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Fishing Boat Research/Shopping

As far as your Crestliner goes....do you have any things you would change and why?

Any comments on Crestliner build quality?

I take it you are predominantly a freshwater lake fisherman like what I am planning on doing with a boat?
Crestliner build quality is high. I like that they're welded and my 2005 has a better fit and finish than a lot of 50-60k brand new lund and crestliner boats. Generally everything about it was well thought out except for the starting battery area. Wish they would have given more space and put in a fuse box to run everything to.
I don't think I would make any changes to my Crestliner. I thought I wanted a Lund but purchased the Crestliner based on availability at the time. It was not a mistake. I like my Crestliner.
I am happy with the Crestliner quality. It is way better than some other brands that I have fished from. There are a lot of people that think a Lund is better and it might be but the Crestliner has been great. I have launched it over 1000 times so it has some minor dock rash and a couple of small dents but nothing that bothers me. I have no reason to replace it. If the Mercury 115 blew up I would just repower it.
I used to fish Monterey Bay a lot but not much in the last 15 years so yes this boat has only been in freshwater. The California Delta is a little brackish but not true salt water. If I still lived in Monterey County I would have purchased a different hull design and I almost did but for my bass fishing the Fish Hawk is way better than a windshield forward design. I have fished 4 people a few times but 2 is way easier. Half the time I fish by myself and it is an easy boat for one guy to handle.
My Crestliner has fished for salmon in the Johnstone Strait of northern Vancouver Island, BC, the Salish Sea near Sekiu, Wa, several Oregon bays, and all along the Columbia River. But 95% of my time is spent in freshwater lakes. Most of this is spent trolling for Kokanee salmon in a number of lakes here in Idaho. Two or three times a year I will head for one of the lakes along the Snake River in pursuit of crappie and small mouth bass. My boat design with the windshield being about a third of the way back makes for a great casting platform from both sides of the helm. If I spent most of my time bass/crappie fishing then I would have no complaints with this boat. The fit and finish is solid and has been a great family boat that can seat five comfortably when the bow seats are in place. The only time I wish for a different boat is when I am trolling. That is when the extra foot or foot and a half from a helm forward design would come in handy. Especially if you are looking at a 16 foot boat. Three adults fighting a double hookup, bringing up downriggers all while trying to keep the boat straight on a windy day can be quite a circus in the back of a smaller boat.
Your short list of boats was nearly identical to mine this past winter. Coming from a Sylvan that had a few leaky rivets, I knew I was looking to go all welded if possible. I looked at the Starweld, Crestliner and trackers for welded and Smoker Craft, Lund and Alumacraft for riveted. The trackers were horrible and didn't interest me at all. The reservoir I fish is 25,000 ac (Only about half of it is open to fishing though) and we are limited to 25hp 4-stroke motors on hulls rated for 40hp and up. After lots of looking and talking to dealers I ordered a Crestliner Vision 1600 SC. I mostly troll for salmon and Lakers so a walk thru would have been fine but I bass fish enough that the SC made more sense. Crestliners lifetime hull warranty helped in my decision as well.
The biggest problem is that I ordered the boat in February and will not receive it until September. At the time I ordered, the factory had already closed down orders for 2021 (I don't believe they have opened ordering for 2022 yet). The only reason I was able to place the order is that the boat store had ordered this boat for inventory and the build date was so far away that I was able to change things like console configuration, vinyl vs carpet etc.
That is when the extra foot or foot and a half from a helm forward design would come in handy. Especially if you are looking at a 16 foot boat. Three adults fighting a double hookup, bringing up downriggers all while trying to keep the boat straight on a windy day can be quite a circus in the back of a smaller boat.
I can see that being the case. We can have some fun fire drills in a small 12ft. with two people sometimes.

