Caribou Gear

Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

Not a quote/lingo, but why do all these shows need to show you a 5 minute close-up of there face when they are talking about the hunt or whatever. Just zoom back a bit and let me see a little back ground while your talking. I don't need to see the hair in your nostrils. Randy's show and a few others do a good job of not doing this, but it seems to be the new "fad" for a lot of them.
Not a quote/lingo, but why do all these shows need to show you a 5 minute close-up of there face when they are talking about the hunt or whatever. Just zoom back a bit and let me see a little back ground while your talking. I don't need to see the hair in your nostrils. Randy's show and a few others do a good job of not doing this, but it seems to be the new "fad" for a lot of them.
I guess they think you and me are as obsessed with them as they are themselves 😂
Ha! Touché. There are a few of us here that try to steer clear of the BS or have been here long enough to watch it creep's tough though.
I can't swing my growler of Mountains Walking IPA or hemp bag of groceries from the Co-Op without hitting a bearded "hunting athlete" on their way to getting their real estate license.
Portland on the Madison Gallatin

Fixed. Stupid for trying to be sassy before coffee.
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Anytime people refer to the cloths that their wearing by the "product name," and use it in a sentence, e.g. I'm running my Peletons with my Tiburons... there is a 100% chance you're a bottom.
Right! They sound like they are being paid to advertise. Which brings me to another annoying word. “ pro staff “ and field product tester is pretty obnoxious too.
I would like to start a new trend of grip and grins, but the photo is only the last 1/3 of the animal, for the "epic, hell yeah ass pic". No antlers, no flat brims, no sweet tribal tattoos, just the animal's ass. (Sponsorship money has left the chat....)

The Adventurous Grocery Getter

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A lot of people have been asking about my setup...I doubt it but nice attempt to plug your sponsors

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