Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

The tattoos are a little weird, but who am I to judge 🤷‍♂️
I remember when me n my buds in my Marine Corps MOS training got tattoos, it was cool. At that time almost nobody had tattoos other than military (not crazy ass sleeves, up n down both arms) n hardass bikers. Now everyone n their freaking brother/sister has em n most if not all for no damn reason. Kind of makes it cool not to have any. Kind of stole the thread but just another soapbox rant of things that piss me off.
I remember when me n my buds in my Marine Corps MOS training got tattoos, it was cool. At that time almost nobody had tattoos other than military (not crazy ass sleeves, up n down both arms) n hardass bikers. Now everyone n their freaking brother/sister has em n most if not all for no damn reason. Kind of makes it cool not to have any. Kind of stole the thread but just another soapbox rant of things that piss me off.
Also haven’t finished reading the entire thread but can’t believe I haven’t seen “double lung” when clearly hit it the guts of ass yet
Tag out / Tagged out /Tagging out

Can't people just say "I got one" or "We all got one"?

Tagging in or tagging out reminds me of old WWF tandem wrestling matches where they fake body slam each other. When people tell me they have tagged out it does make me want to hit them with a folding chair though.
Tried to refind a video I scrolled past for the direct quote but couldn’t find it. It was a small 6pt bull standing next to a water tank getting shot full of bullet holes. Quote was something along the lines of a hunter grinding it out for many days before “closing the casket” on this giant..
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