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Fed Lands Transfer advocate Rosendale trying for MT State Auditor


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
Matt Rosendale is trying to get elected to MT State Auditor (aka Commissioner of Securities and Insurance). This would give him a seat on the Board of Land Commissioners, which has the authority to direct, control, exchange and sell the state public lands across Montana. He enthusiastically supports the transfer of Federal Lands to the state and has the BS crazy Bundy view of the Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution clearly defines the purpose for the federal government to retain land for post offices, batteries and things like that,” Rosendale said. “There is no call in the Constitution for the federal government to own national forests or BLM land and just to manage those additional lands.


Rosendale was also the one that sponsored that bill that would set the minimum damage award to $1500 for civil trespass even if damages were $0. We talked about that bill here and also in the corner crossing thread.

This guy could easily sneak into this little monitored but important seat by people who simply vote "R" so spread the word. We need to stop him! Laslovich is the person to vote for.
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I think the best way to get word out about the state auditor position is by letters to the editor. He's pretty good about portraying to be for hunters yet his actions and votes tell a far different story.
Thanks for posting this stuff, Rob. The Rosendales, Gianfortes, and Juras's of the (Montana)world pose direct threats to those of us who are "DIY Public Land hunter's". Lotsa people on here tire of the "political" threads. I'm thankful for the people-including yourself- that don't tire of their "tiring". I spend the vast majority of my time "out there". Spending time fighting for "out there" takes some guts and brains. The importance of folks who tirelessly advocate for this stuff can't be overstated.
Rosendale is a real gem.....
I also believe he voted in 2013 for the No Net Gain of state lands bill. We couldn't afford to manage another acre in 2013 but in 2014 we somehow can manage an additional 25 million acres?

What changed Mr. Rosendale?
I remember this bozo's TV ads, shooting the drone out of the sky with a rifle.
I think the best way to get word out about the state auditor position is by letters to the editor. He's pretty good about portraying to be for hunters yet his actions and votes tell a far different story.

Yes, especially for this race. Very few people research this race and many will vote for Rosendale simply because he has an "R" after his name. It is up to us to make sure they know who they are voting for and in a little-known race like this one LTEs can make a big difference. Write one and submit it to every paper in the state. (It is a good idea to make them slightly different as some papers won't publish identical letters.)

As for politics, the one time I wanted to slap the radio while listening to Randy's podcasts was when he said that politics is awful but you have to get involved anyway. ;) Politics is simply strategy and once you get over the fact that sometimes people hit low it is pretty interesting. You get to meet interesting people and when your kids ask what you did to make a better world for them you can give them an answer.
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Anyone who is a proponent of the transfer idea should be voted against. Someone as far off on this issue as this guy, deserves to not even be given a chance at all. Good you're getting the word out, Montanans need to learn this about this guy and ensure he never sees even a tiny hope of sitting at the table.
I have told everyone I know to stay away from that Rosendale. He is a leg-humper of all the players in the State Transfer promotion circus. I wouldn't trust him in an outhouse with a spoon.

I had taken for granted that Montana hunters knew what a pox he is to our ideas. Thanks for posting this Rob. I shouldn't make such assumptions.
Have met both candidates and Laslovich is going to win this race going away. It isn't even close and every Republican knows it. Rosendale is kind of insurance illiterate.

Have met both candidates and Laslovich is going to win this race going away. It isn't even close and every Republican knows it. Rosendale is kind of insurance illiterate.


You get about 40% of the vote for just filing. I would caution everyone not to take these races lightly. Rosendale is banking on apathy and people voting for Republicans just because.

I've known Jesse Laslovich for 4 years, and I don't think Montana could ask for a more competent, honest and down-to-earth candidate for any office. He'd be an asset to hunters & anglers on the land board, and he'd be an honest broker in finding solutions for state lands management issues that come before the land board.

I'm proud to vote for him, and to volunteer for his campaign.
But, but, but, he "supports access to public lands." I heard him say so in his radio ad......................
When asked where he stands on the transfer of federal lands to the state he said, "The Auditors Office is only responsible for State School Trust Lands. We have no authority over Federal Lands or other State lands such as those owned by Fish Wildlife and Parks. I unequivocally support public access to public lands."

Talk about a BS way to avoid the question.
Have met both candidates and Laslovich is going to win this race going away. It isn't even close and every Republican knows it. Rosendale is kind of insurance illiterate.


Has a poll been conducted or is this your gut feeling? I ask because I've driven all over the state in the last few weeks. Tons of Rosendale signs, almost none of Laslovich's. I hope you are right.

I have followed Rosendale closely. He is bitter and holds beliefs contrary to the spirit of this forum. He hates government and regulation in any form, and all his actions stem from that premise. Watching him in the legislature last year was something else. He is an enemy of public lands pure and simple.

I met Jesse Laslovich once. I was coaching a soccer team of 3 year olds, one of which was my daughter, and he was the opposing coach. Seemed like a nice guy.
There's a ton of "voting republican just because" Rosendale signs in the Gallatin Valley. Who cares who's the state auditor.........:rolleyes:
You get about 40% of the vote for just filing. I would caution everyone not to take these races lightly. Rosendale is banking on apathy and people voting for Republicans just because.

I've known Jesse Laslovich for 4 years, and I don't think Montana could ask for a more competent, honest and down-to-earth candidate for any office. He'd be an asset to hunters & anglers on the land board, and he'd be an honest broker in finding solutions for state lands management issues that come before the land board.

I'm proud to vote for him, and to volunteer for his campaign.

Couldn't agree more about Jesse, one solid young man for sure, and he has always had my support. The world would be a hell of a lot better place if everyone was like him, and a with a Yugoslavian name like (Laslovich) I'm even more proud of him.
I guess I don't see how regulating insurance and securities relates to the federal land transfer? Someone fill me in
I guess I don't see how regulating insurance and securities relates to the federal land transfer? Someone fill me in
That is a great question. It won't control the transfer itself, but the auditor has one of the five seats on the land board which regulates how state lands are used, bought, or sold.

The other 4 seats are
1) the Governor (think Gianforte, only 2 pts behind)
2) Attorney general (Tim Fox, polling ahead of Jent I believe)
3) Secretary of State (I'm pretty sure Corey Stapleton is another tea-partying nut... or someone with a similar name)
4) Superintendent of public instruction (I'm not familiar with the R's chances or stance on public land)

So potentially 4 out of 5 pretty unfriendly people on the land board.

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