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Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

Basically the entire content of Rokslide. I occasionally check the “what’s new” page, never see anything I can tolerate reading, and come back here.

Exhibit A

Exhibit A

Yoga pants...for revealing religious denomination.
Exhibit A

Make fun of me all you want, you should, but mountain biking is much more enjoyable in leggings or tights as opposed to baggy shorts.
Knockers, instead of saying binos or binoculars.

-Hey man, that’s a nice set of knockers you have. Thanks, they’re slightly used but a big upgrade from my old knockers!

If making everything as hipster as possible is the new form of hunter recruitment, I hate to think where we’ll be in 20 years! Don’t California my hunting!
I always got a kick out of old man Eastman calling the aspens “quakers”. Not sure if that’s a Wyoming thing or not?
"We've been hunting Tines ( or any other name for a buck) super hard this season"..

definition of " hunting super hard" for any midwest whitetail hunting show = had to walk more than 50 yards from truck/atv/utv to the box blind that has a heater in it.
They are commonly called quaking aspens in many/most parts of the west, quaker for short.
I’m well aware of their common name- I’ve just never heard anyone else referring to them as quakers...
2 that I like:
Referring to the recluse biggun way back in the thick stuff. "Big Stinky"

Self explainatory: "That's an eater"
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