Buzz Hettick- Walking the Walk

Thank you, Buzz, for all you do for us, the owners of so much land.
"us, the owners of so much land"

Great line.
Go to BHA website, order one of these. Been wearing one around Boztropolis MT - get a lotta good comments.
No attempted hijack...... back to topic......bhass.jpg
I listened to the segment on NPR this morning on the way in. Well done in my opinion and hopefully this will get the issue into more of a mainstream discussion. I also belong to a couple northwest hiking forums and 1 mountain climbing club. It's been puzzling to me that PLT gets mentioned in passing but, so far, the angst is just not there yet. The Bundys may have put PLT in the national spotlight but unfortunately I think it gets dismissed as the domain of nutjobs.
Buzz is my main man! Don't know what I'd do without you brother!

Don't let JM77 sandbag you...he's one sharp guy that really understands the issues, has lots of contacts, and is on top of things here in Wyoming. A better advocate for Wyoming sportsmen would be pretty tough to find.

I will say, that combining forces with JM77 and the rest of the WYBHA board is the best thing I've seen happen for Wyoming Sportsmen since I've lived here. Good team effort and we seem to have a good working relationship with a lot of influential folks.

Been a steep learning curve for me...with a few bumps and a couple flat out F-ups along the way.
Damn, now Buzz is even more famouser.....

I will have to make appointments to be able to drop by and drink his beer.


Thanks for fighting the good fight.
Don't let JM77 sandbag you...he's one sharp guy that really understands the issues, has lots of contacts, and is on top of things here in Wyoming. A better advocate for Wyoming sportsmen would be pretty tough to find.

I will say, that combining forces with JM77 and the rest of the WYBHA board is the best thing I've seen happen for Wyoming Sportsmen since I've lived here. Good team effort and we seem to have a good working relationship with a lot of influential folks.

Been a steep learning curve for me...with a few bumps and a couple flat out F-ups along the way.

You guys are doing awesome work Buzz. I love watching & cheering on from the north. Keep it up guys!
Great interview Buzz! I was surprised when it came on on NPR this morning on my way to work. My boss gave me a hard time when she rolled into the parking lot and I was just sitting in my truck listening to the radio ;)
Much appreciated Buzz. It's going to take all of us, and your work is inspiring. mtmuley
Surfing my wife's FB page and saw a post by her brother with a Wilderness Society piece on this. So I guess you are trending? Good deal, Buzz!
Nice article, keep up the great work! It does not go unnoticed.

Edit: I just posted the BHA link on REIs Facebook page. It's time other user groups get motivated and heard.
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Damn, now Buzz is even more famouser.....

I will have to make appointments to be able to drop by and drink his beer.


Thanks for fighting the good fight.
No kidding! He'll be probably pass off the swill to me and save the good stuff for hosting $1000/plate dinners...

I've had the opportunity to cuss/discuss a whole bunch of topics regarding public lands and their management with Buzz. While we don't always see eye to eye he is always willing to learn another side of the issue.

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