
Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

Bought another google bot tag same unit for this year. Last year season closed quickly but stuck to my plan, even with the extreme terrain. Took a few days after the season ended & have a new plan / destination for this year. Was planning on solid 10 day effort or season closure for 5 years. This year might have to cut it down to a week because I happened to get a NM Oryx "off-range" tag. Snow is melting fast in our mountains, soon I'll be able to start getting some rucking w/elevation. Until then trying to stay consistent with weights & mnt bike. Good hunting to all this year.
Bought another google bot tag same unit for this year. Last year season closed quickly but stuck to my plan, even with the extreme terrain. Took a few days after the season ended & have a new plan / destination for this year. Was planning on solid 10 day effort or season closure for 5 years. This year might have to cut it down to a week because I happened to get a NM Oryx "off-range" tag. Snow is melting fast in our mountains, soon I'll be able to start getting some rucking w/elevation. Until then trying to stay consistent with weights & mnt bike. Good hunting to all this year.
Good luck on that oryx tag. I hear that’s a pretty tough hunt as well
Real talent, how the "song writer" masterfully weaved in the "with baling twine in hand" line!😁
It could have only been better if they had figured out how to make a rhyme that included " We canted the rifle scope sideways to check to see if it was legal " as he wrote in the WSF magazine article that was so perfectly timed following the questionable kill.
It seems killing it was the goal. Hit me up on PM sometime. Hope you're doing well.
Can't say that I've been doing particularly well; but, I'm still not planted, roasted, or converted to predator or scavenger scat!

I will shoot you a PM when I can muster the energy.

In the meantime, if you don't mind sending me same with some updates on how you and your buddies have done over the past two or three seasons I would be quite appreciative.*

While I'm at the keyboard and thinking about such things (even though a bit premature): Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Inauguration Day, et cetera!

* Health issues and other circumstances have put the kibosh on my own hunting, fishing, backpacking, game scouting, and similar plans pretty much since late 2019, though I still harbor hope. I made a friend, Kyle, online by commenting on one of his Wilderness Enthusiast channel YouTube videos, which kindled a continuing conversation. I wanted to begin scouting my old Roosevelt Elk hunting grounds for him last January after he indicated that he'd be interested in chasing the beasts with bow and arrows based on what I told him of the prospects. (For track and stalk hunting, which I like the most, the country has improved ever since timber harvesting moratoriums were instituted in the region as part of Spotted Owl recovery measures.) Long story truncated, by season's opener, I still hadn't gotten out at all!

Nevertheless, Kyle and a hunting partner, Derek, did come out to Washington's Olympic Peninsula in September and he says they were pleased with the adventure! If you'd like to get a sense of the country this old fart hunted when his legs, lungs, and energy were more cooperative, check out Kyle's video of the hunt that he produced:

If you agree with me that it's an entertaining and worthy production, I'd consider it a favor if you post a thumbs up and perhaps leave a favorable comment to help Kyle's fledgling YT channel grow.

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