If I had my way and Money was no factor I would really love the 17 Smoker Craft Osprey. I may just hold out till I can put the money together for it and just bite the bullet or maybe find one slightly used? The Crestliner boats really intrigue me and I will be taking a hard look at them.
I was about to post a thread on this very subject. It is great to have, information overload! Haha! A whoop-load of great info from many respected HT members.

I've become very leery of private party boat sales and comfortable paying for "New". I don't know much about boats as well and that has the tattoo, "Sucker" on my forehead for used boat sales. New, I'm a good haggler and able to review specifics via the great Google-equalizer. New deals with my own f-ups versus another's along with the undisclosed issues. So, it's worth "new", paying a bit more for a bit less of a boat to enjoy this comfort.

The boat styles shared in this thread are on target for my interest. As mentioned above, recreational "toys" are at their prime $$$! I'm pinched between paying tax on a boat where I move AND prime $ or paying prime current $ w/o tax in Montana before I leave. Is there such thing as a "reputable" boat dealer? I'm in NW MT /Whitefish area.

My cap is $25k. I am interested in a v hull and want more than my $ can afford, naturally. :) I've worked through the Lund build boat page and seems I'm in the right ball park for new. i.e.:


I'd buy used... if a respected HT member - hard core boat guru gift of understanding boat mechanics, best use, etc. I'd gift $400 to you if I purchase such the boat based on your "due diligence" evaluation i.e. complete examination of boat(s) in / around your neck of the woods within or around the great State of MT.
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Ok, been fishing all my life (fresh water lakes, streams and some puget sound open water). I am at a point I never thought I would be. I HAVE THE BOAT BUG! I have always had friends with boats, rented small (12') aluminum boats at some of the resorts and slapped my own trolling motor on them. Im not a "big water" fishing guy (it's just ok for me and I have friends with boats that can handle big water and I can go out with anytime). I am looking for a 16-17ft Aluminum fishing boat with 90% lake fishing and NW travel/destination use. Surely does not need to be a speed demon either. I have been retired now for 5 years, my small business currently runs itself pretty much and Im looking to fill my springs/early summers with lake destinations and the occasional early or late season runs on the Columbia for the rest of my days. I have always been a "By once, cry once" kind of toy shopper. This doesn't mean I am not a cheapskate because I am and always looking to get the best deal. Always looking for the biggest bang for the buck. I don't finance toys and am looking in the 25K and under price range. This is gonna be a boat that will spend the next 20 years with me, be towed 99% of the time, does not need to be a speed deamon and has to be versatile enough for small and large lake fishing with the occasional Columbia river trip.

I should state that 17.5' is my max length as I have storage constraints and frankly it doesn't need to be any bigger for a lake boat that will fish two anglers, max 3 at times. Trout, Kokanee, Bass, Perch, Tigers 90% of the time in NW lakes ranging from 150 acres to over 1000 acres.

My current list of boats are:

Looking for some experienced folks on their opinions/recommendations. Things to consider, tips, other boats I should consider?

1)Smoker Craft Osprey
2)Crestliner Vision 1600 WT
3)Lund Angler 1650
4)Lowe 1625 WT
Will you be using this as a duck boat ever? Whats the skinniest water you anticipate fishing?
I was about to post a thread on this very subject. It is great to have, information overload! Haha! A whoop-load of great info from many respected HT members.

I've become very leery of private party boat sales and comfortable paying for "New". I don't know much about boats as well and that has the tattoo, "Sucker" on my forehead for used boat sales. New, I'm a good haggler and able to review specifics via the great Google-equalizer. New deals with my own f-ups versus another's along with the undisclosed issues. So, it's worth "new", paying a bit more for a bit less of a boat to enjoy this comfort.

The boat styles shared in this thread are on target for my interest. As mentioned above, recreational "toys" are at their prime $$$! I'm pinched between paying tax on a boat where I move AND prime $ or paying prime current $ w/o tax in Montana before I leave. Is there such thing as a "reputable" boat dealer? I'm in NW MT /Whitefish area.

