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Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

A cat 'round these parts refers to heart, liver, and other internal organs as "wobbly bits".

"When you gut that sucker save the wobbly bits for me."

I loathe hearing some peckerwood on a tv hunt setting up for an eleventy hun'red fiddy yard shot and just ever so matter of factly whispers at the camera... "I'm gonna go ahead and take him." Then gut shoots the animal as it spins out of sight.

Then for some odd reason, it's 8am and light outside when the shot is taken, but now 8pm and dark with a bunch of lights on for the grip and grin...

Meh, glad I don't watch that crap anymore...
I always got a kick out of old man Eastman calling the aspens “quakers”. Not sure if that’s a Wyoming thing or not?
Made my first foray "out west" (Pagosa Springs, CO) in 1975.
Hunted with a couple of locals that called them "quakies".
Since then, I don't guess I've ever called them anything but quakies or aspens, depending on the conversation.

Always enjoyed discovering someone's crudely carved "date & initials" in the soft bark. Some pretty interesting. Think the oldest one I found was early 50's.

Old Mitch cut some dead aspen for firewood.
You had to hug the stove to get warm, which was difficult.
It burned so quickly, somebody was constantly opening the stove door to add more wood.
We were there three days. The pile of ashes was almost as tall as the tent! LOL!
Can we all agree that using the term "speed goat" instead of pronghorn or antelope is grounds for having all your Wyomong antelope points reset to zero?
It doesn’t bother me when people call a pronghorn an antelope (even though it’s wrong) but it certainly does bother me that WYGF does it. If they are supposed to employing scientists and biologists, you’d think they’d at least get the name right.
It doesn’t bother me when people call a pronghorn an antelope (even though it’s wrong) but it certainly does bother me that WYGF does it. If they are supposed to employing scientists and biologists, you’d think they’d at least get the name right.
WY the state with a state run big game hunting contest that issues tags in premium units that require 10+ NR pref points to draw, where the whole point is not to make a follow up shot, and if you lose they make you dress like a native woman. Also.. ps no girls allowed.

That WY, that’s the Wyoming you’re talking about?

Yeah I’m shocked they don’t call them pronghorn, shocked I tell you.
A cat 'round these parts refers to heart, liver, and other internal organs as "wobbly bits".

"When you gut that sucker save the wobbly bits for me."

I loathe hearing some peckerwood on a tv hunt setting up for an eleventy hun'red fiddy yard shot and just ever so matter of factly whispers at the camera... "I'm gonna go ahead and take him." Then gut shoots the animal as it spins out of sight.

Then for some odd reason, it's 8am and light outside when the shot is taken, but now 8pm and dark with a bunch of lights on for the grip and grin...

Meh, glad I don't watch that crap anymore...
So yer saying the peckerwoods wreck the wobbly bits at the get go.
Mike Eastman is a walking thesaurus of destroyed grammar. In addition to Grradualtions", he also refers to cliffs as "clivs", and quaking aspen as "Quakers". I did not realize there were so many members of the religious society of Quakers running around in the mountains until I watched Mike's videos.
Antler tines are "Tangs". Ground Shrinkage. and Antelope prongs are "Diggers" or Cutters".
Lol you guys are haters… I hope somebody gets a toad, asks what y’all think so you can bash em- and then they tell you it made PnY or BnC… y’all suck 😂😂