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Fall Hunt related: Covid-19 On The Rise <See Post #9 before posting>

We're questioning if we shouldn't bag our trip to Kauai in Feb. About half the family things we should, but I want to wait and see how it pans out. My only other thought is to cancel and see if we can't rebook at lower rates.

Really hoping my daughter and family can go with us. It will be epic because I know that there will be very few tourist around.
Of course that is if Hawaii even lets us in by Nov.
We also opted out of going to our nieces wedding in Oregon this Aug. Her husband to be is still saying "it's just like the flu". He doesn't wear a mask, he doesn't practice social distancing and our niece believes whatever he tells her.
People on the guest list are from Oregon, California, Arizona and Wyoming. No thanks.
My wife and I don't wish to take any unnecessary risks just to make my wife's sister happy because her "baby" girl who is 38 and going on her 2nd marriage will not be talked into postponing the wedding until better times. :(
Needless to say there have been very few RSVP's for the event. Thankfully some people do have some common sense.
I was looking forward to seeing some new country and maybe trying some new fishing spots in OR.
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I was looking forward to seeing some new country and maybe trying some new fishing spots in OR.
You could still do that and just not tell anyone you went to OR and didn't go to the wedding.

I'm hoping to drum up enough concern to back out of my SIL's second wedding. She lives in IN and I just can't see any reason to ever go back there again. So far she's moved it from May to Oct, but I'm hoping Oct is still bad enough to just cancel the damn thing. I might fake a dry cough if push come to shove.
We also opted out of going to our nieces wedding in Oregon this Aug. Her husband to be is still saying "it's just like the flu".
That’s a smart move during uncertain times. There are plenty of people getting married who are in that fairly common mindset of “its my day” despite the health risks and financial difficulties people are facing. With all the pressure they’re under now, hopefully they may eventually come to understand why you are making the right, safe choice (so long as you get them that 100 blender on their registry 😆).

Smart move playing it safe - Live to hunt another day.
Figured worth posting here as well - good info.

I pulled a SoDak Black Hills Any Whitetail tag. Will need SD to keep their head above water (as well as every state between SD and my current home in VA) as I'm active duty AF and Uncle Sam has very strict restrictions on which states we can go to based upon the number of new cases. Hopefully it's a different landscape nation wide come November!
Son got engaged two months ago. I knew he proposed to a smart young lady when they both agreed to delay the wedding until next September. Just before the hunting season gets going.
Congratulations! Must feel really fantastic as a parent seeing your son and future daughter in law making such a smart choice. Post covid and pre fall hunting is the new sweet spot.
FYI - Canada permits non commercial traffic for the specific purpose to transit directly from lower 48 to AK and vise versa via land border crossing via select port locations and with specific restrictions. All respect to Canada for authorizing this route.

We have been in Wyoming the past nine days, working some plans for our home build, hiking, scouting and fly fishing. Where we live now is a hot bed of Covid and VERY FEW are taking precautions. Wear a mask into a store back in Missouri and you are looked at like a fool. Here in Wyoming, with very few cases (only one confirmed active in this county at this time), it seems EVERYBODY masks up to go into stores, gas stations, etc. No complaining, no arguing, no staring. Just a mutual respect for each other, whether they believe in it or not. I hope WY stays open as I have three tags to fill, am moving my Sweetheart out when I come out to hunt this fall, and we will be finalizing the details on our new home build to be started in October. Wife starts her new job in October, I have hunts to do. Logistics would be challenging if things would become very restrictive. We both practice stringent preventive practices due to our careers. She is medical, I am military. Both of us are mandated to wear masks at work and would electively do so anyway.
Hopefully this thing will ease up and we can all get back to some form of normalcy by spring. Regardless, my hope is that you all have great success in your hunts this fall with minimal problems and no restrictive hunt cancelations.
I pulled a SoDak Black Hills Any Whitetail tag. Will need SD to keep their head above water (as well as every state between SD and my current home in VA) as I'm active duty AF and Uncle Sam has very strict restrictions on which states we can go to based upon the number of new cases. Hopefully it's a different landscape nation wide come November!
I'm worried about Sturgis throwing a wrench in SD's plan to be completely honest. Knowing how much people travel around the hills for rally, I'm worried they will fill up the medical system.

Heck, even a normal Sturgis year they have to move folks from Rapid to Nebraska and Sioux Falls to be able to handle the influx from bike crashes and overdosing.

Then getting back to the hunting topic, I could see consequences this fall because of over working the medical system out there. Luckily I stay in my camper in the middle of no where, but lodging might be risky for others.
250k people isn’t much really. I think SD will be fine.
From a rally standpoint, it is a good size but nothing groundbreaking. From an epidemiology perspective is a complete clusterF****. Not just for the participants (who are grown-ups who can make their own choices, not my problem), but for the friends/family/co-workers they will be coming home to. But as with most things, a strength (individual liberty) can have a downside when taken to extremes.