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Grizzly Moving Towards Delisting in Yellowstone Region

So you would advocate a hunting season on Republicans prior to hunting Grizzlies, or would you advocate they be ran concurrently?

And I have no idea what the Wildlands project is, so I won't comment on its' merits, but I can tell you I don't support it.
Jose It sounds to me you need a few hundred grizz in your back yard then you would be able to have a good opinion on this topic :p
Do you know of any stories of Grizzly Bears harming boy scouts? Or do you think the Republicans are a greater danger based upon the link posted above?

I think what Jose is saying is that peoples justification for delisting and killing grizzlies is so their kids wont be killed by grizzlies. They seem to have some ridiculous fear of grizzly bears and use their kids, grandparents, etc. for excuses to kill them. Gotta keep them fat old grandparents safe and their fat-assed nintendo playing kids safe.

Jose is bringing up the point that there are many, many, many things that really are dangerous for kids, grizzlies arent one of them. Your chance of seeing a grizzly in MT or WY is not that great, in particular when you never leave the porch or the T.V.

Personally, I want as many grizzlies as the available habitat will handle...and I also want to be able to hunt them if it isnt damaging or threatening the population. I dont really give a good shit if a kid, bitterrooter, or some yuppie gets killed by a griz...thems the breaks if you want to live in MT or WY. If you cant deal with them, theres plenty of "safe" places to live.
Wow Buzz. Thats pretty harsh. Not caring if someone got killed by a griz? 'Course, I really don't have room to talk. I remember the smile that came to my face in aug, 2002 when I read this story:

Grizzly mauls animal rights activist

West Yellowstone, Mont. _ A 38-year-old man was in fair condition Monday after a grizzly bear attacked a group of animal rights activists hiking eight miles northwest of here.

The victim, who was not identified, and three other members of Buffalo Field Campaign surprised a grizzly sow and two cubs Sunday afternoon.

Clarke Ball, who was behind the other hikers, said he found his companion bleeding from his face and legs.

"He got his face mangled," said Ball. "He had two punct
ure wounds on his knee and two on his right-hand side below the kidney."

The hikers were part of a group of activists who annually monitor and occasionally disrupt Montana's efforts to keep bison from entering the state from nearby Yellowstone National Park.

The best part is that the dumbass checked into the hospital under a fake name. When authorities found his real name, it was discovered that he had an outstanding warrant and he was arrested on the spot. Maybe that old sow will pass on her acuired taste to future generations. :D
Grizzlies and Republican Politicians are both predators and will prey on children. They should be managed similarly.

As with people with split personallities... ;)
So you would advocate a hunting season on Republicans prior to hunting Grizzlies, or would you advocate they be ran concurrently?"

Jose,I don't care how they run the grizzle hunt as long as it's done because they have been delisted and in a way that keep huntable populations.(Not kept on the list because the animal right people have an agenda)

As far ( Republican Politicians )being the only perverts preying on childern ,you are fooling yourself if you are really so narrow minded that you could think no other political party could be such lowlife's.

"And I have no idea what the Wildlands project is, so I won't comment on its' merits, but I can tell you I don't support it."

If this statement is true ,I would urge you to go check it out because the groups you post support for are on it big time.
I thought is was bull the first time someone told me about it,so I did my own research on it, and no I am not in support of it.
Tell me this why did or four fathers kill off the grizz and the wolves when they did?????? I dont mind having the grizz but I think they need to be managed. I see one or two a year elk hunting. Most of the funding for the wolves to be brought back was from out of staters that dont have to live with them... You dont so how can you say that they are not danger to people or livestock you dont see every thing that happens with grizz. and wolves on the news at all... ask anyone from Alaska & Canada what they think about the grizz & wolves........... :BLEEP: ;)
Put some grizz and wolves in Central Park and see what happens :p :p
Cat., Do you have any data on the wolf re-introduction funding? If you're talking about FWS funding isn't that a federal agency? Do you expect the FWS to only use federal tax payments from Montana to pay for wolf reintroduction in MT?

Would you defend yourself from a lower 48 grizzly or are you one of those guys that packs bear spray when you hunt? Let's see, I think I'll put down this perfectly good rifle and unholster this little can of spray........ yeh right. I remember reading a topic where you were discusing why your .338 was your "sheep" gun of choice for Alaska and Canada. Those bears (other than in the NWT) are hunted and have more of a fear of man than the Jellystone bears do. So why the need for the big cannon up there instead of bear spray? MR. Bear won't hurt you. And Jellystone has bear densities most of Canada could only dream about.
ARe you really that scared of a bear that you are constantly worrying about pissing your pants??? My guess is you have a better chance of being molested by Republican Politicians....
I will get you that info on the funding I think there was a write up about Ted Turner was a big doner for that HMMMMM hump hump
Isn't Defenders of Wildlife the group that PAYS the Ranchers???? How many ranchers are FORCED to take money from Defenders of Wildlife? If they didn't want "out of state" money, they wouldn't need to apply for it. That is a pretty weak argument.

Hey Cathunt, any idea how many comments from MT/WY/ID were for and against wolves during the public comment periods???

Save your bear spray for the gay Republican politicians. For guy's like you that want to come by Jellystone to hunt, I would recommened that you load up on the Barnes X and Huggies.


Teddy funded a lot of the wolf hugger groups that have supported reintroduction. That is, prior to his fortune crumbling. He also has the main force behind reintroduction to Jellystone on his payroll now as the head of his endangered species foundation. They guy used to be the top dog at Jellystone before Ted hired him. They tryed to get Pittman dollars to fund some of the reintroduction, but I believe that got shut down before they could. So the U. S. taxpayer has funded the reintroduction

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