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It is my understanding that Wild Horse Island has no district number since it is closed to hunting!

I've been turned around a few times but I'd remember if it was on Wild Horse Island. It wasn't.

It was a thrill to see such a big ram, live, in the flesh. We saw him a couple other times on that trip.
I've been turned around a few times but I'd remember if it was on Wild Horse Island. It wasn't.

It was a thrill to see such a big ram, live, in the flesh. We saw him a couple other times on that trip.

I was kidding of course--motivated to do so by just how impressive the ram in your photo and the Argali-type sweep of his horns are. Wild Horse Island Bighorns, including new world record (pick-up), tend to that same configuration, to which I am partial.

By the way, I've been "turned around" a few times myself. Other than in cities, it was generally in the thick timber that grows here on the Olympic Peninsula--concentrating on elk tracks can leave one paying insufficient attention to landmarks. I was never lost, though, merely misplaced camp for awhile.
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Typically 501 sucks I wouldn't put in for that unit. 500 and 502 are where its at. More sheep bigger sheep.......😁

Thanks for the help! I've seen the most sheep in 500/303 during elk season saw a ram during an archery hunt and multiple in October. I'm not really planning on holding out for a monster but I'm not gonna shoot a banana curl. Kinda hoping for a 150+ which Im sure is do able? Is that about the average size rams in the unlimited units? Im sure people have killed some studs. Thanks again
Thanks for the help! I've seen the most sheep in 500/303 during elk season saw a ram during an archery hunt and multiple in October. I'm not really planning on holding out for a monster but I'm not gonna shoot a banana curl. Kinda hoping for a 150+ which Im sure is do able? Is that about the average size rams in the unlimited units? Im sure people have killed some studs. Thanks again
An older unlimited ram is a trophy ram no matter what he scores. Brutal country and 100% native sheep = poor horn growth.
An older unlimited ram is a trophy ram no matter what he scores. Brutal country and 100% native sheep = poor horn growth.

Thanks kinda what I figured! That's what I love about these sheep. 100% native. Man this is literally all I've been thinking about haha. If any of you guys want to go scout this summer let me know. Anyone one can come with me or I will go help some of you guys!
Thanks for the help! I've seen the most sheep in 500/303 during elk season saw a ram during an archery hunt and multiple in October. I'm not really planning on holding out for a monster but I'm not gonna shoot a banana curl. Kinda hoping for a 150+ which Im sure is do able? Is that about the average size rams in the unlimited units? Im sure people have killed some studs. Thanks again

Genetics of the indigenous population trends toward tighter curls. Toss in the severe winter weather prevailing in that brutal country that BigHornRam noted, which does not favor longevity, and draw your own conclusions. Also, while the listings do not include B&C scores, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks maintains a record, by unit, of animals taken in prior seasons. The list notes both horn lengths and ages of the kills. I have not visited the website in a couple years; so I don't have a link handy. A little online searching should get you there though.
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Also, the thin largely sterile soils in the Beartooths do not help animals grow much in the way of bone, horn or antler.

Any legal ram taken in any unlimited area is among the rarest of trophies. A friend's friend, many years ago, took a ram in unit 501. He earned his ram, as does everyone who manages to get it done. He had rams put to bed the evening before the opener at least a couple of times before snow storms changed everything.

I dreamt of doing this hunt, but competing interests and responsibilities kept it from happening through out my physical prime. In retirement,,, there are still a lot of competing interests. But I deeply respect anyone who accomplishes taking a ram from one of these units.
Whew dgc1963! I would have stuck my foot in mouth again had I logged onto the forum between 0507 and 0520 this morning for sure, because I was already thinking about asking EYJONAS! if that is an old picture, or is he still living in his mom's basement. Glad I saw your comment before I committed that faux pas!
Im new here and only messaged Ejonas once but he did send the I live in my moms basement vibe just dont tell anyone I said it lmao
In all honesty this is a favorite thread love reading about the trials and tribulation of the unlimited units and the success
2020 has me back in Idaho chasing bugles but then Im going to start every other year in one of these units and good lord willing maybe after a few yrs I may get lucky
being the type of guy that loves and adventure win loose or draw I think helps and its never a loss sitting at 9000 ft looking at the watching world we have been blessed with wake up and come to life as the sun comes up
Thanks kinda what I figured! That's what I love about these sheep. 100% native. Man this is literally all I've been thinking about haha. If any of you guys want to go scout this summer let me know. Anyone one can come with me or I will go help some of you guys!
I may have to take you up on that scouting trip offer...
Hey Gomer,

Haven't heard much from you since you scored that beautiful ram. Perhaps you are too busy to post more photos and a story because you are working lots of overtime to earn the taxidermy money. How much is a full-body mount anyhow?

Congratulations again buddy!
Hey Gomer,

Haven't heard much from you since you scored that beautiful ram. Perhaps you are too busy to post more photos and a story because you are working lots of overtime to earn the taxidermy money. How much is a full-body mount anyhow?

Congratulations again buddy!
I am here. I will post a few pics on here of some of the adventures and tell a story or two. I’m about to leave for a few days to help on a hunt though so it will be next week.

Also..I just was made salary, so no mo’ OT.
I am here. I will post a few pics on here of some of the adventures and tell a story or two. I’m about to leave for a few days to help on a hunt though so it will be next week.

Also..I just was made salary, so no mo’ OT.

Go get 'em!

We all look forward to seeing the stories and photos after your return--that one of you descending a wicked slope through burnt timber in a snowstorm is one of my all-time favorites.

Congratulations on the job promotion too.
Anyone heading to the sheep show in Reno? Just made reservations for me and my wife. Going to do the Friday night banquet and the <1 club drawings for both of us. Should be a blast. Really wanting to look at some of the gear too that I can only see on websites and read reviews of. Hope to see some of you there.
I have a 3 week old baby now and won’t be able to make it but I plan on being first drawn in the < 1 drawing so I’ll be sitting by the phone on Friday night. 😂 Hope you and the wife have a good time.
Congrats on the new addition @geetar that's awesome hope all is well with momma and baby.

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