Yeti GOBOX Collection

FOIA - $150 WY NR Wilderness Rule Fine amount; WY 23-2-401(a)

I found this very interesting on my last Wyoming Elk hunt. I met several friendly residents and nonresidents alike but two Wyoming residents in particular stood out to me. One had a guide license and was with his son who had an archery elk tag and another resident who had stock who were both hunting non wilderness area where I was as a non resident. I discussed with both of them at length the obvious of why they were not hunting the wilderness area? They had both hunted wilderness earlier in the season and there were various reasons why they were hunting the non wilderness but common themes from both of them were even wilderness areas can be crowded with people and there was just as many elk off wilderness as in the wilderness. That really opened my eyes. The natural feeling is the grass is always greener where you cannot hunt. I'm sure that is not the case in all wilderness areas but I wanted to share what I learned on my hunt.
Because the opportunities afforded nonresidents by the State of Wyoming are lacking?
The great State of Wyoming's allegiance to WYOGA's welfare check society is more the rub than "opportunities afforded nonresidents".

Our nation's Wilderness holds a special place to those of us who appreciate what the US Wilderness Act provides beyond National Forests, BLM, etc.

I respect paying as a non resident for the wildlife conservation actions of any state. I don't respect any State's obedience to mandatory welfare checks for Outfitter organization skull and bones clubs.
The great State of Wyoming's allegiance to WYOGA's welfare check society is more the rub than "opportunities afforded nonresidents".

Our nation's Wilderness holds a special place to those of us who appreciate what the US Wilderness Act provides beyond National Forests, BLM, etc.

I respect paying as a non resident for the wildlife conservation actions of any state. I don't respect any State's obedience to mandatory welfare checks for Outfitter organization skull and bones clubs.
Our nation's wilderness is a special place, and you are welcome to camp there, fish, take pictures, hike, do naked yoga, etc.. But, if you can't pull the trigger on a big game animal, your appreciation is unfulfilled?
I get it, it's outfitter welfare, I don't disagree, and I don't care for it anymore than you. But, here's a newsflash: it isn't going away, get over it.
Everything you seek in the nation's wilderness in Wyoming is available to nonresidents in plenty of other places, sans the "wilderness designation". Enjoy!
But, here's a newsflash: it isn't going away, get over it.
I hear what you're saying though I disagree with this portion. Use of your words, newsflash: our government operates a bit different than, "it isn't going away, get over it".
Otherwise, we're in the same boat.
Our nation's wilderness is a special place, and you are welcome to camp there, fish, take pictures, hike, do naked yoga, etc.. But, if you can't pull the trigger on a big game animal, your appreciation is unfulfilled?
I get it, it's outfitter welfare, I don't disagree, and I don't care for it anymore than you. But, here's a newsflash: it isn't going away, get over it.
Everything you seek in the nation's wilderness in Wyoming is available to nonresidents in plenty of other places, sans the "wilderness designation". Enjoy!
It could go away though. That’s how government works. It would only take enough Wyoming residents that have better morals and ethics and are opposed to socialism and government handouts to come together and change the decisions that are being made, by changing the people that are making them.
I hear what you're saying though I disagree with this portion. Use of your words, newsflash: our government operates a bit different than, "it isn't going away, get over it".
Otherwise, we're in the same boat.
I agree it could go away but the questions everyone should be asking is what replaces it. You want to trade a outfitter draw for the wilderness rule to go away because that will all but guarantee it. The wyoming wildlife task force runs through wyoga and that task force was set up by the governor the resident speak there mind to that group and they ignore them so not likely we have much say unfortunately.
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Can't believe people were allowed to keep the antlers.

100%. My theory is that WY GFD is purposely not confiscating antlers & meat.

An NR with a $150 ticket goes home, pays the ticket and doesn’t take the issue up at the distict/trial court level. And certainly wouldn’t appeal it.

But if WY GFD confiscates an unguided NR’s Sheep taken in a WA? Well, that guy might take this up to the WY Supreme Court to get his sheep back. And then the WY GFD has to try to get a modern court to believe the old (1984) argument that this discrimination is needed for NR hunter safety. Not outfitter welfare.

On a related note – all 12 of the NR hunters above safely returned from their dangerous journeys in to the Wyoming Wilderness.
It could go away though. That’s how government works. It would only take enough Wyoming residents that have better morals and ethics and are opposed to socialism and government handouts to come together and change the decisions that are being made, by changing the people that are making them.
Just as an FYI, enough Wyoming residents with better morals and ethics, opposed to socialism and government handouts recently came together and shot down an effort by WYOGA to implement an outfitter only draw that would have significantly altered the percentage of nonresident licensees for DIY hunters. But please, continue to remind us of how poorly you are treated by our government and how blind we are to your cause.
Just as an FYI, enough Wyoming residents with better morals and ethics, opposed to socialism and government handouts recently came together and shot down an effort by WYOGA to implement an outfitter only draw that would have significantly altered the percentage of nonresident licensees for DIY hunters. But please, continue to remind us of how poorly you are treated by our government and how blind we are to your cause.
Certainly, but let’s call a spade a spade. There is NFW that was simply done because of altruism. There was a significant impact looming for resident hunters were this to pass. I know it and you know it. It was a large part of the justification I wrote in in opposition to it as a nonresident.

Yes, I had something to gain from it, but I’ll argue that the resident of Wyoming had even more to gain from this being shot down. Now back to the red herring…
A NR may hunt birds, small game, coyotes, and fish under WY and U.S. law.
A NR may hike, camp, explore (basically recreate) anywhere under U.S. law, not WY regulation .

However, a licensed "professional" is required to be your chaperone for your protection, welfare, and safety if you're hunting big $, I mean big game. 🙄
I wasn't around in 1984, but was the justification for this law actually about the safety of nonresidents?
I wasn't around in 1984, but was the justification for this law actually about the safety of nonresidents?
For purpose of:
1.) Proper Game Management
2.) Protection of hunter welfare and safety
3.) better enforcement of game and fish laws

Was being a bit snarky...
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