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Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

Did you read post #9?

I almost posted this warning after you made your off-topic post in #64. Then you have to chime in with this one that drags the discussion further off the tracks.

I just searched your post history for the last few hundred posts you've made and I did not find a single post about hunting. When is the last time you posted something about hunting? I went back for pages of your post and every single post was on COVID, race issues, or a thread that got locked. You might want to rethink your posting habits here.

I don't care if it is R/D, left/right, or whatever/whoever. Your post is exactly why these threads go in the ditch and you damn well know it, but you can't resist the temptation to divert the thread with some crap that has nothing to do with the worthwhile discussion at hand.

Randy, I don't have near the western hunting experience or background as most folks on your site. So I mainly lurk and try to learn more and occasionally contribute when I can. But I have done more than my share of research on covid and what I consider the overreaching government response. I try to share my perspective on that when I can.

I do enjoy the political discussions and get in a light-hearted (at least I consider) jab here or there and get my share back. Believe it or not, I'm considered left of center politically on the TX hunting forum I frequent. But it is really just an echo chamber and folks left of me pretty well get drowned out. I appreciate the broad political spectrum of views here and feel it is a better cross section of American politics. If I'm too inflammatory or cause you too many headaches, I respect your decision.

The world is a crazy place right now and I'm likely to get fired up and say something stupid and get my password revoked. But before that happens I'd like to say thanks for all you do. I've followed you from your early tv shows. Not to kiss up (too much ;) ) but this is the truth. Without you, myself and my buddies which has now split into two crews (probably 10 guys) would have never had the confidence to hunt out west. This year will be my 7th year hunting out west and the last 5 DIY. Hopefully we run into each other one day in the mountains. We eat very well and would likely have enough food to feed your whole crew. But we put puckey on everything haha...except steaks. No respectable human would put steak sauce on a steak.

Take care
Hey man, at least you got an explanation from Randy. That's more than a lot of admins offer, but IMO how it should work. Good on Randy.

I guess I'm with Hilljackoutlaw on this one. I'll cry in private if my annual hunting trip to CO doesn't work out this fall. If I had known how important those two weeks would be for my mental health, I would have started making those annual trips 30 years ago.
Only apply here in NM & only my unit this year.
NM has gone back to 14 day quarantine when you enter,masks in public,social distancing.
3 weeks ago most everyone in my county were doing so. We were flat. Then they opened up. Now cases are exploding in NM again. On the Rez & Pueblos it is very bad.
Went to store yesterday and no one was wearing a mask & believe it is BS. Well we do only have 2 reported cases,but one died.
I now know 2 people who have died from it. One was a 38yo doc ,healthy,in shape. Half the people in my county count not pass a physical cleanly,IMHO.
My suggestion if you do come to NM is come self contained. Just get gas. You have to figure out food & lodging on your own. And I would bet no one self quarantines 14 days before
Stay away from me. Fair warning to all.
Thankfully my NM hunt does not even involve driving through a NM town before I’m at the trailhead.
i don’t think I could stop anywhere if I wanted to.
Thankfully my NM hunt does not even involve driving through a NM town before I’m at the trailhead.
i don’t think I could stop anywhere if I wanted to.

'better remember not to ask for hunt info here bud..... ; )
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My hunting highlights every year are Alaska, Hawaii, and New Zealand some years.

New Zealand is closed to foreigners.

Alaska requires a covid test 72 hours before flight.

Hawaii has a 14 quarantine but will adopt the Alaska plan in August.

Before covid I had booked a trip to Kauai for November to hunt upland birds and I'm bring my wife, daughter, son-in-law, and 2 grandkids. If any one of us gets a false positive we're all screwed.
Alaska in December for sea ducks, going solo so I'm not too concerned, well maybe concerned about camping in brown bear country.
Before covid I had booked a trip to Kauai for November to hunt upland birds
Wow! Mai Tai for the eve in Poipu / Brenneckes and bird hunt during the day...
New Zealand as well?

Tough gig! 🙂 Sounds like some great trips! Hope they work out for you. I believe I recall a past Alaska sea ducks thread of yours? May have been a couple / few years. In a kayak if I recall?
I’m not looking for your honey holes or any handouts, but if you happen to catch any 120” coues on camera and want to drop me a DMs are open
Remember to wear a face would be awful if a deer spotted your mug from any or not
Wow! Mai Tai for the eve in Poipu / Brenneckes and bird hunt during the day...
New Zealand as well?

Tough gig! 🙂 Sounds like some great trips! Hope they work out for you. I believe I recall a past Alaska sea ducks thread of yours? May have been a couple / few years. In a kayak if I recall?

I'm 58 and I've been going to Hawaii since I was 19. I'm not rich, I camp out. Same thing for New Zealand and Alaska. All those places are really cheap if you don't require a mint on your pillow.

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My hunting highlights every year are Alaska, Hawaii, and New Zealand some years.

New Zealand is closed to foreigners.

Alaska requires a covid test 72 hours before flight.

Hawaii has a 14 quarantine but will adopt the Alaska plan in August.

Before covid I had booked a trip to Kauai for November to hunt upland birds and I'm bring my wife, daughter, son-in-law, and 2 grandkids. If any one of us gets a false positive we're all screwed.
Alaska in December for sea ducks, going solo so I'm not too concerned, well maybe concerned about camping in brown bear country.
I’m not for sure what the current status of test are. Is a 72 Hour turn around pretty reasonable on results?
No western plans as of yet but that could change with favorable trending, perhaps a cancellation or OTC short notice...Texas whitetail, feral swine, birds, & frog legs for the rest.

Best to all & be smart.
I’m not for sure what the current status of test are. Is a 72 Hour turn around pretty reasonable on results?

I suppose it varies by region. I'm actually in a hot spot even though I live in a rural farming community, but it's because we are on the Mexican Border where the population in Mexicali is over 1 million. So I imagine that test results are going to be longer because of the demand.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.
Prayers, hope you all get better soon.
I’ve got tags in Wyoming and New Mexico. My 13 year old daughter tested positive for Covid yesterday (results yesterday, test was Monday) and my 10 year old son is right now running a 102 fever and my wife just started feeling sick and running fever. My daughter had the test because she was scheduled for a routine procedure at the hospital this morning (which didn’t happen) other than the positive test she is 100% asymptotic. Provided we all survive and recover from the ‘Rona I will be hunting my tags if I cAn legally get there.

Whoa, just saw this...definitely on my prayer list D_Walt.

We've had a few employees miss 14 days due to trace restrictions via their positive parents. (both Father's Day contact) They are back at work now and their parents are doing fine.
I'm hoping I can make my hunt in Idaho this October. I sure hope there isn't insult to injury if I'm not allowed to go and don't get a refund.

But I understand... A state has the prerogative to protect its citizens health. Just add one more thing to the list of worries that seems to grow longer and longer. That's part of why I hunt out west. It's a break from the list of concerns. During the adventure of a hunt, the biggest worry is moaking it to the top of the ridge, finding elk or deer, and not freezing. I really hope I (and everyone else) gets my/our hunt in.

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