Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana's land board in jeopardy

In my opinion, anyone who votes a straight party ticket is just too lazy or incapable of doing their homework as an informed voter. At this juncture in Montana, the values of anyone who votes straight Republican ticket are blown in the prairie winds.
Fox is by far, hands down more qualified to be AG than nobody Jents. He isn't anti-public land, as Watt pointed out above. Even left-wing propoganda rag, The Missoulian Editorial board endorses Fox.
I voted for Fox, and against Arntzen, Rosendale, Stapleton.
Rob, there's still time for a LTE in the newspapers.
Chronicle stopped accepting Monday. At this point it is real important to tell everyone, especially about Rosendale.

Mine ran yesterday in the BDC and it should appear in other papers. Wish I could get my ideas across better, but at least it isn't just complaining on Facebook. My wife also submitted one and I've talked a few others into doing one, although I'm not sure they have followed through.

Here is some info. Note that most papers will call you to verify that you submitted the letter so give a phone number that you monitor. The Great Falls paper generally wants proof of any potentially libelous claims.They wanted proof Rosendale hated Obamacare before they'd run mine (WTF, hope he don't sue me too!)

Billings Gazette:
250 words

Oct 28th is last day.<300 words

Great Falls Tribune:
< 250 words


Helena IR:
200 words


Daily Interlake (Kalispell):
250 words

Butte Standard:
They say 400 words max, but most people won't even start to read political letters if it is longer than 200 words. They are more likely to publish short letters too.
Here is a "debate" for the Auditor. Debate is the wrong term because Rosendale didn't show up. He would have been crushed. I haven't seen the whole thing, but it appears to be very informative about the responsibilities.

Here is a debate for SoPI. Like the Gazette article stated, Arntzen's really has no vision. Her first reason was that the Ds had been in charge for 30 years so it was time for a change.
I don't know Laslovich, but I knew his wife growing up. And anyone that married Jill has to be a great guy. One of the nicest people I've ever met. My mother has had interaction with him and is very impressed by him. That's on top of how qualified I feel he is from what I've read. I'm not just voting for someone because I knew their wife.
In my opinion, anyone who votes a straight party ticket is just too lazy or incapable of doing their homework as an informed voter. At this juncture in Montana, the values of anyone who votes straight Republican ticket are blown in the prairie winds.

Re: An informed voter.
Straight R or D ticket are blown in the prarie winds.
Today's political landscape, especially with Trump for the Dumbos and Clinton for the Jackasses, should be a wake up call to all - Toeing the line, running votes regardless the person's character and rather sheepish like follow the leader off the cliff is a lost cause. "Vote for someone other than X is a vote for Y..." stinks soooo damn bad now a days, it's lost the shine it once held... and little shine that was. Those worried about others not voting for X should wake up and stop placing the absolute lousiest of lousy X's as your candidates... :W:

/political rant off - least for the next few minutes. ;)
Great thread, Rob!

My take:

Lindeen has a solid track record on the Land Board of supporting land banking as it was intended: Opening up access to parcels of state & public lands, supporting agency decisions on fee title acquisitions, Fishing Access Sites, conservation easements, etc. She's been a good Auditor, and with Jesse Laslovich as the chief legal counsel, has brought millions back to MT consumers who were wrongfully charged by industry. Her tenure as Auditor has been scandal free, and by most accounts, stellar. I'm voting for Monica Lindeen for Secretary of State.

