Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

The amount of tabs you have open is making me uncomfortable. 😬
I had to go back and look
1st and 2nd are shipping container cabins.
4th is adding blue tooth aux to my truck radio
5th is cadastral-Montana’s property ownership
6th 7th 8th are Zillow
9th is hunt by state, which seems innocuous.
11th is fwp where I got the antelope image
Only 3 is questionable but turns out is a chainsaw mill I was looking at to make Swedish fire logs


l am averse to everything being a monster
More damn monster in the woods.

Humored tribute to the Jersey-man himself.
Peanut butter works better than alfalfa...but not as well as a hoochie mama...mine sounds more like a duck call. Really brings the angus in...
Speaking of peanut butter, this would be a good place for a sheep hunter's YouTube video, but the site owner may not appreciate the link. Just go to Youtube and search "Thanks, Smokey!"
There is a chance of public land alfalfa on Sate Land. However to those of you thinking about looking up all the state leases that include a hay field in order to find 30 inch tall buck. 100% odds you are wasting your time.
I'm told that you are just a hater and there are some real toads out there if I'm willing to work for it. ;)
Heart farts
Going deep
Does are "bald"
Pop em and drop em
Cotton KILLS (advice to some, kills made in jeans to others)
Golden Hour--which in Washington is the first 10 minutes of the season before everything goes nocturnal for the next month.
AKA...Texas feral hog opportunity
Kenetrek Boots

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