an "Assault Weapon", Everyone automatically assumes they are decribing AR15/16, or SKS type weapons and that is where we could all take it in the shorts.
That's exactly why I keep trying to tell people that the NRA is so staunch in it's stance on this stuff. If you look at what Senator Feinstein wants to put forward in the new Congress next month there are a ton of weapons that will come under it and not just what you mentioned. They are not only going to go after the large capacity clips, but are probably going to go after every rifle that has the remote possibility of a large clip being used in it, including hunting rifles. Then if they pass that they will look at all semiautomic pistols because of the ease of swapping an empty clip of any size for a full one quickly to keep blasting away. Where will it stop once it gets started!
Yeah, pretty tough to figure out which guns are designed for hunting and which guns are designed for killing lots of people.

I am guessing any one with a half a brain should be able to resolve that in about 30 minutes.
Browning and beretta make semi auto hunting rifles, will they ban these too Jose? You seem to know everything or at least that's what you want everyone to think. So a kid walks in with one of these rifles and 10 LEGAL magazines...then what?
The weapons I used in the Army were assault weapons, havent seen anything in the local gunshops that I have used in the Army with the exception of the Beretta 92F.

Pretty sure old Feinstein will go after my Browning Gold, Winchester SX3 being that they are evil semiauto's, and maybe my Remington 700 since snipers use that

But why stop at firearms? why not just ban anything that can kill us? You ever see what a Boeing 757 can do to a building? Fertilizer can do to a building? How about booze? I've never been shot at stateside, but I have been hit by a drunk, and had a good friend killed by a drunk! I fear a mix of alcohol/car more than guns. Statistcally 26 people died from a drunk driver the last 24 hours, same number as that shooting. :rolleyes:

Call me old fashioned, but how about we hold individuals resposible for their actions and not the tools they use
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Somewhere I saw the "criteria" according to the Government that a firearm must possess to be considered under the ban. I'll see if I can find it again. Of course, I am sure that the "criteria" is subject to change or Government interpretation. mtmuley I refuse to use the term assault rifle.
Yeah, pretty tough to figure out which guns are designed for hunting and which guns are designed for killing lots of people.

I am guessing any one with a half a brain should be able to resolve that in about 30 minutes.

Unfortunately the leaders of this country and their followers, all of the anti gun, can’t tell the difference. To them a gun….is an assault weapon.

For the gun owners, not to tough to figure out, it will only take seconds to determine the difference
2nd amendment wasn't about rifles designed for hunting. I think it was about the right to be armed. Properly arming yourself these days isn't the same as it was in 1791. Actually yes I think the amendment was more about being able to kill people or having the right to be prepared to do so if necessary. What you don't need or want right now doesn't have anything to do with the "right" that we have. A douchebag self proclaimed conservative republican bragging about how many gophers he's killed is no better than some pillow biting crybaby also trying to keep his voters. I'm starting to think a good m4 will be in my future.
It's uncertain what will be proposed regarding an "assault rifle" ban, but everyone seems to forget that there was such a ban in effect for ten years already. Nancy Pelosi clearly indicated in her recent proposal that the same weapons as previously specifically named and described would be included in the new proposed ban.

So this question about defining the "assault weapon" seems to be alot of silly conjecture and a waste of time that could be better spent on formulating ideas and counter-proposals which would be more proactively constructive.
Any gun used to MURDER anyone is an assault weapon in reality. But on paper it is more about ugly black guns.
Yes some children were killed by a guy with a screw loose but those who cannot control their emotions will start barking up the wrong tree on how to fix this. The politicians and media are already more focused on gun bans over mental health. They just want to win the battle they have been fighting for decades.Because of re-election times they had to keep a muzzle on it but now they have something to use as leverage again. They will badge you a hater, a gun nut, and other things if you tell them that the gun is not the problem and the defective brain is.
I am sorry, but I am not happy with the mentality that these school shootings would be more acceptable if they were done with only 10 round mags and guns that were not painted black. I am not satisfied with the mentality that these mass killings would be so much better if half as many were killed. I would be happy if the nut jobs who do these things were locked up before hand and got help and the mass shooting never happened at all.
2nd amendment wasn't about rifles designed for hunting. I think it was about the right to be armed. Properly arming yourself these days isn't the same as it was in 1791. Actually yes I think the amendment was more about being able to kill people or having the right to be prepared to do so if necessary. What you don't need or want right now doesn't have anything to do with the "right" that we have. I'm starting to think a good m4 will be in my future.

Your right. I bet those in Syria wish they had the second amendment that we have. Not to mention how many other countries in the last decade that revolted against the leader of their country. I am sorry, I dont feel guilty that the current gun laws didn't have anything to do with Sandy Hill
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Your right. I bet those in Syria wish they had the second amendment that we have. Not to mention how many other countries in the last decade that revolted against the leader of their country. I am sorry, I dont feel guilty that the current gun laws didn't have anything to do with Sandy Hill

You think you need weapons to shoot US soldiers and police?
Any gun used to MURDER anyone is an assault weapon in reality. But on paper it is more about ugly black guns.
Yes some children were killed by a guy with a screw loose but those who cannot control their emotions will start barking up the wrong tree on how to fix this. The politicians and media are already more focused on gun bans over mental health. They just want to win the battle they have been fighting for decades.Because of re-election times they had to keep a muzzle on it but now they have something to use as leverage again. They will badge you a hater, a gun nut, and other things if you tell them that the gun is not the problem and the defective brain is.
I am sorry, but I am not happy with the mentality that these school shootings would be more acceptable if they were done with only 10 round mags and guns that were not painted black. I am not satisfied with the mentality that these mass killings would be so much better if half as many were killed. I would be happy if the nut jobs who do these things were locked up before hand and got help and the mass shooting never happened at all.

How you gonna address the mental health issue? You want the States sharing your mental health conditions with the Federal Government? Right now 32 states don't, guess what color they are?
How you gonna address the mental health issue? You want the States sharing your mental health conditions with the Federal Government? Right now 32 states don't, guess what color they are?

That my mental Friend is what needs to be hashed out. If the solution was so easy it would have been done already. Are you ready to take a look at the root of the problem in mass shootings? Or are you happy just looking at what may save maybe 10% of the deaths and say good enough?
That my mental Friend is what needs to be hashed out. If the solution was so easy it would have been done already. Are you ready to take a look at the root of the problem in mass shootings? Or are you happy just looking at what may save maybe 10% of the deaths and say good enough?

10% is better than nothing.

I'd take that any day of the week.

You gonna encourage the State to share your mental condition with the Feds?

You a big supporter of the Patriot Act?
Security at schools, addressing mental health, and supporting the second amendment are all my concerns Mike, banning certain guns is none of them.


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You think you need weapons to shoot US soldiers and police?

Seriously Jose...what are you smoking. Why do you disagree with 90% of everyone with your condescending babble. You are a gad fly twisting everyone's words. The right to arms was to protect us frm the tyranny of government. But it sounds like you are all for the use of chemical weapons on their own people in Syria.
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