
Hornets nest


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2016
How should I deal with this? There is a nest every year in this tree but normally way higher. It’s got heavy and fell down to about 6ft. My wife mowed under it today before she noticed it and it’s a wonder she didn’t get eat up. She is ready to go set it on fire tonight but I’m not to sure. Rather leave it alone till fall but as low as it is now somebody is probably going to get stung. Any ideas? IMG_5182.jpegIMG_6935.jpeg
I helped a guy next door to my jobsite cut up some juniper. Turns out he scrapes out a living selling odd things. He claimed a good hornets nest brings $500( sin hornets).😉 but you have to leave some interesting branches incorporated.
Guy must of sold alot of nests to pay for all the ink, but couldn't afford a haircut.
As someone who has dealt with many hornets nest in trees and been on the receiving end of not noticing them first I would go to the store and buy a minimum of four cans of wasp and hornet spray. Shake well and have one in each hand. Unload both cans on one that size. Coat the whole thing. If it hits the ground cover it in foam.

The extra two are if something goes wrong
I helped a guy next door to my jobsite cut up some juniper. Turns out he scrapes out a living selling odd things. He claimed a good hornets nest brings $500( sin hornets).😉 but you have to leave some interesting branches incorporated.
Guy must of sold alot of nests to pay for all the ink, but couldn't afford a haircut.
Funny how that works. They usually have full sleeves but can’t afford school lunch for their kids.

We had a paper wasp nest donated to us that was built in between the studs of an old barn. Pretty cool piece. Unfortunately it fell off the wall and broke.
I'll never forget as a kid, maybe 6th grade, throwing a soccer ball at a nest of similar size about 16 ' up. Finally nailed it. I can still vividly recall the stream of black hornets come right at me. I was a barefoot swifty😁, only a couple caught me.
9 year old me does not recommend shooting a home made wooden arrow shaft into one. Seems my most amazing throws/shots involve high stakes hornets nests.

I’ve not dealt with one that big, but a little one in the kids park across the street a few years back I did go out at night and go over it, branch and all, with a black trash bag to remove it. Clipped the branch and bombed that sucker with wasp spray inside the bag. Never did check if I killed then all but I find it hard to believe they’d survive that.
Explain to then that they need to move to CA where they're offering 0% interest, no down payment home loans for illegal immigrants

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