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This has been a fun thread to lurk in. For yall that chase sheep in the unlimited units, I have a few questions.

What time of year do you like to go?
Do you ever carry a black bear tag, or is it a strictly grizzly area?

I think that's all I got for now. I'm just curious about it, I admire yall for the attempts.

Depends on the unit. Season opens September 1 in one of the units, and September 15 in the other four, and in most cases, you're better off getting out there at the start, since it's a quota and can close early on, but it also depends on the weather and seasonal sheep movements.

There's some Hoss black bears, but I wouldn't personally end a hunt to shoot one. No option (yet..?) to tag a grizzly- maybe some day.
This has been a fun thread to lurk in. For yall that chase sheep in the unlimited units, I have a few questions.

What time of year do you like to go?
Do you ever carry a black bear tag, or is it a strictly grizzly area?

I think that's all I got for now. I'm just curious about it, I admire yall for the attempts.
It's been 20 years since I bought an unlimited sheep tag, but when I did, I'd go opening weekend. Many years ago some of the units didn't reach their quota and stayed open from Sep 1 to the end of November.

I usually had my deer and elk tags in my pocket, and one year by day 3 I hadn't seen any rams and shortly after I left my tent a 340 inch 6x6 bull elk come bugeling through the timber toward me. I first saw his ivory tips, then his dark brown antlers, and when he stopped broadside about 75 yards in front of me I couldn't resist and a 117 grain Sierra GameKing bullet dropped him in his tracks.

Another year I drew a goat tag in an unlimited ram unit so I also bought a ram tag there. Back then unlimited ram tags were OCT and you could buy them after the draw results were out.
I never saw rams and goats close together in that unit. I also didn't want to shoot a goat with short hair so the first two months of the season I left my goat tag at home and basically carried my sheep tag while I scouted for goats.

I shot my goat on the 14th of November. It was -5* F with 2' of snow on the ground and he had LONG hair.

I've seen both black and grizzly bears in the unlimited sheep units, but have never been bothered by them while sheep hunting.
Didn’t come from an airline I just bought the small bottle in the local liquor store. Just call it airplane bottle cause it’s 50 ml size. At least that’s what they call that size here. Maybe it’s a southern thing. I think it’s Johnnie Walker blue label. It’s $200 a fifth. I just have a small one to keep with me. If say like in 20 years i finally punch a tag I’ll bust it open on the mountain. 😂

Sounds like a good plan; be sure to shoot photos, video or holograms if it takes that long--I hope it doesn't because I'd like to still be around to see it.

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This has been a fun thread to lurk in. For yall that chase sheep in the unlimited units, I have a few questions.

What time of year do you like to go?
Do you ever carry a black bear tag, or is it a strictly grizzly area?

I think that's all I got for now. I'm just curious about it, I admire yall for the attempts.

Before you guy a bear tag......I would take a hike into the UL's. I've seen some black bears that are absolute giants. I've seen black bears that are bigger than grizzly's. One year we saw a giant and my buddy had a bear tag. We couldn't come to the conclusion it was a good idea to kill the bear and pack it out. Figured it would cost us no less than 3 days to deal with the animal. Best case we would be back hunting rams on day 4 but probably day 5. At that point you are probably just exhausted and done with the hunt. Shoot an elk........They don't make elk big enough for me to shoot one where I hunt sheep.
I wouldn't shoot a bear in there, but I wouldn't shoot a bear anywhere else either.
I have shot a couple wolves but those were on trips that were going to be short anyway. I don't know if it would even be worth it to shoot one of those at the beginning of a long trip. Probably not.
My advice, if you want to sheep hunt, go sheep hunting and focus on sheep.
@Cav1 and I ran into a solo elk hunter that looked to be in his mid 50s last year. He was at least 5 miles from where his truck was parked with no pack animals. I have no idea what his plan was had he pulled the trigger. It that country it’s gonna have to be a sheep or a goat for me to wanna pack it out of that country. There are better and more accessible places to shoot elk and bears.
Mental toughness, not physical fitness, is measured in miles and pounds.
Mental toughness, not physical fitness, is measured in miles and pounds.
I remember reading somewhere that during the Falklands War, when the Royal Marines and Paras did their Big Yomp (3 days, 56 miles through bogs, with 80 lbs packs), some PT instructors were the first to give out. They were sprinters, not marathoners. The guys who made it happen were the stubborn, plodding bastards who just put their heads down and powered on through the pain and fatigue day after day, one step at a time.

But I'm getting to the age where the body can sometimes veto the mind. And I wish the Forest Service would quit running their Trail Stretcher over my favorite routes.
kinda new here and even more new to montana unlimited hunting. looking to get out there soon to do some hiking/scouting. anyone know how trailhead access is most places this time of year? im a 9 hour drive from the area
kinda new here and even more new to montana unlimited hunting. looking to get out there soon to do some hiking/scouting. anyone know how trailhead access is most places this time of year? im a 9 hour drive from the area
Which area? Tooths are pretty white this a.m.

Still quite a bit of snow up there. Really getting into areas doesn't get good until about July or so. Good luck
First rule of the unlimited sheep club is you do not [publicly] talk about the unlimited sheep club [hunting locations]

Otherwise we’ll have to come break your kneecaps and nobody wants that 😀
lmao that's fair, i honestly wasn't sure how to respond when he asked what area. should I delete those parts? lol
I passed through Red Lodge a few days ago. Still had snow berms in town. Probably going to get more snow this spring. July usually has a bunch of snow in that country still.
Just make sure you include some pics next time. I hunt 501 so I'll be looking for a report😉
I'd second the snowshoes. I once had the thought that I'd go "bear hunting" in the 'Tooths while scouting for sheep. This was Early-Mid May. After hiking in Snowshoes for several miles, I realized I wasn't going to see a bear, and I wasn't prepared or geared up to hike the distance from my rig to get to where the sheep I wanted to check on were. Absarokee got around 10" Sunday night, but most of it was melting by mid-day yesterday. I promise it's not melting on the plateau yet. Save your time/money for a later date and start dropping pins on Google Earth while you wait.
Thanks for the advice guys, we audibled plans and are now waiting a month or so to check it out.
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