Favorite style/type of fishing and favorite place to do it ?

Living on the Mississippi I have access to pretty much anything you want except trout and salmon. I am partial to small mouth how ever they're biting whereever I can find them. Second place would be large mouth on a top water frog. 3rd is walleyes on summer wing dams. A summer day tied up in the shade catching cats with a cooler of beer doesn't piss me off either.

Ice fishing is slowly growing on me as a form of food collection. More like video game fishing.

When I get the chance I do love fishing mountain lakes and streams.
Europe, while it is still legal here in Vermont, I haven't done it in years. When Lake Champlain (at normal levels 490 sq. miles) floods in the spring, northern pike swarm into the marshes, and flooded woods to spawn. The water is only 1 - 3 ' deep in many places. A person with a hunting license can shoot or spear up to 5 Northern Pike per day (minimum length 20"). When I was a teenager, the limit was 10 per day. I have used : .22 rimfire, .270 Win., 12 ga. , .300 Savage, 30-30, .45 ACP, .357 mag., 7.7 Jap., 7.65 Italian, etc. The most productive method is to climb up in a tree wearing polaroid glasses on a sunny day. You seldom actually hit the fish when you fire at it. The concussion of the bullet or shot charge, stuns the fish and they roll belly up... sometimes dead, sometimes only unconscious for a short time. Another method is to slowly stalk through the flooded areas wearing chest waders watching for a wake of a cruising pike and firing at that. I gave up this method of "fishing" many years ago. The disturbance to the spawning fish and nesting waterfowl, safety concerns regarding shooting at a flat surface, and increasing numbers of dwellings along the lake, is of concern to me. In the old days, it was a spring time ritual, a chance to use your deer rifle, and an opportunity to finally enjoy the warm weather after a long winter.

I spend three summers working at a camp on North Hero Island. There was an old timer that lived near by that swore by the 30-06 for this.
Favorite fishing species, lakes and tactics? That is tough to decide. I sure do love getting out in the boat fishing for walleye and smallmouth bass. So for walleye, slip bobber rigs floating through light current areas with tail hooked minnow. Watching that float disappear never get's old. Top water small mouth bass action, can't get much better than that. All this on any of the plethora of lakes dotting the Canadian shield.
Well, the plane ride is not going to happen. Too busy and expensive! We're going to be up north of Fairbanks along the Yukon. Hopefully I'll manage to find enough time to get away and get a line wet. Camp dinner would be nice!
Every eddy and slough will have pike for sure, been a lot of restrictions on Salmon the last years. You should be able to find char and Grayling if your near any of the tributaries. Good fortune on your venture.
sawtooth, addicting, utah400elk-------it looks like we are in the minority ( ocean ) . I admit I do enjoy fighting a 500 lb to 1000 lb blue or black marlin, a shark, even a tuna can give you a fight for two, three, four hours. And the success and time to win this fight also depends on the knowledge and ability of the boat captain .

But as mentioned all fishing is fun and the best fishing is the type of fishing each individual enjoys the most

Thank you all for the responses. Very enjoyable reading.

Questions :

1. is a trotline still legal ?

2. has anybody ever "Noodled for catfish" or watched it being done. I have watched but did not try it.

3. In Arizona we also added Snapping turtle and Frog legs to our dinner menu and sometimes got them while out fishing---has anyone else hunted Frogs and Turtle AND took them home for dinner ?
I,ve seen people frog gigging along the Verde River.
Didn't know there were any Snapping Turtles here.
Did lose a finger to a California Snapper!! 〽💥 ,still don't remember her name...Ha!, Ha!
Brent isn't the only one to fish with a gun, I did it when I was a teenager, the mullet would enter the river from the estuary, they are particle feeders, I would wait for them to feed off the grass ends and shoot them with my .22 air rifle, great fun.

Favourite type of fishing with a rod, I thought there was only fly fishing?:LOL:
Fly Fishing at night for Sea Trout, unbeatable, but not for everyone eh @Sawtooth who nearly took a dunking when fishing with me :LOL:

@Europe around 12 months ago I offered to meet you at your home on the island of Gran Canaria, I never travel to any holiday destination without my fly rod, I could have taught you, I didn't go last year but one of the islands is on the cards in the next few months, women are the easiest to teach, sorry chaps it's true;)


It's going to take more than a three foot hole in an otherwise flat walking area to keep me from fishing. If it wasn't for some quick footwork and landing on the only dry rock next to the stream below, I most certainly would have gone for a swim. Isn't the local fishing guide supposed to warn his mate about such hazards? ;)
Done a ton of different kinds of fishing.
Favorites are silvers up the creek on a kayak next to my cabin,noodle rod with light line for kings in the creek and something I thought would be on the bottom of my list till I tried it . Long lining for what every comes up from the deep.
sawtooth, addicting, utah400elk-------it looks like we are in the minority ( ocean ) . I admit I do enjoy fighting a 500 lb to 1000 lb blue or black marlin, a shark, even a tuna can give you a fight for two, three, four hours. And the success and time to win this fight also depends on the knowledge and ability of the boat captain .

But as mentioned all fishing is fun and the best fishing is the type of fishing each individual enjoys the most

Thank you all for the responses. Very enjoyable reading.

