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Favorite style/type of fishing and favorite place to do it ?

Ice fishing...hands down!

A distant second would be a bobber and live bait for anything in the stream. During the spring thaw! Lots of fun!
Surf fishing for speckled trout... no better way to enjoy a sunrise


Surf fishing for anything is a blast. I love fly fishing for trout, but when I get a chance to hit the Outer Banks in October I take full advantage. It's amazing the number of different species that can be caught in the same ecosystem.
My days on the water are pretty limited these days, so I prefer to take a kayak out for largemouth bass. There are many small lakes in northern WI that do not have boat launches or allow motors, and they are a lot of fun to fish.
I haven't found a type of fishing I don't like. Been on some amazing trips/charters as well as countless DIY adventures all over the place.

I would say that for pure fun and action would be drift fishing for ling cod in the Gulf of Alaska, you never know what is going to hit. From unique rockfish, to huge halibut, to salmon sharks...

A close second would be dipnetting salmon on the Copper river. Running a fish wheel is fun, but drinking beer is a requirement... and filleting fish while buzzed is not recommended.

Right now my favorite type includes anything with my kids, either ice fishing, on a lake for trout, or trying our luck on salmon. Summer can't get here soon enough.
I really enjoy spring crappie fishing and night fishing for catfish as well. In my area these are my two favorites to not only catch but eat as well.

I have enjoyed every type of ocean fishing I have done, but it’s hard to beat sight fishing for redfish. I recently took a trip to Florida and was able to get a day’s worth of fishing in.
I like all fishing but my favorite is the kind of fishing that feels more like hunting, so typically when it involves sight fishing. Fly fishing for carp, pike, bass, and muskie are probably my favorite. I still love to ice fish though.
I love all kinds of fishing, trolling for walleyes on Lake Erie, Trolling for Salmon out on Lake Michigan, floating my kayak down small rivers fishing for small mouth bass and pike with an ultra light rod. I just recently started fly fishing rivers for trout. So basically I like all kinds of fishing.
My favorite fishing is with my kids. I grew up creek fishing all day every day in the summers.

Every winter it is an annual thing to sit around campfires at night along the Missouri River and fish for Ling. It is a blast that the kids and I enjoy.


I enjoy few things more though, than small creek fishing in the summers with them, pulling brookies and cutthroat out of streams that look as they did 200 years ago. Seeing them get fired up over fish I can fit in the palm of my hand is the best.

April I love fishing Salmon, Kings, Sockeye or silvers. Gear or flies, it’s all good. My favorite fishing is flying out to gin clear streams and sight fishing for oversized rainbows Arctic Char and Grayling.
get a pretty girl a good King, well that’s perfect


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"I like fishing"
As the generic blue and white shirt might say.

From Sea of Cortez & coastal surf fishing to alpine lake trout fishing.

Only type I've not tried - likely out of protest - is ice fishing. I motor all around a lake and catch close to the same caught out of a single drilled hole. Hum-bug! :)
Bowfishing. Any place the water is reasonbly clear and there are lots of fish...preferabbly right before a spawn.
Now days I mostly just sit by the lake and drown nightcrawlers or power bait for trout. I have always liked fishing the ocean for halibut, ling cod and bottom fish but I don't have a boat and the charters have gotten way to expensive. When my girls were kids I spent most of my fishing time in a canoe catching crappie and blue gill. I was a bass fanatic for a short while but have lost interest in that. I think the most fun I ever had fishing was catching chinook salmon from the canoe. That was a blast.
Surf fishing for speckled trout... no better way to enjoy a sunrise
Wading into the warm Gulf water at daybreak and catching specks, redfish, and blacktips is one of the greatest outdoor experiences that can be had. I have to remind myself sometimes to not take it for granted and let the saltwater cleanse my soul.
Catching Kings (chinook) in a canoe would be a hoot, I’ve had 40 pounders pull my 20 foot North River sled around.
only one person fishes with a rifle and to no ones surprise it is Brent (-:

Nobody has ever done any "noodling" ? ???? even know anybody that has ??

damn, lost my opportunity to be an Inuit )-: Well, then I am going to boycott Polar bear hunting and never go again (-:

Dave, If only I was 40 years younger, I would buy it, oh well, but you should still go to Cairns they had other hotels (-;

Brittany, Houseboats in the 70's or better yet the 60's is an entirely different thread (-;

Mtelkhuntress. I love your post. Thank you for sharing the story about your great grandfather with us. If you can just get to the Columbia river, it will take you to the ocean (-;

Sawtooth, YEAH ! another Marlin fan. I agree fishing or hunting with family always increase's the enjoyment of the sport.

Southern Elk, If only I didn't do it so badly--is badly even a word ?

No Wiser-- others I know would agree with you, but I loved the ocean and after my husband passed I bought a sailboat and lived on it while sailing the Mediterranean . I knew several widows and they would take turns sailing with me. I loved the ocean and I loved fighting those Black Marlins off the coast of Australia, but thank God we dont all like the same thing, how boring would that be (-:

Carl 9.3 x 62 and Boomerusat-------Ice Fishing----No, No, No (-; (-; (-;

Addicting "while fun it is not like being on the ocean "---------Amen !

Babbistew. "filleting fish while buzzed is not recommended" A voice of experience ? (-:

Namelessrange, PERFECT

Salmonchaser. Fellows this gentleman has been successfully guiding clients in Alaska for a long time ( fishing ) and to my knowledge not one of his clients have been lost to the large brown bears that live where he fishes and he confronts one or two Brownies a day, sometimes fighting for the same fishing spot. The last line of your post------------and I am sure they are grateful (-: could not resist teasing you a bit.

Styles, my new best friend. NO ICE FISHING

Greyman--nice sentiment, thank you

I want to thank EVERYONE who posted on this thread, it is appreciated and I enjoyed reading each persons response------some more than others Cheyenne (-;
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3 WT on a small to medium sized river tossing flies to hungry trout. SW MT comes to mind, as does Wyoming.

But I love bass fishing with my father in law, deep sea out of a small panga w/native guides and am hopefully doing a big bluewater trip this coming winter, if all goes well, for tuna, marlin and sailfish.
April one those young ladies wants to take me to Costa Rica to fly fish for Tarpon. Think I should go?
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