Laslovich: Jesse's a great guy and dedicated public servant. He's got more experience in the Auditor's race than anyone before him as chief legal counsel for the State Auditor & understands the ins and outs of insurance across the board, and how to protect Montanans against predatory companies looking steal our hard earned money. He's a staunch advocate for public access, for keeping public lands in public hands while conscientiously managing our mineral and timber resources. I've not volunteered for a lot of races this cycle, but this is one I've gladly given my time & money too. Vote Laslovich

Fox versus Jent: This is a tough one for me. I worked against Fox in '12 by volunteering for Bucy's campaign. In 4 years, Fox has gone after ridiculous cases that divide the nation further, in order to appease his base (Gay marriage, EPA Clean Water, etc). However, Fox has been a good vote on the land board, and has been helpful in tamping down the transfer of public lands issue by signing on to the Western Association of Attorney's General report calling Transfer unconstitutional. While that may be a political move as he eyes the Governor's office in 4 years, it does show he's thinking more broadly about the issues related to land management than just deferring to party platforms or lobbyist pressure. Larry Jent is a great guy, and was a great vote for us in the Legislature, but I don't see him overcoming the deficit of both enthusiasm and funding to garner much of the vote. I'm reluctantly voting for Tim Fox.

Romano versus Arntzen: Romano can be trusted to make the right votes on the Land Board issues, and she has the backing of most teachers around the state. Arntzen has not been good on land transfer or FWP funding issues during her time as a legislator. She's personable and I've found her to be kind, but she votes wrong and shouldn't be rewarded with the top teacher position. My vote goes to Romano.

Bullock: Easy vote for the kid from Helena who has fought his entire career to protect our stream access and our access to public lands. Vote Bullock.

Regardless of who you are voting for, go vote.
The public access issue clearly favors Bullock. An article written in today's edition of the Bozeman High School Hawk Tawk by a high school journalist provides a more detailed version of the Gianforte fishing access lawsuit. This high school reporter has a unique perspective of the issue as she interviewed the surveyor contacted by Art Wittich to conduct a survey for the purpose of pursuing abandonment of the public fishing access. The surveyor, apparently a Montanan who supports public access, expressed his views to Wittich and evidently did not complete the survey work. Gianforte and Wittich nonetheless continued the attempt to close the access, but eventually settled for a reconfiguration of the access trail and fencing.

The Bozeman High School paper consistently displays impressive journalism and includes other articles concerning currently relevant political issues. It is worth the read if you can obtain a copy.
One aspect I don't understand. Why is Bullock opposed to a state tax? I understand the basic idea usually debated. Hardship on low income residents... However, why not make a 5% state tax w/ resident state 5% tax refund/ return?
This is one aspect of Bullock I dislike... An opportunity to cover our outside incurred expenses along w/ buffering our education system. .
Awesome letter in BDC ;)
The state auditor does not audit government spending, the office regulates the insurance and securities industries operating in Montana. It is also responsible for making sure the health insurance programs work as well as possible.

You could not find a worse candidate than Matt Rosendale for this office. Matt doesn’t believe in government regulating industries. Choosing Rosendale for auditor is like choosing a doctor who wants to repeal medicine.

The auditor also sits on the Land Board, which controls how our state lands are managed, including selling them. The last thing Montana needs is another East Coast transplant with a multi-million dollar land developing business deciding which state lands should be privatized and developed.

Jesse Laslovich has already served as the auditor’s chief legal counsel for five years. He is extremely well qualified to protect us from fraudulent industries. He is also a native Montanan and knows how much we value our public lands. Jesse Laslovich is the right person for state auditor.
One aspect I don't understand. Why is Bullock opposed to a state tax? I understand the basic idea usually debated. Hardship on low income residents... However, why not make a 5% state tax w/ resident state 5% tax refund/ return?
This is one aspect of Bullock I dislike... An opportunity to cover our outside incurred expenses along w/ buffering our education system. .


A statewide income tax is a wildly unpopular form of taxation and one that has traditionally been pushed by some as a way to fund the gov't and sometime down the road eliminate the income tax. As we've seen in other states, eliminating the income tax doesn't happen, so you end up taxing people more rather than alleviating tax burden. When this was attempted in the past, it was soundly defeated and has been a political albatross around the necks of candidates who propose raising taxes on the working class to afford tax cuts for millionaires. Bullock's proposal is to have a constitutional amendment to permanently disallow a statewide sales tax while allowing municipalities to opt for a local sales tax. I doubt it would go much farther than election year rhetoric, as I don't see the MT Legislature taking this up and forwarding as a Constitutional Amendment.
A sales tax doesn't always mean a tax cut for the rich. Usually the richer you are the more you consume and you end up paying more sales tax. It is stupid IMO that we have an economy that has such a huge component of Tourism and we don't tax them at the point of sale for something. I get the argument that it hurts poor people but as a rule the necessities like Groceries and Prescription drugs etc are exempted from a sales tax.