Questions :

1. is a trotline still legal ?

2. has anybody ever "Noodled for catfish" or watched it being done. I have watched but did not try it.

3. In Arizona we also added Snapping turtle and Frog legs to our dinner menu and sometimes got them while out fishing---has anyone else hunted Frogs and Turtle AND took them home for dinner ?

Trot lines are legal in Iowa. We often set them when camping on sandbars on in state rivers.

No desire to noodle here. Not sticking my hand in a dark hole in dark water. Also illegal at the moment in Iowa.

I've had snapping turtle. Never caught on purpose more just had the chance so grabbed it when being able to let it mud out in a stock tank was also possible.
Turtle and frog not something we do a lot but opportunity taken to show the kids something different.
sawtooth, addicting, utah400elk-------it looks like we are in the minority ( ocean ) . I admit I do enjoy fighting a 500 lb to 1000 lb blue or black marlin, a shark, even a tuna can give you a fight for two, three, four hours. And the success and time to win this fight also depends on the knowledge and ability of the boat captain .

But as mentioned all fishing is fun and the best fishing is the type of fishing each individual enjoys the most

Thank you all for the responses. Very enjoyable reading.

Questions :

1. is a trotline still legal ?

2. has anybody ever "Noodled for catfish" or watched it being done. I have watched but did not try it.

3. In Arizona we also added Snapping turtle and Frog legs to our dinner menu and sometimes got them while out fishing---has anyone else hunted Frogs and Turtle AND took them home for dinner ?
Yes, no, and yes! Turtle is pretty much a target of opportunity by seeing one out in the open. Usually I find one crossing the highway. There is a season for them here and I love eating them! I have dangled a small fly in front of frogs to catch them when I was younger.
It's going to take more than a three foot hole in an otherwise flat walking area to keep me from fishing. If it wasn't for some quick footwork and landing on the only dry rock next to the stream below, I most certainly would have gone for a swim. Isn't the local fishing guide supposed to warn his mate about such hazards? ;)
I got breakfast and you got set up for a fall. Hmm... :unsure:

who enjoy fishing in the ocean

plus Brent and others who "hunt" fish

since 2015 we have been allotted 5 tags each year for Bowhead Whales. These guys weight a bit more than a Marlin or Tuna :)

Don, April, I know you guys know Earle. He wants to come up and assist. I told him I would try to arrange it in exchange for one of his dogs. Come to think about it Don has some pretty good dogs as well :)

good thread, I enjoyed reading all the posts, very wide range of fishing presences. I liked the men who, just want to fish, they dont care where they are or what they are fishing for, they just enjoy fishing

who enjoy fishing in the ocean

plus Brent and others who "hunt" fish

since 2015 we have been allotted 5 tags each year for Bowhead Whales. These guys weight a bit more than a Marlin or Tuna :)

Don, April, I know you guys know Earle. He wants to come up and assist. I told him I would try to arrange it in exchange for one of his dogs. Come to think about it Don has some pretty good dogs as well :)

good thread, I enjoyed reading all the posts, very wide range of fishing presences. I liked the men who, just want to fish, they dont care where they are or what they are fishing for, they just enjoy fishing
Cheyenne a couple days ago you could of had both my dogs. Left a elk roast on the counter, ready for the pot. Went out for firewood, came back in and they had it.
When do you hunt the bowheads?
Wading and paddling small size streams for trout. I am a spinning tackle guy, and I really like chasing bigger trout. That involves a trip to TN for us. The tail races are a welcome relief from the blistering Alabama summers. They make it bearable to fish and float through the hottest months.

WY is better and we love it when we get to go, but that's not often enough.

In the spring and fall I'm open to chasing what ever is biting locally.
Fly fishing the river with a hopper/dropper rig. In the fall I toss terrestrials at the bank near the overhanging brush. The river is an hour from me, so I sling a lot of powerbait in the little lake the state stocks near me. I like eating trout...fight me :p

I've really started to enjoy tossing flies for pike in Montana during our spring bear hunts. I haven't caught one yet, but I think any time you're tossing a fly out on a lake is a winner.

There's a lake about 6 hours from me up in the mountains that I like to toss pistol petes and mepps to the huge rainbows that aren't far from shore on an ultra light rod. What a fight!!!

I dream of going to Alaska for the variety of fishing...deep sea, jigging, fly fishing.....

^+1 for the hopper-dropper rig. I fished a small stream in Montana 2 years ago after I filled my elk tag with this setup and couldn't keep them off the line. It was late October and unusually warm so the hoppers were still out in full force. Trout fishing is good in the PA limestone streams, but nothing like in the Rockies.

Some eye-candy from that trip...

3. In Arizona we also added Snapping turtle and Frog legs to our dinner menu and sometimes got them while out fishing---has anyone else hunted Frogs and Turtle AND took them home for dinner ?
I used to go after frogs five or six times a summer. We would fish till dark then go froggin. We would have gig in the canoe but only used it to get the ones way back in the bushes. We would mostly just ease up beside them and grab them off the water. Then they went and ripped out the dam that created my froggin water so I haven't killed a frog since. Nothing better than fried frog legs.

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