Write your congressmen...with your private sector goggle vision on, although that may be challenging with your head in your ass.
They're the ones that have caused this mess, and that includes the huge deficit, the shutdown, paying for a couple wars, etc. etc. etc
It is not just congress. How many times have you heard Hypocrit in chief tout the word "bipartisan" you know, the same guy who refuses now to budge on anything like food stamps even though the amount of people on them has almost doubled since he took office? This budget thing is not all about Obamacare, and more about the amount of money it will cost to fund it in addition to all his other out of control spending. I think Boehner is a tool too but when he says we need to find a way to make cuts to keep the debt ceiling where it is, and Obama sits there with his hands in his pocket you cannot junt blame the congress. Time for a little "bipartisan" to happen and if Obama wants Obamacare and Obamaphones he better be prepared to lose something else in trade bacause I am not willing to freely pay more taxes to cover all his entitlements