Hey Paws- does this sound familiar?


Your a prize. First you blame your failed business on the economy, and then you blame it on your wife. Typical liberal mentality- it's everyone elses fault but my own. Your type is jealous of and dispieses any success. Your a miserable human being. Why don't you take a fraction of the anger and the energy you put into bashing Bush, and apply it to makeing YOURSELF a better person.

Debates over, your a waste of my time.

score= YH-1, Paul-0. Paul has now left the building. Next
[muted applause, as I approach the dias]
Thank you, thank you... as this is my first victory since coming to this forum, I'd like to thank everyone who brought me here...you, Paws, the rest of my ex-NAHC brothers, my family, God (wait- I'm an Atheist...never mind), my public, as well as my no-so-worthy opponent, who was incapable of bringing up any valid points.
[Yuke holds up statue of Oscar (the grouch)]
"Brushy/ Paws-
Do you ever find it odd that, in a country where everyoneis willing to protect their rights under the Second Amendment to the death, that so many are willing to turn a blind eye to violations of their First Amendment?"

YH, the fact is we "Merkuns" couldn't give a shit less about any of the rights we enjoy. Collectively we are a pack of rabble who would rather sit on our fat asses and watch everything our ancesters bled for disappear rather than lift a finger to preserve them. That my friend is how we end up with candidates the "quality of Bush, Gore, Clinton, Leiberman, Dean and so on. The statesmen, working in some steel mill in Pennsylvania or sweeping out the Kroger's in West Virginia will never be visible again because we let our money elect our politicians whose only concern is a grand retirement and maybe a library with their name on the wall. Thgere is a reason that empires fall after 200 years. We are about to see history repeat itself right here in the good old USA. My only question is should I go study Cantonese or Spanish??
Yo Paws; what an attitude you have. while i agree that there is little that the common man can do in todays politics, there are still grass roots political parties out there.unfortunatly you are right, money talks and bullshit walks. nobody votes for them because we were convinced by the big two parties that to do so was to throw your vote away. and then a couple years ago here in Minnesota we elected a feather boa wearing ex-wrestler as our govenor. we thumbed our noses at the republicans and the democrats and there politics as usual and wanted a change. and change we got!! we even tried to get a unicameral legislature, well i'm sure you know how far that got. so i think there is still hope for some un-known to rise above the political quagmire that we find ouselves in today. as far as sitting on our fat asses and letting our rights go down the tube, you only have to look as far as the Patriot Act. if we say anything or do anything, we are called un-patriotic and un-american. what we are trying so hard to stamp out in other countries we are imposing on ouselves. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.
while i agree that there is little that the common man can do in todays politics, there are still grass roots political parties You state quite eloquently two of the major aspects of the problem: so little that the common man can do... and the rest: that he does absolutely nothing! ... and... political parties ... Parties are the worst idea ever designed for electing officials. The common man refuses to use his own mind because he would rather relegate the odious task of responsibility to someone else. Who the hell cares what party, union, church, lodge, fraternity, hunting club, or bulletin board you belong to. If we don't start using our individual talents and respecting one another as individuals; partner this country is finished. We follow like sheep off to slaughter because we are lazy. Take a hard look at the insurgents in Iraq, the Bathests; because that is exactly what our citezenry is becoming. We will align with whoever": will take care of us regardless of their moral, or ethical turpitude. We'll fight only when our comfort is threatened. The Democtrats know this; read their promise list! Unless I am totally mistaken then God is a Republican, Santa Clause is a Democrat, and Satan is certainly an attorney. Attitude? You bet your butt; I earned it with every grey hair in my chin.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-17-2003 08:50: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
Yo Paws; so we are both on the same page right? i could not tell if you were agreeing with me or dis-agreeing with me. where is YH when ya need him
Sorry, man- I've been at work, but I'm home sick.
Paws, I'd have to agree about towing the party line- there (was) a party up here, the Alliance, that advocated listening to your constituents, rather than following party politics. Didn't work, though- everyone that did it tended to piss off the upper echelons.
Party politics is a beast we all must live with. Personally, I favour the Democrats stance on many issues (abortion, environment, and, yes, even gun control, to a point), however I also favour the Republican stance on a more potent military and the Death Penalty. I suppose it's a matter of choosing between the lesser of two evils.
sorry Paws, your comparison of the American people to the Bathest party insurgents went way over my head.
i do not believe that the American people are 'lazy" and will follow anyone that benefits them. I believe that we have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. I hope that i am not mistaken on this view, because if i am than you might be right, this country is in serious shape!!
as far as battling the big political machines that are running this country today, how does the "common man" fight that? as i said before " money talks and bullshit walks" and the common man does not have the financial resources to even be recognized.
that is what was so refreshing here in Minnesota when Jesse Ventura got elected as Gov. He was an independent but got very little done because the two big partys fought him all the way. but he sure as hell made it interesting and got a lot of young people in the state interested in politics no matter what their views. did he do a good job? that is up for debate.
and by the way, God can not be a republican because he cared more for the "common man" than he did for the rich and powerful.
ie; the camel and the eye of a needle
Brushy when I express my opinion about Bush; I express it to Bush. That is what the common man must do. Fortunately the technology available today makes that very possible. So possible in fact that this nation no longer has a need for an electoral college, nor a political party system. Every election could potentially be done from the general populace with all write in votes. I would rather see a system of lottery selections, however; where every citizen is randomly selected for national service and appointed to office simply by chance. I'm sure the quality of job performance would improve immensely while the President concentrates on "doing the right thing" rather than election, re-election, memoirs, libraries, etc.
Paws on your lottery thing ... remember "Alex" from NAHC...does literacy test come to mind?

Most people don't know what "doing the right thing" is and most can and will overlook facts that don't agree with their stance to push forth their own agendas.

Take YH for example, strong union supporter, nothing wrong with that, but if he were in power could he go against Unions if it were for the greater good?

Could Ithaca choose a set back on environmental issues if it meant the economy could pick up a couple of points?

Could CJCJ back down a little on his stance on illegal immigration to (blueskying here) increase the efficiency of our agricultural industry?

Is our system broke? Maybe, it's definately bent but until some catastrophy happens, this is the system the voting populace is going to allow to run rampant.

Oh and back to the topic, didn't the economy take a downturn before GW was even in office? I'm wondering how he caused that....
Mar, two points.
First, I don't honestly know that I could go against the Unions. My belief in them is now so ingrained that I believe turning my back on them would be difficult. Because the Public Service Alliance of Canada, to whom I belong, is so large, it goes beyond serving it's members, and is a voice for social justice.
Second, that may be the best signature line I've ever seen. My whole family has been laughing about it for days.
Yo Paws & Mar. good points both of you, however must disagree on the lottery system of electing our officials. I was in on the last lottery system in this country and it was not very popular. i don't believe we want to "force" someone to serve and make laws that affect the whole nation.
Electoral collage? you bet, get rid of it, it is a sham anyway. popular vote is the only way to go"voice of the people".
As far as the economy taking a downward turn before Bush got in i agree; just the mear threat that he would win was enough to put the economy in the tank.

REpublican motto: take credit for the good things that happen & blame the Democrats for any thing that goes wrong

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