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Favorite style/type of fishing and favorite place to do it ?

Walleye and perch were a lot of fun last summer. I didn’t grow up with much in the way of warm water fisheries, so those are a novelty for me. But I really like to eat them!

My favorite though is what I grew up doing...catching little cutties, rainbows and brookies out of little mountain streams. I love that cold, clear water and dropping in to hike and fish for miles. Sneaking up to every boulder, plunge pool, log jam and slow hole was a new adventure, and you could see the fish waiting down there. Haven’t done that in years.
Largemouth Bass on the Harris Chain of Lakes in Central Florida. Headed there this weekend for 14 days of some serious lip ripping as my folks have a winter home there.

I also like to fly fish for Brook and Brown trout here near my home.
April, I would love to visit Australia but the finances kind of make it out of reach with the other priorities. Plus it's one hell of a long plane ride! :eek:

Panda Bear, I ain't afraid of ice fishing with you! Just being curious, do you fish straight off the ice or put something down to insulate your feet? Styrofoam, pine branches, cardboard, etc?

The only fishing I have done in recent years has been Halibut and King Salmon fishing in Alaska. I know, go figure! Halibut is work and not really a lot of fun due to the equipment needed to get down and fight the currents. Salmon however is a blast! I'm hoping to get a little fishing in this year when I go back up in August.
I’m blessed to make home on the outer banks, my only complaint is it’s a little far from elk country!


Surf fishing for anything is a blast. I love fly fishing for trout, but when I get a chance to hit the Outer Banks in October I take full advantage. It's amazing the number of different species that can be caught in the same ecosystem.
Fly fishing the river with a hopper/dropper rig. In the fall I toss terrestrials at the bank near the overhanging brush. The river is an hour from me, so I sling a lot of powerbait in the little lake the state stocks near me. I like eating trout...fight me :p

I've really started to enjoy tossing flies for pike in Montana during our spring bear hunts. I haven't caught one yet, but I think any time you're tossing a fly out on a lake is a winner.

There's a lake about 6 hours from me up in the mountains that I like to toss pistol petes and mepps to the huge rainbows that aren't far from shore on an ultra light rod. What a fight!!!

I dream of going to Alaska for the variety of fishing...deep sea, jigging, fly fishing.....
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"I like fishing"
As the generic blue and white shirt might say.

From Sea of Cortez & coastal surf fishing to alpine lake trout fishing.

Only type I've not tried - likely out of protest - is ice fishing. I motor all around a lake and catch close to the same caught out of a single drilled hole. Hum-bug! :)
Poor poor soul! Ice fishing CAN be a blast!
I'm not married to any style of fishing. Honestly I can cast a fly rod, jig, spinners, and I've probably got more ways to fish a worm than most people consider.

As far as species I think my favorite it trout but I think I have more fun going after those river smallmouth. Take a 4wt rod to a river and hook up an average sized fish=permanent smile!
I used to fish from the cabin deck with a .22 rifle. It was about 30 ft straight down to the water :)

The best fishing is whatever fishing is available and at hand. And I need to start doing a LOT more of it.
Sounds like a scene from second hand lions. Bullet holes in a catfish 😂
Drift fishing or casting spinners for summer steelhead takes the cake for me. I spent countless hours as a young kid riding my bike up the logging roads in WA in search of those wild fish
April, I would love to visit Australia but the finances kind of make it out of reach with the other priorities. Plus it's one hell of a long plane ride! :eek:

Panda Bear, I ain't afraid of ice fishing with you! Just being curious, do you fish straight off the ice or put something down to insulate your feet? Styrofoam, pine branches, cardboard, etc?

The only fishing I have done in recent years has been Halibut and King Salmon fishing in Alaska. I know, go figure! Halibut is work and not really a lot of fun due to the equipment needed to get down and fight the currents. Salmon however is a blast! I'm hoping to get a little fishing in this year when I go back up in August.
Dave in August you’ll be in the midst of the the Silver run, my favorite of the salmon to fish for. If you can swing it get in small plane and fly to a headwaters creek to fish for the trout or char or Grayling.
Dave in August you’ll be in the midst of the the Silver run, my favorite of the salmon to fish for. If you can swing it get in small plane and fly to a headwaters creek to fish for the trout or char or Grayling.
Well, the plane ride is not going to happen. Too busy and expensive! We're going to be up north of Fairbanks along the Yukon. Hopefully I'll manage to find enough time to get away and get a line wet. Camp dinner would be nice!
Brent isn't the only one to fish with a gun, I did it when I was a teenager, the mullet would enter the river from the estuary, they are particle feeders, I would wait for them to feed off the grass ends and shoot them with my .22 air rifle, great fun.

Favourite type of fishing with a rod, I thought there was only fly fishing?:LOL:
Fly Fishing at night for Sea Trout, unbeatable, but not for everyone eh @Sawtooth who nearly took a dunking when fishing with me :LOL:

@Europe around 12 months ago I offered to meet you at your home on the island of Gran Canaria, I never travel to any holiday destination without my fly rod, I could have taught you, I didn't go last year but one of the islands is on the cards in the next few months, women are the easiest to teach, sorry chaps it's true;)


I have tried most types of fishing...even fishing for gators. I have caught most types of ocean and fresh water species.

My favorites are Mahi and Grouper in the ocean and Trout on dry and bass on top water in fresh water.

I really got into bass and Grouper when I lived in Tampa.
Europe, while it is still legal here in Vermont, I haven't done it in years. When Lake Champlain (at normal levels 490 sq. miles) floods in the spring, northern pike swarm into the marshes, and flooded woods to spawn. The water is only 1 - 3 ' deep in many places. A person with a hunting license can shoot or spear up to 5 Northern Pike per day (minimum length 20"). When I was a teenager, the limit was 10 per day. I have used : .22 rimfire, .270 Win., 12 ga. , .300 Savage, 30-30, .45 ACP, .357 mag., 7.7 Jap., 7.65 Italian, etc. The most productive method is to climb up in a tree wearing polaroid glasses on a sunny day. You seldom actually hit the fish when you fire at it. The concussion of the bullet or shot charge, stuns the fish and they roll belly up... sometimes dead, sometimes only unconscious for a short time. Another method is to slowly stalk through the flooded areas wearing chest waders watching for a wake of a cruising pike and firing at that. I gave up this method of "fishing" many years ago. The disturbance to the spawning fish and nesting waterfowl, safety concerns regarding shooting at a flat surface, and increasing numbers of dwellings along the lake, is of concern to me. In the old days, it was a spring time ritual, a chance to use your deer rifle, and an opportunity to finally enjoy the warm weather after a long winter.

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