The issue is used as an election day way to stick your opponent with something but good public policy and good tax policy are never talked about. A sales tax could provide much needed revenue and much of it would come from the millions of tourist who come to our state, use our infrastructure, our state parks, our state facilities and don't currently have to pay sales tax toward the maintenance, construction or use of these facilities. I know it is Montana Democrat party dogma about the evils of a sales tax but they are forgoing revenue just for the sake of holding onto a bad tax policy because people hate the word taxes.

A sales tax doesn't always mean a tax cut for the rich. Usually the richer you are the more you consume and you end up paying more sales tax. It is stupid IMO that we have an economy that has such a huge component of Tourism and we don't tax them at the point of sale for something. I get the argument that it hurts poor people but as a rule the necessities like Groceries and Prescription drugs etc are exempted from a sales tax.

The issue is used as an election day way to stick your opponent with something but good public policy and good tax policy are never talked about. A sales tax could provide much needed revenue and much of it would come from the millions of tourist who come to our state, use our infrastructure, our state parks, our state facilities and don't currently have to pay sales tax toward the maintenance, construction or use of these facilities. I know it is Montana Democrat party dogma about the evils of a sales tax but they are forgoing revenue just for the sake of holding onto a bad tax policy because people hate the word taxes.


A consumption tax of 4% is a much lower tax rate than the 6.9% or whatever the top tax bracket is for income tax. YOu also reduce the pool of revenue to draw taxes from. Wyoming is a good example of what happens in a bust with a sales tax approach - they're going through massive layoffs, drastic budget cuts and will likely need to raid their rainy day fund to make up the budget shortfall due to commodity prices free-falling.

In the context of the Gov's race, Gianforte in 2002 was advocating replacing income tax with that, which would lead to a big tax cut for the wealthy. Now he's erroneously claiming that he never advocated for a sales tax at all. While it is election year rhetoric, it clearly moves the needle on + & - for candidates.

Regardless, I do think that the local option sales tax is a much better approach than the statewide sales tax and it's a true example of local control. It would allow specific communities to target tourists to help pay for basic municipal needs like water, sewer, infrastructure, etc while being administered at a level much closer to home than Helena. Communities already have this option, yet many don't exercise it.
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I'm not seeing the connection between sales tax and Laslovich, Romano, and Lindeen.
I'm not seeing the connection between sales tax and Laslovich, Romano, and Lindeen.

Charles asked a question about it in relation to the Gov's race, which is the chair of the land board and the Gov will select the next DNRC director (Senator Fielder, anyone?) who will administer the landbanking program, sale of state lands, access easements, etc.

Tangential, but related to the land board.
Well then...
A sales tax doesn't always mean a tax cut for the rich. Usually the richer you are the more you consume and you end up paying more sales tax.

For generating income you are making a big mistake in evaluating the two... investments aren't subject to sales tax. I would make money with a sales tax because I am an investor. They are even talking about offsetting a local sales tax with a decrease in property tax. That would be money straight into my pocket - and there is no way the renters would see any of it because rents right now are determined by demand, not cost. It is the little guy who gets a big shock when he goes to buy a car or a refrigerator. They get nailed on nearly 100% of their income (excepting food) since they don't make enough to save - and this makes that problem worse. And they don't even get a break on their rents. But me, cha-ching....

Guess I'll take all that money and buy a sales-tax free Montana hunting property and keep you peons off it like all those Texans who pay no income tax in 6.25% sales tax country ;)