
Never been a big fan of an overly aggressive handshake.
Like sometimes they just don’t like up and just because you grabbed just my fingers and squeezed doesn’t mean you can take me down.
I talk to lots of people for work, and I guess I get the spectrum. Most people just give me a normal handshake. Some men will give me a crushing handshake when we are meeting to discuss something contentious. Usually I assume this is meant to intimidate me, although some of the gentle giants I think just don’t realize it. Some men don’t know when to let go. I’ll usually ask for my hand back. Some men do the limp handshake or just offer fingers. That always gives me a WTF pause and just seems weird. A lot of women give a weak handshake with mostly fingers. I also find that weird. Or maybe I’m the weird one. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I prefer a nice, firm, normal person handshake, no matter who it is.
One spring we were getting permission for a piece of private ground that had some gobblers on it. My buddy went up and knocked at the door and when the landowner answered and stepped out, my buddy instinctually went in for the handshake. As he glanced down to make sure he was lining it up straight and true, he realized the old man had a hook for a hand. He grabbed the hook and shook it anyways. No blinks from either side. We killed a couple turkeys there. Quite the show to watch unfold from back in the pickup.
I cringe to think about a handshake outcome anymore. Covid kind of put a new spin on that one! This mouthy young man on a job we were supporting, training NG troops, offered his hand to me one day. I thought I was going to break every bone in his hand! WTF!
I’m not freakish about it and I shake a few hands everyday. But humans are a nasty species. The things they do and places they stick their fingers are disgusting. I usually cant wait to get a squirt of hand sanitizer every time I jump back in my truck after a meeting. I‘m generally in support of all things traditional and customary but I wouldn’t miss handshaking if it went away.
I’m not freakish about it and I shake a few hands everyday. But humans are a nasty species. The things they do and places they stick their fingers are disgusting. I usually cant wait to get a squirt of hand sanitizer every time I jump back in my truck after a meeting. I‘m generally in support of all things traditional and customary but I wouldn’t miss handshaking if it went away.
I do miss the transaction Handshake with my customers. Make the transaction feel complete. Some guys will put there fist out when I offer a hand shake ..OK a lot of times many husbands will shake my hand then the wife will. A lady by herself i will offer a handshake and I still get many in return. But rarly will or should a lady offer the handshake,
I do miss the transaction Handshake with my customers. Make the transaction feel complete. Some guys will put there fist out when I offer a hand shake ..OK a lot of times many husbands will shake my hand then the wife will. A lady by herself i will offer a handshake and I still get many in return. But rarly will or should a lady offer the handshake,
I finding meeting and face to face business dealing are getting replaced by online stuff. At least in my business.

I used to have meetings scheduled one after another or I was out dropping off paperwork to people.

These days its mostly emails , text messages and zoom meeting. Its more efficient but
not near as much fun.
I have to wonder what Garrison Keillor would say after reading this thread?

“And now the news from Lake Woebegone where all the men have firm handshakes, the women are good huggers and the children are all above average.”

I noticed no one has mentioned they have a weak handshake. Would a person know it if they were a limp wristed, dead
fish in other folks opinions?

Two takeaways- Don’t let my wife hug @Redmt and don’t let any of my customers shake @Ben Lamb’s hand.
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A handshake around here is old school still.
Gloves on, off and ranch hands. Most of us pull gloves as we walk to greet each other.

Now when I go to town and the clinic it gets weird quick.
I might just start pulling on latex when I go there...LOL
We are a "working hands" community. When someone goes to shake my hand and theirs is dirty, they will usually do a quick wipe on their pants leg. It's kinda like a sign of respect that they want to offer up a handshake but try to do it with a reasonably clean hand.
@Gerald Martin please don't restrict my hugging. It's a lot better since I got the drooling under control.
I have to wonder what Garrison Keillor would say after reading this thread?

“And now the news from Lake Woebegone where all the men have firm handshakes, the women are good huggers and the children are all above average.”

I noticed no one has mentioned they have a weak handshake. Would a person know it if they were a limp wristed, dead
fish in other folks opinions?

Two takeaways- Don’t let my wife hug @Redmt and don’t let any of my customers shake @Ben Lamb’s hand.

Don't act like you weren't excited when I did it to you.