Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

I was poking around Maine’s site pining for a Moose tag and found this updated page for travelers coming in Maine. I definitely appreciate the state by state link provided by @Sytes and just want to add that Maine requires getting a PCR test within 72 of your flight if you want to avoid quarantine and won’t accept antigen or antibody tests. The NBC site is great though doesn’t have this nuance, and I don’t want anyone’s hunt affected by it.

Still able to travel from these states without quarantine at this time:

Exempt effective June 12, 2020:
  • New Hampshire
  • Vermont
Exempt effective July 3, 2020:
  • Connecticut
  • New Jersey
  • New York
....From an epidemiology perspective is a complete clusterF****. Not just for the participants (who are grown-ups who can make their own choices, not my problem), but for the friends/family/co-workers they will be coming home to....

+1 to that, I know the influx of $$ is what keeps that place alive but I fear for the 7,000 full-timers left behind when that rally pulls back out of town. Could be devastating unfortunately.
Looks as though montana is open for non resident hunters w/o quarantine time frames, etc.

A great resource with links to virtually all MT interests including tribal links:
Vermont and Massachusetts are not enforcing their quarantine in any way. No fine, no questions by LEOs.

I flew in/out of BOS, rented cars and stayed in hotels. Met with VT G&F LEOs in field and at moose check station. Was never questioned whether I did a 2 week quarantine (in Vermont) - I did not. And I came from a western county with way more than 400 active cases per million.

Wore a mask full time and respected distancing.

And, oh yeah, shot a young bull. 33", 670# (gutted).

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