My cap is $25k. I am interested in a v hull and want more than my $ can afford, naturally. :) I've worked through the Lund build boat page and seems I'm in the right ball park for new. i.e.:

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I'd buy used... if a respected HT member - hard core boat guru gift of understanding boat mechanics, best use, etc. I'd gift $400 to you if I purchase such the boat based on your "due diligence" evaluation i.e. complete examination of boat(s) in / around your neck of the woods within or around the great State of MT.

I've bought a lot of boats in the name of marital harmony. Post up what you are looking at here on HT and I suspect among us we have enough boat due diligence to give quality input and you'd not have to spend $400.

I've bought 3 boats from Townsend Marine. Brian, the owner, is one of the straightest shooting guys I know. He get allocated "X" number of units. He knows he will sell them all, so he has no reason to BS anyone into a sale that isn't a good decision of what the person wants.

I will say your budget is going to have some constraints, when you add in electronics, an electric trolling motor, batteries, possibly a canvas cover, tied downs, transom saver, anchor, and the other necessities that give BOAT the acronym of Bring On Another Thousand.

The boat in your image is a very good boat for the price. I have had four Lunds and the depreciation factor was very low on the three that I've sold.
I've bought a lot of boats in the name of marital harmony. Post up what you are looking at here on HT and I suspect among us we have enough boat due diligence to give quality input and you'd not have to spend $400.

I've bought 3 boats from Townsend Marine. Brian, the owner, is one of the straightest shooting guys I know. He get allocated "X" number of units. He knows he will sell them all, so he has no reason to BS anyone into a sale that isn't a good decision of what the person wants.

I will say your budget is going to have some constraints, when you add in electronics, an electric trolling motor, batteries, possibly a canvas cover, tied downs, transom saver, anchor, and the other necessities that give BOAT the acronym of Bring On Another Thousand.

The boat in your image is a very good boat for the price. I have had four Lunds and the depreciation factor was very low on the three that I've sold.
This is spot on. FWIW, I have bought 3 used boats and never had any issues with the used ones. I have bought 1 brand new boat and had 2 major issues with it, the first issue involved me having to call 911 for a river rescue before I floated into a dam. When I was looking at new Boats earlier in the summer, they were expecting 12-18 month lead times. I wouldn’t worry much about buying used for the style of boat you’re looking at, they are pretty simple. The electronics for fishing can add up quick $$
I was about to post a thread on this very subject. It is great to have, information overload! Haha! A whoop-load of great info from many respected HT members.

I've become very leery of private party boat sales and comfortable paying for "New". I don't know much about boats as well and that has the tattoo, "Sucker" on my forehead for used boat sales. New, I'm a good haggler and able to review specifics via the great Google-equalizer. New deals with my own f-ups versus another's along with the undisclosed issues. So, it's worth "new", paying a bit more for a bit less of a boat to enjoy this comfort.

The boat styles shared in this thread are on target for my interest. As mentioned above, recreational "toys" are at their prime $$$! I'm pinched between paying tax on a boat where I move AND prime $ or paying prime current $ w/o tax in Montana before I leave. Is there such thing as a "reputable" boat dealer? I'm in NW MT /Whitefish area.

My cap is $25k. I am interested in a v hull and want more than my $ can afford, naturally. :) I've worked through the Lund build boat page and seems I'm in the right ball park for new. i.e.:

View attachment 205036
View attachment 205037

I'd buy used... if a respected HT member - hard core boat guru gift of understanding boat mechanics, best use, etc. I'd gift $400 to you if I purchase such the boat based on your "due diligence" evaluation i.e. complete examination of boat(s) in / around your neck of the woods within or around the great State of MT.
You might call Wallace Marine in Great Falls. The Sheriff's Office bought a Hewes Craft from them, and they were great to work with. Several years ago, my wife and I bought a used pontoon boat from them and again they were good to work with. It was worth the drive over the divide to get what we wanted from a dealer I trust.
I don't know much about boats, but this might be a good deal if a person is willing to road trip.

