Ground Blinds


New member
Mar 1, 2001
Mtn. Home, Idaho
I will be on setting bait this fall for bears. I plan on setting a ground blind near by in hopes of taking one with my long bow. Has anyone had any success in taking a bear this way. If so any suggestions on where to set the blind or the best materials to make it from.

Some say I am crazy for wanting to hunt this way. I like to say that I am adventerous.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-26-2002 16:08: Message edited by: Steamer ]</font>
Ground Blinds ROCk !!! Ithica is right on the Sent though, But cover smell and stuff can MAsk that.... We set one up and had a fetchin Bear sneak within,... 5,6...MAYBE 7 FEET at the most from us.... Scared the Livin BAJESUS out of us.... Being Up[hill from the Site helps too. I got some Cool footage of bear.

Get over to Bosie and let me take you to LUNCH or DINNER sometime. (I actually live in Nampa thugh) HELL, GET a time And I'll throw some Elk steak on the BarB-Q and lets talk BEAR !!!! WHAT's tomorrow lunch look like

CALL me 571-1ELK, I'm up till 10 PM !!!!!!Or give me a jingle whenever....
Flytier, Does Steamer bring some of his Girlfriends that he picks up on "MAIN STREET" and sets them out for Fish smell.... Regardless how bad the smell, The bears don't come in.. I've tried before

Seriously though, Honey burns and Anis Oil (SP?)(THE STUFF FOR SALMON FISHING) works well to Mask the scent. Also using some sprays or hanging bucket full of meat that rots is a good Idea.

I'm not sure were you're going Stan, but I've tried some of them units like 39 for Fall bear hunting (BAITING) and it sucked big time. Spring is the only way to do it. there is usually too much food around and they seldom hit the site. That has been My experience so I gave FALL bear hunting up. (Over bait).

Just some of my .10 worth, My .02 is free :D :D
I got my first bear from a ground blind over bait. Back when you could hunt that way here in Oregon. Use a lot of cover sent.
Thanks guys. I have never hunted over bait before. Well except for that time I used flytier for bait. The problem with him is whines and sniviles when you put bacon grease on his hat. He also wimpers too much tied to the tree. The closest I got to a bear that day was bear poop. Then flytier screamed like a little girl and wet himself.

I plan on trying in unit 43. I was thinking about using rotten apples for bait. Since I am using a long bow 5ft. would be great but I'll take 15 yards and be happy.

Sorry Moosie I didn't check this site until this evening. You're right we really need to meet up. Nampa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you had more class than that.

:D :D

I'll keep everyone posted on how I do. Later dudes.
Moosie, Steamer tried to use me as bait one time. Some friend huh. I was taking a nap near a big rock and he thought my snoring would attract a bear. What he didnt know is before leaving that morning I had a nice hot shower and a shave, complete with smlly stuff. There wasnt a bear for miles until we got back near the cabin and found fresh bear crap on the trail. I mean steaming fresh, not dried out. Besides, the girls Steamer hangs out with, even a bear wouldnt want to eat. If you ever see Seamer with a grease can, watch your hat.
Missed your call bro... Was out with the kids at the movies...... Will try to call tomorrow sometime. Hope I don't wak you... Mr Crazy work hours ;)
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