Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region

So you called BS on me and accused me of smoking crack, but then you don't have a clue as to the numbers??? You should probably read up on wolves and how they live. They won't keep reproducing like beagles at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm....

You never answered how come you're afraid of wolves?

If you would take the time to read the initial article (assuming you comprende english) you would have learned this:

"The commission's unanimous vote came after staff assurances that the proposed changes were offered after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which holds jurisdiction over the estimated 600 grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, most of which are in Wyoming."

So how many bears are there in the 3 states? I don't care how many are roaming the streets of Boise. That's your problem. I care that there is enough to have them delisted in the GYE. Get it! According to the USF&WS they have recovered enough to be delisted. Pass that on to your bear/wolf hugger friends that plan to obstruct. They can drain their bank accounts to try to stop this from moving forward, and they will still LOSE.
Hey BHR,

Here is a little help for you..... 600 is less than 1000.

I had forgot that the only thing you learned in College was how to kill a 'possum and tie a string on it.....
I will post it for you again |oo |oo
Cathunt MT said:
You are on Crack if you think there are under a 1000 wolves in three states!!!!! :eek: There is nothing good about Wolves they kill cows, sheep, goats, horses, Elk o ya but they dont like big buffalo witch is why the were brought bake to control the buff :BLEEP: That worked out great!!!! And I am south of the border to the Canada border......Name something good about Wolves....
I did name something good about the wolves. Did you miss it?

Are you advocating we get rid of wolves because they kill cows and goats??? So do cars....
It should be "an idiot". Otherwise it makes you look un-educated.... Just an fyi for you....

But, to sum it up, you don't like wolves for some reason, and you think there are more than 97 in Yellowstone, but can't produce the name of the Biologist in Yellowstone that said there were 600.

Are wolves the only predator you think should be at zero quantity?
What we need to do is keep mountain lion season open year round and no limit. If you want to save bighorn sheep, elk and deer that would be the best thing that could ever happen.

I say gut-shoot every freaking cat you see.


You sound like you're scared of grizzly bears...if you dont like them, move to a place that doesnt have them.

I do have pepper spray...been sitting on the shelf in my garage ever since the FS issued it to me in 1995. I never carried it while working in the Spotted Bear, Sun River, Cabinets, Bob Marshal, Missions, etc. The way I figure it, you assume risk when you work or play in those areas.

As to the 338, I just like that rifle. I've killed everything from coyotes to bull moose with it. I'm not paranoid of bears and I wouldnt be afraid to hunt sheep in AK, Canada, or the Sun River with a .243...grizzlies or no grizzlies.

Be sure to look under the bed in the starter castle tonight...make sure the boogie man isnt there...
No Buzz,

I like hunting in areas that have grizzlies, it adds a little extra spice to the hunt. It also keeps weenies like you away. I would like to be able to hunt for one some day, however.

So Buzz, do you favor delisting the Grizzly in the GYE at this time?

Yes, I think the population warrants delisting.

No to a hunting season right now. I think observing population trends and expansion for at least another 5-10 years...its pretty difficult to say a species needs to be hunted when recruitment is slow. When you have 6-8 hundred animals at best in a population, its pretty tough to set quotas and justify a season.

It would make more sense to just have a very limited hunt for problem bears, IMO.
There is nothing good about Wolves they kill cows, sheep, goats, horses, Elk
So do alot of other large predators, should we exterminate them too? At the time our forefathers thought that getting rid of the large predators was the right thing to do. Just like some thought it was okay to own people.