I don't know much about boats, but this might be a good deal if a person is willing to road trip.

That around GJ, CO? Thanks for sharing your find.

Appears to be taking over someone's unfinished project. I have my own, unfinished / finished bass boat that fits the same line of thought.

I did see this though, to go this route, I might as well buy a 2022 for a few grand more(?) A bit outside my price point, unfortunately.

Speaking of, anyone interested in a Bass Tracker Tournament TX '85-7? It's on the cheap and has a bit of finish work needed as well. Reminds me of the boat listed above. though the flatbottom /semi "V" I'd like to see this find a new home as a bass boat isn't primarily set for the area. Also, the moving company will manage transferring one boat. I'd prefer it to be the "new" boat.
I've tinkered with the idea of buying a new 4 stroke motor and having the console and throttle/key control unit replaced with current "toys". I'd be limited for the areas able to use though.... less expensive and I know my boat.

Another vote for Townsend Marine. Haven't bought from them but I've talked to them a few times about parts and such and they've been super helpful. Don't bother looking around the Flathead, you will get deep holed and it won't feel good.

Sytes, where are you moving again and what type of water are you going to be on? I'm sure there's guys here that know more than I do on boats but I do know quite a bit when it comes to anything deep V.
Ok, been fishing all my life (fresh water lakes, streams and some puget sound open water). I am at a point I never thought I would be. I HAVE THE BOAT BUG! I have always had friends with boats, rented small (12') aluminum boats at some of the resorts and slapped my own trolling motor on them. Im not a "big water" fishing guy (it's just ok for me and I have friends with boats that can handle big water and I can go out with anytime). I am looking for a 16-17ft Aluminum fishing boat with 90% lake fishing and NW travel/destination use. Surely does not need to be a speed demon either. I have been retired now for 5 years, my small business currently runs itself pretty much and Im looking to fill my springs/early summers with lake destinations and the occasional early or late season runs on the Columbia for the rest of my days. I have always been a "By once, cry once" kind of toy shopper. This doesn't mean I am not a cheapskate because I am and always looking to get the best deal. Always looking for the biggest bang for the buck. I don't finance toys and am looking in the 25K and under price range. This is gonna be a boat that will spend the next 20 years with me, be towed 99% of the time, does not need to be a speed deamon and has to be versatile enough for small and large lake fishing with the occasional Columbia river trip.

I should state that 17.5' is my max length as I have storage constraints and frankly it doesn't need to be any bigger for a lake boat that will fish two anglers, max 3 at times. Trout, Kokanee, Bass, Perch, Tigers 90% of the time in NW lakes ranging from 150 acres to over 1000 acres.

My current list of boats are:

Looking for some experienced folks on their opinions/recommendations. Things to consider, tips, other boats I should consider?

1)Smoker Craft Osprey
2)Crestliner Vision 1600 WT
3)Lund Angler 1650
4)Lowe 1625 WT
I had similar requirements, I ordered an alumacraft Voyageur tiller and should take delivery in the spring. It's just shy of 18' which is what I wanted, so a little longer than you wanted. The Alumacraft Competitor 165 would be worth a look as well. Lund, alumacraft, and crestliner would all be good, find the features and layout you want, with the motor you want, and a good dealer. I wanted a tiller so that cut down my options a lot, also wanted vinyl floors and center rod locker for the boat. Galvanized roller trailer was a must as well. I can launch my current 18' boat on horrible shallow ramps with no problem. Get a roller trailer if you launch on shallow ramps. As far as motors go, Merc, Suzuki, and Yamaha are about all you can get and all are fine. I ended up getting the Yamaha f70 because it is the highest horse small block motor I could get, it only weighs 260 vs other 70 hp motors at 350. Are you trying to keep total cost under 25k? Remember all the crap that gets added like trolling motors, batteries, onboard chargers, fish finders, etc. It all adds up fast.