Hey Paws- does this sound familiar?


How did the drop in the U. S. dollar effect you personally? When I was hunting in Canada a few years ago, the U. S. dollar was strong compared to your dollar, and all the Canadians I talked to were whinning about their "funny money". They sure liked my dollars however. The dollar goes up and the dollar goes down, just like the stockmarket. Get used to it. What's bad for you, might be good for me and vice a virsa. Besides, now with your dollar stronger you can afford more goods and services from the U. S..

Our economy is turning around down here real fast thanks to President Bush and 2004 is shaping up to be a good year economic wise. Don't expect our President to be looking out for YOUR best interests, that's your governments job.

I'm voting for Bush in 2004 and your not voting. What else do you need to know?

To start with, the American economy, like it or not (and I don't), is the greatest power in the Global Economy- and make no mistake, your swinging dollar has a huge effect on pretty much every country. A lower American dollar means less sales of "made in Canada" goods, less exports for Canadian companies,and less tourism. As my wife works in a tourism- based business, this has a direct effect on my family.
You economy may be turning around, but it's still in the tank. Your stock market finally broke the 10,000 mark yesterday- of course, at the end of the Clinton era, it was at 11,700.
To think that a budget deficit is AOK, because it isn't REAL money, is ludicrous. It further weakens the American dollar against all other currencies.
Let's assume for a second that one can ignore what the Bush administration has done for (or to) the individual (you or me). Between his pathetic performance on environmental issues, raping your economy, blatant patronage and the Iraq situation, in addition to the fact that the guy is just plain dumb, I can hardly believe that anyone votes for him. Of course, I guess I can see it if he's going to put a few extra dollars in your pocket. That's the "screw everyone else, it's me that's important" attitude that's so endearing to non-right wingers. Call Canada Socialist- it shows you have no understanding of the difference between "Social Conscience" and "Socialist". If electing a GOP-style government in Canada would mean more cash in my pocket, and a loss of social and environmental programs, I would choose the programs, thanks.
Besides, I sure as hell didn't vote for the wankers WE have in power right now.

You said:

"You economy may be turning around, but it's still in the tank. Your stock market finally broke the 10,000 mark yesterday- of course, at the end of the Clinton era, it was at 11,700"

Something happened in this country between now and the Clinton era, can you tell me what it was?

I'm not a screw everyone else kind of person. I'm a take care of myself and stand on my own two feet kind of person. I'm not going to argue social philosophies with you. You got your beliefs and I got mine. So you think big government is the ticket good for you. Why are you ragging on Bush when he is following your line of thinking and spending money like there is no tomorrow on all kinds of social programs?

There are 2 lines of thinking on why Bush is spending money like he is. Which camp do you belong to?

I'm of the mind that he's spending YOUR money to help line the pockets of his friends. Oh, yeah- and 'cause he's stupid.
The government spending money is one thing- spending it without just cause is another.
And, BTW, what does 9-11 have to do with things like tax cuts? Why put your country into further debt that will, at some point, need to be paid down, for the sake of giving Joe average a measly few hundred dollar tax break? I'll tell you why- to buy votes off of those that aren't bright enough to figure out that he's mortgaging their future for a few bucks today.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2003 13:00: Message edited by: Yukon Hunter ]</font>
BTW, Paul

"I'm not going to debate economics with you. There's no point, your totally clueless."

Do you actually HAVE any valid points to raise, or are you going to simply stick with the "Oh yeah? Well you're stupid" POV?

It's a sad day when a Corrections Officer from Canada has to explain the American economic engine to a U.S. citizen.

Have you ever been self employed? Have you ever employed anyone? Have you ever made payroll? Did your own payroll tax calculations instead of relying on a book keeper?

If you don't understand how cutting taxes can restart the economy just ask.

Bush is borrowing a page out of the Democrate handbook in my opinion and throwing money around on social programs to gain support. Its a mistake, and its not gaining him any support. The way left have a conspiracy that he is trying to bankrupt this country so that we do not have any money left for social problems. KOO KOO!

You aren't very bright to disrespect our President like you have here, and then whine because he's not looking out for you. I would spend more of my time concentrating on the "wankers" in your country.

Bush is wasting taxpayers dollars on TOO MANY SOCIAL PROGRAMS?!?!?!
I guess you must also feel he is spending needlessly helping the environment.
Don't worry, Paul- I'm a strong Union man, involved with the PAC of our Component- I spend plenty of time trying to change our own sysytem.
I also owned my own business for 5 years, which my wife ran while I was at my cushy government job. It went belly-up because of the local economy. Believe me, I understand micro- as well as macro- economics.

I could believe you are a union man, it fits.

I would also venture to say that the demise of your business had more to do with management then the economy. They do say that most small businesses go broke by 5 years. I've been self employed for 13 years and have done very well. Must also be the management.

