Grand Rapids Rally

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2011
LaPorte, IN
Any other Hunt Talkers here at the Grand Rapid Mich. Trump rally today? Waiting for the walking dead competition to bow out.


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Beware of men with neck gaiters pulled over their face and sunglasses!
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I get it, if politics is your thing its probably exciting for you. I'd rather go elsewhere, but I stay out of the political realm. To each their own.
I don’t understand why people go to political rallies. I wouldn’t waste my time no matter the candidate. There’s so many other things I would rather be doing.
Especially Trumps, which amount to a lie fest and fundraising party to support his defense against all of his legal woes.

They are often useful to the opposing side though, as candidates often pander to the narrow base present at such rallies and provide lots of soundbites for ads to be used against them.
This is my first. After 4 long years of the worst presidency in my 65 year old lifetime, including half the shoppers in my local Walmart being from Venezuela & Honduras, I’ve never been so ecstatic to get rid of a loser. Joe needs a retirement home NOW, not tomorrow. Do hope Jill holds the door so it doesn’t hit brain dead Joe on his ass on his way out. The clown show is ova. I want this country lead by both a competent Pres & VP.

This is far more interesting than another meaningless sports game.
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Especially Trumps, which amount to a lie fest and fundraising party to support his defense against all of his legal woes.

They are often useful to the opposing side though, as candidates often pander to the narrow base present at such rallies and provide lots of soundbites for ads to be used against them.
And this is why I stay out of politics. Both sides are blind to the fact that both sides pull the same crap, and neither side is right or wrong. I'll never understand getting so angry over another person's opinions
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