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Hornets nest

Once watched a fraternity brother ignite a 30-foot tall bonfire with an arrow wrapped in a gasoline-soaked wrap set aflame. Maybe a job for that boy of yours?
Bald Face aren't overly aggressive like Yellow Jackets and they are kind of cool to watch. And they eat Yellow jackets.
When I was working on trail crew, our nightly entertainment was watching bald face hornets catch horse flies mid air then eat their head and legs off and fly away with the body. We always joked how terrifying they would be if the size of bald eagles!!!
I had one like that in a maple tree that I didn't see until I was mowing under it. I literally bumped it with the side of my head while mowing under it. If I remember correctly, I waited until dark and unloaded a can of hornet spray into the bottom, knocked it out of the tree, and stomped it and used a shovel to dump it in a contractor bag....and into the garbage it went. Edit: The one I dealt with was the size of a big cantaloupe. Yours looks bigger.......... Best of luck!
There’s a video somewhere around of me and my brother taking care of a hornets nest… positioned a large outdoor trash can below it, one of us got up on a ladder with loppers, cut the limb and dropped it in the trash can while the other quickly put the lid on. I can’t remember for sure, but I think that we put gasoline in the trash can first. I don’t recommend it, but it worked that day and no beer was involved
Well it was sprung on me. I got home from work and my wife and neighbor had came up with a plan for me. They had it all figured out for the person that is allergic to bees to take care of them. I shot down the first plan of driving the brand new jeep up to the tree with the flame thrower inches out the window and decided to gear up and get it done. I’m not gonna lie I was scared to death haha.
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