Well-known member
A consumption tax of 4% is a much lower tax rate than the 6.9% or whatever the top tax bracket is for income tax. YOu also reduce the pool of revenue to draw taxes from. Wyoming is a good example of what happens in a bust with a sales tax approach - they're going through massive layoffs, drastic budget cuts and will likely need to raid their rainy day fund to make up the budget shortfall due to commodity prices free-falling.
In the context of the Gov's race, Gianforte in 2002 was advocating replacing income tax with that, which would lead to a big tax cut for the wealthy. Now he's erroneously claiming that he never advocated for a sales tax at all. While it is election year rhetoric, it clearly moves the needle on + & - for candidates.
Regardless, I do think that the local option sales tax is a much better approach than the statewide sales tax and it's a true example of local control. It would allow specific communities to target tourists to help pay for basic municipal needs like water, sewer, infrastructure, etc while being administered at a level much closer to home than Helena. Communities already have this option, yet many don't exercise it.
A community has to be big enough, located in the correct area and have the ability to administer, collect and police a local option tax. If the community is small, located in say northern Valley County there is zero chance a local option tax is viable. Yet those same citizens are taxed by the State to help provide infrastructure, maintenance and construct facilities used by tourist who pay very, very little.
Wyoming's woes are more than just a result of a sales tax receipt slow down. Go look at their revenue and it shows that the killer is the oil/gas sector severance tax decline and their investment income in a zero interest environment has decline more than then their sales tax revenue.
I don't see a sales tax ever passing in Montana but it is not because it isn't good tax policy or good public policy, it is because we are stupid in the things we tax and the things we don't.
A local option tax is okay if you are in Whitefish, if you are in Scobey, not so much.