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Congrats on new baby I along with wife will be at sheep show Thursday thru Sunday Recurve man I will be the old bald man with my short hair blonde give us a holler
I have a 3 week old baby now and won’t be able to make it but I plan on being first drawn in the < 1 drawing so I’ll be sitting by the phone on Friday night. 😂 Hope you and the wife have a good time.

I believe that you have to be present to win the <1 club hunts. Not totally sure but I think that is the case.

Congrats on the new addition. Oh how your life has changed!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Chad! This is baby #2 and both are girls. Things change everyday lol. If I understand correctly on the <1 drawing first drawn doesn’t have to be present to win and gets his / her choice of the hunts to be given away then they draw for the rest and you do have to be present to win those. Anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

Well if this is number 2 then you already know the drill. The first kid always turns life upside down. Second on is much easier and sometimes more fun.
I have a 3 week old baby now and won’t be able to make it but I plan on being first drawn in the < 1 drawing so I’ll be sitting by the phone on Friday night. 😂 Hope you and the wife have a good time.

Happy new year and congrats on the baby! I just had my first three months ago! Little girl as well. Have great new years everyone!
Happy new year and congrats on the baby! I just had my first three months ago! Little girl as well. Have great new years everyone!

Congrats @geetar & @millerpaul17! 2019 must have been year of the baby girl! My wife and I had our first on Thanksgiving day. Such a blessing. Hope everyones 2020 is off to a good start and looking forward to getting back into the unlimiteds come September. 🐏
Very good topic @Roadgoat I may not be very scientific about it but, I believe Wyoming could definitely handle a couple unlimited units specifically in areas 1 and 4. Both districts have some access restrictions to them but they are equally as rugged or maybe moreso than some of our units. Obviously there's some hurdles there including the NR access to backcountry and both areas have experienced some serious die off with the last couple winters we've had, I will say though the unlimited units have had similar events and have bounced back well. These districts present the same unique challenges the unlimited units do. Huge country in some cases takes a day or more to get into and while they have better sheep numbers they're still tough to get to.

IMO they should just make Frank Church unlimited. That district is about as brutal as it gets and continuously has a low harvest rate compared to tags given out. So why not.

I like the idea of an unlimited archery unit in Montana. More specifically in districts like 301, 302, 305. Those units used to be an unlimited area in the 70s and 80s. Not sure why they stopped besides three fact that sheep were getting pounded opening week. With that said a shortened archery district in those districts beginning say Oct 1 and ending Oct. 31 or Oct. 15. That way you don't have people flinging arrows mid November by the highways. With today's technology in checking quotas there's no reason these districts should have an over harvest issue. Set quotas at 3 a piece.

I would be in support of some new ideas out there, takes a pretty special biologist to make these things happen..... and they ain't all Shawn Stewart.
Not like it’s possible or ever gonna happen but us poor folks need an unlimited desert sheep area 😂

geetar, my late father would reply to that by saying: "Wish in one hand and s**t in the other--I can tell you which one will fill up the quickest."

I don't know if Dad's old pet saying is commonplace enough to be considered a cliche; but your comment reminds me of a hachneyed quip that definitely is: Hope springs eternal!
Sorry this doesn't really have much to do with the unlimited sheep units but I have a question on bonus points for the Montana guys. So I have 3 bonus right now and I know your points are squared or something like that. So for the 2020 draw when I apply will my name go in the hat 3 times plus this years application so I essentially have my name in there 4 times? Or is it just 3 times? Thanks
If it's unlimited you can just buy your tag. If you actually put in for the draw you can select to not "play" your bonus points, and keep your points except you'll not have a chance to get a 4th point if you draw the tag. If your in a draw with 3 points then you'll have 9 chances. If you do not obtain your desired permit you'll gain a point in this case 4 so in 2021 you'll have 16 opportunities.
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