I've invited you to a discussion on Bush's dumb-assed economic policies, and the best you can do is criticise my wife's ability to manage our business, while patting yourself on the back for being such a whiz-bang entrepreneur?
You and I are similar in one respect- we both like to argue. Then we go in two different directions. I like to bring facts, stats and figures to the table. You like to insult people. Okay- I can play that game as well.
Now PLEASE, I'm begging you- say something germaine to the topic. If you can't bring anything to the table, let me know. Has Bush done anything, other than slash environmental and social programs, while giving money to those he's in bed with (witness the latest Medicare debacle)? Why, yes, he has- he took Clinton's anti-terrorism initiative, and shelved it until AFTER 9-11. Oh, yeah- he also took a massive annual surplus, promised the "largest surpluses in U.S. government history", and delivered staggering deficits, instead. He also diverted much-needed troops and money from the hunt for the world's biggest asshole in Afghanistan to support a war being waged "because Saddam tried to kill his daddy". It amazes me that any hunter could vote for this putz.

Where's the facts and stats? I haven't seen anything from you yet other than left wing opinion. And who's tossing out insults? So far you've called me a moron and a pea brain. Ouch, coming from you that hurts!

You ate a lot of tinned food as a child, didn't you?
I've given you plenty of facts. You've given nothing but bullshit. As for the insults, kindly note the tone of all posts on this subject prior to you referring to me as a "weasel". Things kind of went downhill from there, and, for me, I always enjoy the ride down into the pit of derision. Now, are we going to continue to ridicule each other, or do you, in fact, have any positive economic news from this administration? You seem like a bright enough guy (not really- just trying to boost your confidence). Suely you can come up with SOMETHING...
Name calling is very easy...
It is harder coming up with useful debate material and keeping the ignorance out of it...Shows the intellect of the individuals playing this grade school game....

The weasel statement was a fact, because thats exactly what you were trying to do. Do a little research for youself if you want to know how our economy doing. Personally for me, last week was pretty darn good.

Yo Yukon; gotta be kind of carefull what we say down here because of the Patriot Act. if we disagree with the big boys we might be watched. what is sad is that it takes a Canadian to tell it like it is, because the rest of us are to afraid. so i ask you; are we gaining freedom or losing freedom. that said; we are probably both being watched right now.
YH; It is your turn!

Being watched;never!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2003 19:55: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
As I should have realized (stupid me), sometimes when dealing with the mentally challenged, repetition is the key. I repeat, repetition is the key. Therefore, I shall again endevour to present you with the facts- not some liberal dogma. Just the facts.
1)Bush is a moron
2)He gets elected because there are, almost unbelievably, people out there with an even lower IQ's than he has (ref.- Paul)
3)He has taken a 250 Billion (with a B) dollar surplus, and turned it into a 400 Billion dollar deficit. This weakens the American economy significantly, and takes the Canadian economy down with it.
4)Like it or not, this deficit and your whopping great tax cuts will have to be paid for at some point by you, your children (God forbid), and your children's children.
5)He's hell on the environment. I suspect you live your life with a chain saw in your hand, so this is good for you. It's just bad for everyone and everything that doesn't happen to make money off his stupidity. So, now who's sucking at Uncle Sam's tit? Oh, yeah- that'd be you. How's that taste?
6)He took resources in the hunt for the asshole that masterminded the 9-11 attacks to make war on someone who, while being another complete asshole, was no imminent threat to anyone but the Kurds.
Add to these endearing traits a propensity for patronage that borders on illegal, and you have the complete package. As an example, President Bush's longtime business associate (and, of course, campaign contributer)was allowed to "craft" key portions of the Medicare bill, which could send millions to his own company. Sounds kinda like his energy plan, doesn't it?
Now, I'd love to debate your points in favor of good old George. Perhaps you could provide a couple. You haven't given a single point, valid or otherwise, that could lead to an honest debate. Come on, Paul- show us how smart you are.
Brushy/ Paws-
Do you ever find it odd that, in a country where everyone is willing to protect their rights under the Second Amendment to the death, that so many are willing to turn a blind eye to violations of their First Amendment?
And Canada is sitting on a throne???
It seems their social engineering with the medical end of things has almost put the country into bankruptcy, they have outlawed most of the fire arms in the country, so it cannot defend itself, and why should it matter if we are going down the tubes, you are already there, the taxes they take from you should prove this... We can still pull ourselves out of any mess we might put ourselves into will Canada be able to?
If your IQ is so much better than our presidents or the rest of the nation that voted him to office, why is it you are here ranting ignorance and not in your parliament trying to make a difference? Maybe it is because you are afraid? Big brother is so much more prevalent in your country than it is here by a long shot!!!