HB288 Wyoming fee increases

Nonresidents have every right to complain when they provide so much of the funding for the Game and Fish Departments. That said, I can't complain about Wyoming yet. I feel I've gotten my money's worth each time I've hunted there. What they are looking at for points and the archery license is pushing it, though.

I agree. The tag increases don't bother me as much as the increase for preference points. This will likely jump pp's from $120 for deer, elk, ph to $225. That is pretty substantial but I guess you gotta pay to play.
makes Idaho look nicer,,as I said,ill have to figure if the "bang for the buck" is still there vs other options as I apply in several states,,just gotta deal with it but want to vent a little.will I apply in Wyoming,,,,probly.most likely still better bang for the buck vs montanas $1000 ++ combo tag,montana is way down my list from the top
not very fair to just raise resident tags by a buck or a few,,,then take something like the $27 dollar non-res archery endorsement and rape us non-res for $70!!!!!that is b. s.
Well, the only other option you may have, other than paying Wyoming's higher fees is to hunt another State with lower tag costs...or stay home and hunt. If you decide on the latter, there will be plenty of other Non-Residents standing in line to replace you. Supply will never equal the overwhelming demand.
"Preference points for elk, deer, pronghorn can now be up to $75/each"

This will be a game changer for me. It's the reason I exited their sheep & moose game. Just too much to save points so I will burn my max deer points and exit that game as well. Shift gears on elk & lope to burn them every few years on low tier hunts. Long term point saving is out for me now. I'm just not going to pay money to not hunt. That is what these states all want to sell now. The opportunity to not hunt.
Well, the only other option you may have, other than paying Wyoming's higher fees is to hunt another State with lower tag costs...or stay home and hunt. If you decide on the latter, there will be plenty of other Non-Residents standing in line to replace you. Supply will never equal the overwhelming demand.

This is the crux of the whole problem. People have no issue throwing money at this stuff and if one backs out, then the feeling from another is "now I have a better chance". Hunters will never boycott things like this and so, due to the demand being stupid high, this stuff is going to continue.
I'll probably burn my WY points in the next few years and stop applying there.
As long as WY offers a quality product, I don't see there being a decline in people applying/point banking/hunting there no matter what the cost is. At the end of the day, no matter your financial budget, would you rather pay $700 for a general OTC hunt with terrible bull to cow ratios and success rates or pay $1000 for a quality hunt? When it comes down to it, I think most will find a way to pay the extra $300 but maybe I'm way off in my thinking???
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not very fair to just raise resident tags by a buck or a few,,,then take something like the $27 dollar non-res archery endorsement and rape us non-res for $70!!!!!that is b. s.
I think you should teach the state a lesson and never apply there again. That will show em!

I am not opposed to fishing by any means, I just think that hunters have had a very disproportionate burden placed on them with little ROI as you say. They take away the limited big game access program we had due to lack of funds and then brag about buying a fishing easements.
So should people who don't hunt start complaining that they don't want their fishing $$$ going into the general fund because they don't want those @$$hole hunters getting any benefit?
It's not about kissing ass...it's having a firm grasp in reality that NR's are going to pay more.

NoWiser....I do agree with you on the points and archery license issue.

John, if you ever need help with ANYTHING Wyoming, let me know. Jeff
So....Shoulda popped the extra coin THIS YEAR for the special elk instead of getting point creeped. Is that the jest of it?? Dang!!
Did anyone else see huge point creep this year? And huge increased number of applicants for the unit they hunt in? Would this be do to people wanting to burn their points before the fee increase?
If points do end up going to the max $75 each, it'll be a little tough on me to drop that much on points. But all of the WY hunts I've been on have been great, and I think the quality of the hunt and game is definitely worth the tag cost. Cant say I think the same anymore about Montana...
While I don't ever like paying more for things the increase really doesn't effect me, the points and tags increase is hardly noticeable compared the cost of a western hunt for me. I'll continue to buy points for my kids and I and try and hunt WY at least every second year. Never intended to pay the high points game, just need one or two points for the tags I want.
I'd be embarrassed to even say I was involved in that cluster. The whole situation sounds like a complete disgrace. What a bunch of jackasses!
Since they only gave the PP caps, what are the expected preference point fees?

Trying to decide on our strategy here, as we are definitely not the type to just put in anywhere regardless of cost.
I believe the commission will set the fees.

I would expect elk to go max at $75, I'm sure sheep will move to $150 and I bet moose to $100. Deer and pronghorn may stay the same or see slight increases.

All just a guess though, they may not change them as much or they may choose to max them all out.

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