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For what it's worth and to play a true devils advocate Gerald, I have had a four friends bring up going on a sheep hunt in one of the unlimited units, two wanting me to tag along. I have laughed at each one and showed them this thread, which describes very well how difficult and miserable it can be. To my knowledge, none of them have attempted a hunt up there after seeing this thread...

I enjoy reading this thread and seeing the good hunters on this site tackle those mountains, but I personally have no desire to do it, and I think the brutal honesty of the conditions can deter people from attempting it. Just how I see it.
No worries. I have met a lot of great people because of this forum. I even participated earlier in this thread.

My sensitivity is due to the limited area and slim opportunities this is not a hunt that needs much publicity.
The country certainly limits the amount of repeat hunters but there are only so many access points.
Too many blind hogs and acorns and all that.....

My previous replies notwithstanding, you make valid points Gerald.
Lots of people want to "do"it, most don't make it past the first couple trips though. It's easy to read and look at pretty pictures but walking in there is different and that's what's going to separate the people on the edge vs. Full commitment.

I agree. I occasionally get discouraged by all the guys who post about giving it a go for the first time. Then I remember the absolute hell I went through to get just to the edge of sheep country last summer. I went in on a test run, with everything but a rifle, and it whupped me. Those mountains will never be fully conquered by human legs and lungs. Even horses won't get you most of the best places.
They all legal? Or one come up short? Why would it not show in the quota
It doesn't show on the quota, never has, an illegal ram would still count.

The last illegal ram came from Fischer creek in 2011 or something I think and it still counted. That was shown on the kill sheet.

To answer your question yes they're all legal, some on the meh side being 2 of them. The other 4 are mature 6 to 7 probably up to 10 to 12 year old rams.
This thread is a great service to those on the edge of wanting to hunt the unlimiteds but not willing to invest the time and energy to learn for themselves.
It is a great disservice to those who already have and are facing increasing competition from the above.
A lot of people have no problem with this. Sucks when it hits home with you.
Any ideas on what aligned the stars for so many guys to harvest this year? I was wondering if early snow may have pushed them toward winter ranges or fires and smoke had anything to do with it? Regardless congrats to the lucky few and best of luck to those in the future.
Any ideas on what aligned the stars for so many guys to harvest this year? I was wondering if early snow may have pushed them toward winter ranges or fires and smoke had anything to do with it? Regardless congrats to the lucky few and best of luck to those in the future.
Its 2020, one of those deals. It's not like the other districts had some phenomenon..... luck of the pick.