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This thread is a great service to those on the edge of wanting to hunt the unlimiteds but not willing to invest the time and energy to learn for themselves.
It is a great disservice to those who already have and are facing increasing competition from the above.

You just described any and all hunting discussed on the multiwebs, which is pretty much all of it. 'Desirable' western hunting, especially.
This thread is a great service to those on the edge of wanting to hunt the unlimiteds but not willing to invest the time and energy to learn for themselves.
It is a great disservice to those who already have and are facing increasing competition from the above.
I see your point, but this thread has also created many friendships and acquaintances as well and to me that's been one of the greatest parts of hunting the unlimited districts.

Fact is all the information is out there to get started and it's not from this site either. While there's some points on here most is obtained elsewhere.

Lots of people want to "do"it, most don't make it past the first couple trips though. It's easy to read and look at pretty pictures but walking in there is different and that's what's going to separate the people on the edge vs. Full commitment.
With comments like that, Gerald is officially a curmudgeon now. :)
There ain’t nuthin sacred anymore.😉
Having just returned from a wilderness limited unit sheep hunt with a Hunttalker it just made me realize how special it is to be relatively alone in big country.
I approve of the friendships made. It’s just that all the info contained in this thread is an enduring open book for anyone who Googles.7C93147E-7D27-4845-BA66-FC74C19F3F69.jpeg
This thread is the reason I met a guy who I spent 4 days hunting and packing out a goat with this week. Ive made some good friends here.

As a misanthropic right-wing curmudgeon, I find this thread of HuntTalk a downright amiable community. It's a fine place to live vicariously when one cannot, for whatever reason, pursue the adventure in person. And while I've not so much as shared a phone call with any of you, I too feel that I've made some good friends on this site. I sincerely hope to meet a few of the MT Unlimited contributors to the thread within the next year or two!

Glad you made it Geetar. Any notable blisters?
I’m probably just ticked off that I chose to work instead of accompanying Theat when he killed his last ram and a second legal ram watched him butcher his ram....😕😳
Look at the bright side: if that second ram resides in 501, and hasn't fallen prey yet, he'll likely be spawning kids late this Fall and be two years older in 2021!

Moreover, the more potential sheep hunters that this thread inspires, the more likely some of those will advocate for similar "unlimited" sheep hunting units in other areas, states and provinces. This wonderfully egalitarian opportunity should not be restricted to just a small portion of Montana. Myself, I'd be lobbying for later seasons in even rougher country--if such exists.
Look at the bright side: if that second ram resides in 501, and hasn't fallen prey yet, he'll likely be spawning kids late this Fall and be two years older in 2021!

Moreover, the more potential sheep hunters that this thread inspires, the more likely some of those will advocate for similar "unlimited" sheep hunting units in other areas, states and provinces. This wonderfully egalitarian opportunity should not be restricted to just a small portion of Montana. Myself, I'd be lobbying for later seasons in even rougher country--if such exists.
Later seasons would mean even shorter times to fill the quotas. The rut and winter range concentrate rather than disperse.
Keep this forum on the sheep......

Sounds like 501 could possibly hit 5 rams today. Just A rumor at this point though....
Got me thinking. So lets says 5 get checked in out of 501 this year. Would that change the management quota for next year?
Later seasons would mean even shorter times to fill the quotas. The rut and winter range concentrate rather than disperse.
Concentrates the sheep for sure. In the past, the weather thinned the ranks of hunters, at least in those areas they couldn't glass from the Beartooth Highway.

Gear and knowledge will always advance. Seems no abatement of burgeoning human population is on the horizon anytime soon either. Thus my own desire to see younger generations of hunters lobby for similar opportunities in more diverse locations.

Until worldwide human populations crash; or technologies that are, at best, likely decades into the future open new frontiers, quality hunting adventure opportunities will become ever more restricted to the wealthy. One need only look at Europe's history for evidence of the trend.
No worries. I have met a lot of great people because of this forum. I even participated earlier in this thread.

My sensitivity is due to the limited area and slim opportunities this is not a hunt that needs much publicity.
The country certainly limits the amount of repeat hunters but there are only so many access points.
Too many blind hogs and acorns and all that.....

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