
Gov't Shutdown Closes National Wildlife Refuges

Get real. For two years he refused to budge an inch on the subject when dealing with Obama. Finally it was forced on him or he would have been faced with the Bush tax cuts completely sunsetting. Caving when the other side has your nuts in a vice is not negotiating.

I bet they had a quite a laugh about the whole deal later over a round of golf.
I bet they had a quite a laugh about the whole deal later over a round of golf.

I hope so, Ted Kennedy and Oren Hatch were close friends at the end of the day. I think Boehner wants to do the right thing, but the blogosphere/talk radio crowd is making too much money generating conflict to allow it. It will be interesting to see if the TPs allow him to pursue this morning's offering.
I hope so, Ted Kennedy and Oren Hatch were close friends at the end of the day. I think Boehner wants to do the right thing, but the blogosphere/talk radio crowd is making too much money generating conflict to allow it. It will be interesting to see if the TPs allow him to pursue this morning's offering.

At the end of the day they are all Washington insiders and career politicians trying to stay in Washington.
At the end of the day they are all Washington insiders and career politicians trying to stay in Washington.

That is correct Sir! Without the Joker there can be no Batman.
Both sides needs the other to be a Villain to their base. Obama has to stand his ground on funding the AHA his base demands it. Boehner has to make sure that those Congressman from conservative districts can go home and tell their base that they did everything in their power to defund it.IMO neither side is interested in doing what is right,they are only interested in looking like ''Batman'' to their base.
The 70 trillion in unfunded liability payments combined with 30-40 trillion in consumer debt we are doomed unless we change our ways. Most countries want the US dollar to go away and replace with a new global currancy. People are most concerned about animal rights, recreational pursuits, BTLG rights, free sex, abortion on demand, pursuit of money, pride of life, and lust of the flesh.

Man can always get what he wants, but he may not like what he gets.
And I thought I could beat a subject to death.


What is wrong with free sex? Would you rather pay for it?

And I thought I could beat a subject to death.


What is wrong with free sex? Would you rather pay for it?


I think he's talking about wife swapping and the like. Besides, if you're married then chances are you're paying for it.
Get real. For two years he refused to budge an inch on the subject when dealing with Obama. Finally it was forced on him or he would have been faced with the Bush tax cuts completely sunsetting. Caving when the other side has your nuts in a vice is not negotiating.

Rob, here's my thought on the current stalemate (while acknowledging that both parties are responsible at some level). One of the two individuals (Obama and Boehner) has been elected the President of the United States. When there is tough conflict in the private corporations I've worked at, it's usually the senior executive (CEO, COO, President, etc.) who brings everyone to the table and says "You all may not like every detail of the agreement we're going to reach, but we're going to reach an agreement, so figure out what you can live with."

Obama's way is my way, or nothing. Want to investigate Fast and Furious? I'll just use executive privilege to keep the Committee from having access to pertinent documents. Congress not going to pass an Assault Weapons ban? I'll look at avenues for doing something on my own. I'll close down Parks and Refuges to the American people, but will open the National Mall for a pro-immigration rally.

I live in the DC area, and can tell you that he spends MUCH more time in front of the camera bashing the Republicans, than he does behind closed doors trying to hash out an agreement. THIS is where he strays from Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc. - sure they also bashed the other partied during negotiations, but they were also behind closed doors, working to find common ground.
Rob, here's my thought on the current stalemate (while acknowledging that both parties are responsible at some level). One of the two individuals (Obama and Boehner) has been elected the President of the United States. When there is tough conflict in the private corporations I've worked at, it's usually the senior executive (CEO, COO, President, etc.) who brings everyone to the table and says "You all may not like every detail of the agreement we're going to reach, but we're going to reach an agreement, so figure out what you can live with."

Obama's way is my way, or nothing. Want to investigate Fast and Furious? I'll just use executive privilege to keep the Committee from having access to pertinent documents. Congress not going to pass an Assault Weapons ban? I'll look at avenues for doing something on my own. I'll close down Parks and Refuges to the American people, but will open the National Mall for a pro-immigration rally.

I live in the DC area, and can tell you that he spends MUCH more time in front of the camera bashing the Republicans, than he does behind closed doors trying to hash out an agreement. THIS is where he strays from Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc. - sure they also bashed the other partied during negotiations, but they were also behind closed doors, working to find common ground.

I don't know the details of this particular fight other than all the proposals by the Rs don't include funding for the ACA. It is a waste of time to open a discussion unless the Rs are willing to put forward a plan that isn't designed to sabotage the ACA so the Rs could say "I told you it would be a disaster." He just isn't that dumb....

Boehner, speaking for the House (and probably not himself), was far more extreme in the "My way or the Highway" the last time the debt ceiling was raised: "Taxes are off the table" was his mantra ever since he became the speaker. Defense cuts were also off the table. The only things on the table were programs liked by the Ds and hated by the Rs (and insignificant deficit reduction). How's that not "my way or the highway"? When you are faced with opposition like that there isn't much you can do but get in front of the camera and take your story to the public.

The fact is that if any R compromises he/she gets labeled a RINO by the blogosphere/talk radio crowd. If it is a recurring "problem" then big money gets the alleged RINO taken out in the primary. I'd say that is where the big difference is these days.
A little late but I started growing a beard, any chance of getting Randy11 to join the dark side?

I got a like from Randy when I posted this photo on my he is softening. :) Fear the beard!!


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